Israeli dogs and soldiers training underground to fight Hezbollah


Fearing a surge in tunnel and bunker construction by Lebanon’s Hezbollah and Palestinian militants, Israel is training its troops to hunt below ground with robot probes and sniffer dogs.

Such preparations reflect concerns that should Israel or the United States carry out attacks on Iran’s disputed nuclear program, Tehran may retaliate through its allies on the Jewish state’s borders.

“You can see a growing threat,” said a major from the Israeli engineering corps’ Yahalom (“Diamond”) commando unit.

“We’re gathering the information, studying it and building training facilities to train our soldiers,” the officer, whose name was withheld under secrecy regulations, told Reuters Television during an exercise put on for the foreign media at Sirkin special forces base in central Israel.

The Yahalom men were armed with pistols and snub-barreled assault rifles to ease movement through narrow passages. Oxygen masks are an option, should ventilation prove problematic.

After the soldiers blew up the door of a mock tunnel, a camera-carrying robot was pulled out of a backpack and tossed inside. A “battle” — with blanks fired — ensued against comrades playing Hezbollah fighters.

The Israelis use dogs to sniff out booby-traps in the tunnels and, if needed, to tackle the defenders.

Outgunned and outnumbered, Hezbollah dug tunnels to hold off Israeli ground forces during the 2006 Lebanon war. Israel suspects the Iranian-backed militia has since built underground networks to carry out ambushes in any future conflict.

“Israeli troops were completely taken by surprise at the extent and sophistication of these underground systems,” said Nicholas Blanford, a Beirut-based Jane’s analyst and author of “Warriors of God: Inside Hezbollah’s Thirty-Year Struggle Against Israel”.

Blanford said the tunnels enabled Hezbollah to launch rockets into Israel in 2006. “Seeing as they had some bunkers extremely close to the border, it would not surprise me at all if they had burrowed under the border for use at a later date,” he added.


Palestinian militants in the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip used a cross-border tunnel to capture Gilad Shalit, a soldier for whose return, after more than five years in captivity, Israel last year freed more than 1,000 jailed Palestinians.

“We are ready to confront them above ground and underground, and such propaganda and drills do not frighten us,” said Abu Attaya, spokesman for the Popular Resistance Committees faction, of the Israeli media exercise.

He called Gaza’s tunnels “tools of the resistance”.

Palestinians also use the underground networks to smuggle building materials, energy supplies and weapons into Gaza from Egypt, which cooperates with an Israeli blockade on the enclave.

Demolition is among Yahalom’s specialties, and its major said destroying tunnels and bunkers with explosives was a “good solution”.

“But there are cases where the real mission of the force is getting in the tunnel, exploring it, maybe taking out high-value intelligence or releasing a kidnapped soldier,” he said.

“We prefer not to get in, but if we have to, we know how to do it.”




45 responses to “Israeli dogs and soldiers training underground to fight Hezbollah”

  1. Hezbollah will be the destroyer of Lebanon within a year

  2. Hezbollah will be the destroyer of Lebanon within a year

  3. josephphdman Avatar

    president obama is not going to strike iran ,  he does care about israel, and he wants to help israel , but also he is looking after himself , first the election comming up , any war with iran will   inflate the gas prices at the pump  , and  that will slow down the us economy and  anger the american people , therefore obama might loose the elction  as a result of it , that is the  main reason he keeps talking about diplomacy with iran , give the sanctions , more time , give the the talks more time etc…. , if he was to take any military action against iran , he might do it after the election is over , but by then iran would have there nuclear bomb , allready smuggled and delivered to hezbollah . and they will strike israel ,to wipe israel out of the map and achieve there goals, so if israel expecting any actions now from president obama ,they are miscalculating , any  action to take iran,s nuclear plant out ,israel would have to do it alone now ,time is against israel now if they waited past obama election , iran will have the bomb, the shehab 3 will with a nuclear warehead will strike israel the first day iran have it , and all the palestinians and arabs who live in israel ,who die as a result of iran,s attack on israel are considered martyrs, and they will go to heaven and have 72 virgin , according to ayatallh khameini, and ahmadinijidad

  4. josephphdman Avatar

    president obama is not going to strike iran ,  he does care about israel, and he wants to help israel , but also he is looking after himself , first the election comming up , any war with iran will   inflate the gas prices at the pump  , and  that will slow down the us economy and  anger the american people , therefore obama might loose the elction  as a result of it , that is the  main reason he keeps talking about diplomacy with iran , give the sanctions , more time , give the the talks more time etc…. , if he was to take any military action against iran , he might do it after the election is over , but by then iran would have there nuclear bomb , allready smuggled and delivered to hezbollah . and they will strike israel , and its all over for israel ; so if israel expecting any actions now from obama ,they are miscalculating , any  action to take iran,s nuclear plat out ,israel would have to do it alone now , if they waited past obama election , iran will have the bomb

    1.  Seriously a Iranian must have butt raped you as a child. The only time you comment is when its about Iran and how they want to nuke the world so they can screw 72 virgins. You must have been butt raped by one or a girl you really liked was gang banged by a group of Iranians.

  5. plomca Avatar

    Israel has been stocking up on bunker buster bombs. You think they will use them all in Iran? Nope, they will actually be used in Lebanon, against those Hezbollah tunnels and bunkers. Their is going to be a lot Hezbollah fighters buried alive, deep in these tunnels, when Israel drop these bunker buster bombs on them. What a horrible way to die!

    1. Patience2 Avatar

       Actually, horrible individuals(I reserve the word ‘people’ for actual humans) dying in an appropriate manner.

  6. plomca Avatar

    Israel has been stocking up on bunker buster bombs. You think they will use them all in Iran? Nope, they will actually be used in Lebanon, against those Hezbollah tunnels and bunkers. Their is going to be a lot Hezbollah fighters buried alive, deep in these tunnels, when Israel drop these bunker buster bombs on them. What a horrible way to die!

    1. Patience2 Avatar

       Actually, horrible individuals(I reserve the word ‘people’ for actual humans) dying in an appropriate manner.

  7. If the people of Lebanon could unite enough to get the Hezbollah monkey off your back, thre would never be another war between Lebanon and Israel again.  I keep wondering why it is that the arabs and muslims keep up their hatred against one jewish country?  Why? Aren’t the jews allowed to have their own country?  Do the muslims really need E. Jerusalem and the West Bank?  The answer is “Hell No” The Palestinians comprise over 60% of the people in Jordan and it is Jordan that should be renamed Palestine, not Israel.  The Israelis are building in about 40-50% of the West Bank, and I’ll bet they’d gladly give the rest of it to the Palestinians in a final peace deal.  Under Israeli Sovereignty Muslims always have the right to pray in Jerusalem at Al Aqsa or the Dome of the Rock, but I doubt very much whether a jew would even be allowed to live anywhere in E. Jerusalem under Palestinian Sovereignty

    1. Hannibal Avatar

      First, your argument or advice is really wrong… Let’s start with your first suggestion. Lebanese should unite to get Hezbollah off our back. That is like saying half of Lebanon get rid of the other half. The Shiites make up a good 35% of Lebanon so are you saying to kick them all out? Then as far as Palestinians are concerned they need their land back or at least a settlement so they may belong. History taught us that everyone needs a land to identify with… It happened with the Jews who finally have a home right? The Palestinians need a home and it is not anywhere else. Now before HA there was an Israeli occupation in Lebanon. Can you ascertain that if HA gives up their weapons Israel won’t come up strolling back into Lebanon? They did it before… hell HA existence is because of Israeli occupation of South Lebanon. Now as far as praying in Jerusalem here is my unsolicited opinion. The world can shove Jerusalem… There is nothing holly about that city… It breeds evil you can have it. Beirut is a better city. 🙂

      1. Prophettttt Avatar

        Are you sure your name isn’t prophet? You sound just like me,unless my prophecy made its way to you,lol
        Good argument…I granted yous a “like”, and one of my “t’s”,not as mekenseh,lol

        1. Hannibal Avatar

          lol what can I do with a t? At least a mekenseh I can use 😛 lol

        2. Nopressure Avatar

          I am glad your hard work is paying off dividents.

      2. Prophettttt Avatar

        Are you sure your name isn’t prophet? You sound just like me,unless my prophecy made its way to you,lol
        Good argument…I granted yous a “like”, and one of my “t’s”,not as mekenseh,lol

      3. Nopressure Avatar

        Hannibal is resurrected…

        1. Prophettttt Avatar

          Nopressure, Been working on Hannibal  for couple of years. It was not easy, but reading his comment, makes me very proud of him;He came a long way,lol

      4. Adam Yonatan Ben Yoel Avatar
        Adam Yonatan Ben Yoel

         Their home is Jordan where they are 60-90% of the population.

        1. dabshaleem Avatar

          yu say what mr falastians live in homese from 1000 of yr mr salafites live jordon mr

      5. 5thDrawer Avatar

        But Hannibal. I think they have the only wall people can bonk their heads on … 😉  What can you do about all those weird customs, eh? 🙂

      6. 5thDrawer Avatar

        But Hannibal. I think they have the only wall people can bonk their heads on … 😉  What can you do about all those weird customs, eh? 🙂

    2. dabshaleem Avatar

      r yu salafite or zioniste mr

      1. master09 Avatar

        ???????????? any other ???????

  8. If the people of Lebanon could unite enough to get the Hezbollah monkey off your back, thre would never be another war between Lebanon and Israel again.  I keep wondering why it is that the arabs and muslims keep up their hatred against one jewish country?  Why? Aren’t the jews allowed to have their own country?  Do the muslims really need E. Jerusalem and the West Bank?  The answer is “Hell No” The Palestinians comprise over 60% of the people in Jordan and it is Jordan that should be renamed Palestine, not Israel.  The Israelis are building in about 40-50% of the West Bank, and I’ll bet they’d gladly give the rest of it to the Palestinians in a final peace deal.  Under Israeli Sovereignty Muslims always have the right to pray in Jerusalem at Al Aqsa or the Dome of the Rock, but I doubt very much whether a jew would even be allowed to live anywhere in E. Jerusalem under Palestinian Sovereignty

    1. First, your argument or advice is really wrong… Let’s start with your first suggestion. Lebanese should unite to get Hezbollah off our back. That is like saying half of Lebanon get rid of the other half. The Shiites make up a good 35% of Lebanon so are you saying to kick them all out? Then as far as Palestinians are concerned they need their land back or at least a settlement so they may belong. History taught us that everyone needs a land to identify with… It happened with the Jews who finally have a home right? The Palestinians need a home and it is not anywhere else. Now before HA there was an Israeli occupation in Lebanon. Can you ascertain that if HA gives up their weapons Israel won’t come up strolling back into Lebanon? They did it before… hell HA existence is because of Israeli occupation of South Lebanon. Now as far as praying in Jerusalem here is my unsolicited opinion. The world can shove Jerusalem… There is nothing holly about that city… It breeds evil you can have it. Beirut is a better city. 🙂

      1. Prophettttt Avatar

        Are you sure your name isn’t prophet? You sound just like me,unless my prophecy made its way to you,lol
        Good argument…I granted yous a “like”, and one of my “t”,not as mekenseh,lol

        1. lol what can I do with a t? At least a mekenseh I can use 😛 lol

        2. Nopressure Avatar

          I am glad your hard work is paying off dividents.

      2. Nopressure Avatar

        Hannibal is resurrected…

        1. Prophettttt Avatar

          Nopressure, Been working on Hannibal  for couple of years. It was not easy, but reading his comment, makes me very proud of him;He came a long way,lol

      3.  Their home is Jordan where they are 60-90% of the population.

        1. dabshaleem Avatar

          yu say what mr falastians live in homese from 1000 of yr mr salafites live jordon mr

      4. 5thDrawer Avatar

        But Hannibal. I think they have the only wall people can bonk their heads on … 😉  What can you do about all those weird customs, eh? 🙂

    2. dabshaleem Avatar

      r yu salafite or zioniste mr

      1. master09 Avatar

        ???????????? any other ???????

  9. Nopressure Avatar

    Hannibal-  you may be able to get a tax deduction for that “t”. It is worth a try… 

  10. Nopressure Avatar

    Hannibal-  you may be able to get a tax deduction for that “t”. It is worth a try… 

  11. guss043 Avatar

    Armageddon is looming in the horizon , Iran and Hezbollah are not  PLO or Egypt or Syria, this is not  a walk in the park , Israel will suffer big time even if the win in the beginning ,but long term it is not to their advantage, the Israelis will pack and immigrate if the war drags on

  12. guss043 Avatar

    Armageddon is looming in the horizon , Iran and Hezbollah are not  PLO or Egypt or Syria, this is not  a walk in the park , Israel will suffer big time even if the win in the beginning ,but long term it is not to their advantage, the Israelis will pack and immigrate if the war drags on

  13. Adam Yonatan Ben Yoel Avatar
    Adam Yonatan Ben Yoel

    Someone really wanted to write “Israeli Dogs” in the headline…..

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      You have to admit, it has a certain flow to it … hehehe 😉

  14. Someone really wanted to write “Israeli Dogs” in the headline…..

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      You have to admit, it has a certain flow to it … hehehe 😉

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