U.S. to raise Iranian missile test at U.N. as a possible violation


A new Iranian precision-guided ballistic missile is launched as it is tested at an undisclosed location October 11, 2015.  REUTERS/farsnews.com/Handout via Reuters
A new Iranian precision-guided ballistic missile is launched as it is tested at an undisclosed location October 11, 2015. REUTERS/farsnews.com/Handout via Reuters
A missile test announced by Iran over the weekend was an apparent violation of a U.N. Security Council resolution and Washington will raise the incident at the United Nations, the U.S. State Department said on Tuesday.

Iran said it tested a new precision-guided ballistic missile on Sunday, signaling an apparent advance in Iranian attempts to improve the accuracy of its missile arsenal.

“We’ll obviously raise this at the UNSC as we have done in previous launches,” State Department spokesman Mark Toner told reporters, noting the test appeared to be a violation of U.N. Security resolution 1929.

He and White House spokesman Josh Earnest both said the issue was separate from a deal Iran struck in July with six world powers, which seeks to curb Tehran’s atomic program in return for having sanctions against it eased.

Ballistic missile tests by Iran are banned under Security Council resolution 1929, which dates from 2010 and remains valid until the July 14 nuclear deal goes into effect.

Once the deal takes effect, Iran will still be “called upon” not to undertake any ballistic missiles work designed to deliver nuclear weapons for a period of up to eight years, according to a Security Council resolution adopted in July.

The resolution says that when the deal is in effect countries will be allowed to transfer missile technology and heavy weapons to Iran on a case-by-case basis with council approval.

However, at the time the resolution was drafted, a U.S. official called this provision meaningless and said the United States would veto any suggested transfer of missile technology to Iran.

Speaking on Tuesday, White House spokesman Earnest made clear countries could more to stop the flow of ballistic missile technology to Iran.

“That is work that requires international cooperation,” he said, adding that Washington was ready to work with Gulf allies to counter Iran’s ballistic missile program.

Iran state television showed on Sunday what it said was a successful launch of the new Iranian missile, named Emad, which appears to be Tehran’s first precision-guided weapon with the range to strike its regional enemy Israel.

Britain’s U.N. Ambassador Matthew Rycroft told reporters in New York that “the existing (sanctions) architecture remains in place” for the time being, adding that the council’s Iransanctions committee should look into the incident.




13 responses to “U.S. to raise Iranian missile test at U.N. as a possible violation”

  1. nagy_michael2 Avatar

    I don’t understand all this sophisticated technology yet they could not take out ISIS and Al Qaada in Iraq and Syria. what are they waiting for to test it on Shamu?

    1. Ask US if they refer to UN when they bombs Saddam and killing nearly a million in Iraq.

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        Yah .. The Iranians ‘approved’ the deal. Now they think they can do anything. :-)))

        1. Hind Abyad Avatar
          Hind Abyad

          You think too much.

          1. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Sorry, Dear. ;-))

          2. Yes! How DARE you say anything bad about Iran! Naughty boy! No spanking for you tonight.

          3. 5thDrawer Avatar

            aaawwwww …..

      2. nagy_michael2 Avatar

        Ask ISIS why are they butchering yazdis and Christians who did no harm to them? Ask ISIS the Kuffers who are bombing the house of Gods and destroying it. ask your lovely and Godly extremists why are they doing what the Americans didn’t even do.. you are such a hypocrites. Tfah Tfah Tfah.. Kah Kah Kah..

        1. khah..khah..khah..I know you love Baghdadi at it worse.

          1. nagy_michael2 Avatar

            Zabada i swear on Baghdadi i love you too. Lol

          2. 5thDrawer Avatar

            (ewwwww …. am I in the right article here??? )

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