Israeli raids target missile depot, Hezbollah arms in al-Qalamoun Syria


An overnight Israeli raid has hit a missile depot in the strategic western Syrian region of israel-hezbollah-flags, Al Arabiya News’ sister channel Al Hadath reported Thursday.

Qalamoun is located near the region bordering Lebanon.

Sources also told Al Hadath that two Israeli raids had on Wednesday targeted a convoy carrying arms belonging to Lebanese Shiite militant group Hezbollah.

Hezbollah has long been a key ally to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s government.

This is not the first time Israel targets Hezbollah  whether in Syria or in Lebanon.

In January, an Israeli raid killed Hezbollah’s commander of the Syrian Golan sector. Also, Israeli warplanes hit weapons warehouse near Damascus last December.

Al Arabiya



9 responses to “Israeli raids target missile depot, Hezbollah arms in al-Qalamoun Syria”

  1. MekensehParty Avatar

    That’s the “توازن الرعب” they keep talking about?
    Israeli planes fly and bomb wherever they want and reach whoever they want at any time they want while the resistant media is writing fictional poetry…

    1. 3/4 of what Iran and their puppet Hezbo say is pure crap that nobody believes except for the minions. Without an air-force Iran has nothing but pipe-dreams of dominating the middle-east. They are nothing but big-mouthed targets. Just wait for Hezzy response, but I bet they will say nothing as they are powerless to respond.

      1. MekensehParty Avatar

        3/4? more like 6/4
        Even their silence is lies, just like their silence on these raids and others that might have happened in the dark of the nights that no one knew about.

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          Basic ‘resistance’ is against being smart.

          1. MekensehParty Avatar

            If only they resist their religious beliefs…

  2. Not a peep from any Hezzy minions.

  3. Rudy1947 Avatar

    Oh dear, Assad will not be able to defend himself from the rebels air force.

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