Jumblatt: Palestinian refugees should be able to own land in Lebanon


During a conference on civil rights of Palestinian refugees at the Bristol Hotel in Beirut , Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblatt who organized the conference said on Wednesday that “Palestinians should have the right to own property in Lebanon , but in a way that satisfies all parties.” He said properties could be sold on a ‘leasehold basis’ to the Palestinians until they are able to return to their homeland.

Jumblatt said Palestinians should live in “dignity, and should have the right to work and to rebuild the infrastructure of Palestinian camps

“It would both help Palestinians out of the vicious cycle of denying them naturalization and avoid keeping them in misery and despair,” said Jumblatt. He added that property could be leased to Palestinians until they are able to return to their homeland.

He also said that some politicians dealt with Palestinians as a sectarian issue, but, he added they have now gone back on their positions.

Jumblatt said Palestinians should be given “dignity, the right to work and to rebuild the Palestinian camps’ infrastructure



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