world’s most pierced man barred from Dubai


Rolf Buchholz most pierced manRolf Buchholz, the world’s most pierced man, has been barred from Dubai, where he was turned back at the airport on his way to a hotel appearance, a newspaper reported on Sunday.

Airport officials gave no reason for refusing entry to the 53-year-old German, who sports 453 piercings plus two horns on his forehead, local daily Al-Emarat Al-Youm said.

They put him on a flight to Istanbul, it said.

A spokesman for the hotel where Buchholz was scheduled to appear said its management had failed “despite all its attempts” to win permission for him to enter the emirate, the report added.

Dubai is considered the most open of the conservative Gulf monarchies.

Vowing never to return to Dubai though his luggage was still there, Buchholz said on Twitter: “At the end I got an answer why I can’t enter Dubai.

Rolf Buchholz 2“The immigration thought I am Black Magic.”

The information technology worker was recognised by the Guinness Book of Records in 2012 as the world’s most pierced man.

Yahoo News/ AFP



84 responses to “world’s most pierced man barred from Dubai”

  1. cook2half Avatar

    Kill it before it lays eggs!!

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Come on Cookie. Didn’t you just want to ‘Pucker Up’?? LOLOLOL ….
      Might be easier to wash soup out of, than from a beard, if it’s ‘quality metal’.
      I guess Dubai isn’t into any ‘Cult’ things …. ‘SEND HIM TO ISTANBUL’ …. LOLOLOL …
      Imagine the sounds of the ‘scanner’ at the airport. 😉 Talk about ‘Techno’.
      But in the end, it was ‘the horns of a dilemma’, once again, since apparently, and according to all the art-folks, the devil has some. I wonder if they ‘strip-searched’ under the tattoos. :-)))

      1. cook2half Avatar

        🙂 had a good day at the office (someone brought sweets from the US), sad I came home to see this horror lol

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          hehehehe … a live body worse than a bunch of dead ones … amazing.

    2. duct tape an israeli flag in one hand and an american flag in his other hand and drop him in the middle of an isis stronghold :)P

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        Oh Geo … It would be seen as ‘An Appearance’ just like ‘A Caliph’ appearing out of no-where, and the odds are everyone would bow down. :-))))

        1. Are you sure about that 5th? lets do an experiment, you drink a bottle of the good stuff, I tape the flags to your hands and drop you with a parachute in the middle of mosul…if you survive the ordeal, I restore your jag pro bono :):):) remember the undesirables have no sense of humor lol, are you in? :)P

          1. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Add the superb suit of Armour I saw at a Museum in Poland, and I’m in. :-))

          2. Oh boy, you want that Jag restored badly lol, but you have not seen my work yet, HEHE I am finishing one I will share with you next week 🙂

          3. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Hmmm … maybe the guy you had sanding it washn’t so good. I wait to inspect. ;-))) Crusading on ….

      2. $89733098 Avatar

        wow you certainly have it in for only one side. Why not dahiya or latakia?

        1. By any chance are you offended that I think badly of Isis? imagine Barabie what they would do to you based on your photo or your x rated comments. NO I don’t like isis No I don’t like Hezbollah, No I don’t like Assad, All haters of justice but of course you don’t believe any thing I say so what I the point my dear?

          1. $89733098 Avatar

            Not offended at all. In fact i agree with you regarding how evil they ALL are but you don’t pick on the rest like you do isis. That makes me question your intentions.

          2. Barabie I promise you I would answer any question you have about where I stand on any subject and you would be very surprised, you just have to believe and know that besides my joking around I have a very serious and deep side that I will only open up if you were ready to exchange in good faith. I only lie to my mother 🙂

          3. $89733098 Avatar

            And if you don’t like my “x rated” comments then maybe you should move to dahiya. Freedom of speech is one of the luxuries of the west, “my dear”.

          4. I live in the west and I have since I was 13, explain to me why it is that you suggest I move to Dahiya? or call me a Shiite? or refer to takiya which I keep forgetting to google to find out what it means. as far as x rated comments go my only discomfort is on behalf of fellow sunnis that you and I have respect for and I often wondered if you took that in consideration. brotherly advice if you can appreciate it 🙂

          5. $89733098 Avatar

            Mate i am agnostic! so i don’t really understand your sunni comment.
            so if u explain to me your sunni comment i will gladly explain my dahiya or takiya comment.

          6. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Because everyone thinks you are Sunni after the ’rounds’ with Btru2u. 😉

          7. $89733098 Avatar

            Please show me where i said I was sunni.

          8. 5thDrawer Avatar

            I didn’t say you said it.
            (Take notes …. Agnostic … with good boobs.)

          9. Come on Barabie, 1570 comments you have posted and you never try insutlting anyone by calling them a sunni a wahabi or a salafist. only colorful stuf relating to shia which is not my gripe with you as I am not a shia but perhaps a conversation for another day. just reasoning with you not attacking you 🙂

          10. $89733098 Avatar

            I haven’t attacked Buddhist, Hindus, Mormons, etc but yet you choose sunni. WOW such reasoning belongs in the dustbin.

          11. Are Hindus, Budhists and Mormons destroying the middle east? the context of yalibnan is jew/shia/sunni/ Christian , I don’t consume the divisions as I seek deep friendship with good people from all walks of life. the news and events are designed to manufacture outrage and anger so that we waste our life trapped in hate . Lebo makes a good point out that if we all met each other we would get along great, you know as I do having lived in the countries we do that there is so much more to life than the sad news we read here, I never came to this place because I belong or cheer to ANY sect or political party, I was in search of English news about Lebanon after returning in 2009 some 30 years after I was transplanted to another country and regained interest in interacting with other lebs but find it hard to befriend any one without being accused of being pro or against, I love Good people, where they come from is secondary, what is important is who they become.

          12. Leborigine Avatar

            “2 trailer park girls go round the outsideround the outside, round the outside”

          13. Wow I see someone switched your decaf for the hi octane caffeine Lebo lol, I am clocking out, the night shift is all yours =D

          14. Leborigine Avatar

            Thank Geo, have a great night. Just recovering from a hangover of Red Bull and Jagermeister and ready to roll!!!

          15. 5thDrawer Avatar

            (a substitute for good scotch …. admissible. )

          16. Leborigine Avatar

            I actually tried Dalwhinnie 15 for the first time this weekend and it is in my top 5 list for this year

          17. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Well, there goes THAT ‘comic-relief’ story of the week. 🙁

          18. Leborigine Avatar


          19. Leborigine Avatar

            “She created a monster, cuz nobody wants to
            see Leborigine no more they want Isis I’m chopped liver

          20. Leborigine Avatar

            “well if you want Leborigine, this is what I’ll give yaa little bit of weed mixed with some hard liquor”

          21. $89733098 Avatar

            Sounds more like 5th to me.

          22. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Nope. Found out I was allergic to the pot a long time ago – when it wasn’t illegal. Booze is OK. :-))

          23. $89733098 Avatar

            He did say a “little bit” but we can wipe that out and still apply that comment to u 😛

          24. 5thDrawer Avatar

            (wow … finally getting in the swing of things … 😉
            ookay …I shhall acsept it ….

          25. $89733098 Avatar

            What is it with you and “slings” and “swings”?
            Do you have a sex dungeon?

          26. 5thDrawer Avatar

            shhhhh …. 😉

          27. $89733098 Avatar

            Post some pics 😛

          28. 5thDrawer Avatar

            No .. in here, someone would think it was Assad’s Palace. :-)))))
            (Damn … what a good name … Better Register it. ‘Assad’s Palace ®’ )
            (Advert coming … to mind.)
            (‘Assad’s Palace ®’ – A Palace to hang around in. Hourly Rates – Equitable Treatments – No Request Unanswered.)
            (last bit seems sufficiently obscure … mmmm)

          29. Leborigine Avatar

            “some vodka that’ll jumpstart my heart quicker then a shock when I get shocked at the hospital by the Dr. when I’m not cooperating”

          30. Leborigine Avatar

            “when I’m rocking the table while he’s operating”

          31. Leborigine Avatar

            “you waited this long now stop debating cuz I’m back,I’m on the rag and ovulating”

          32. Leborigine Avatar

            “I know that you got a job my friend but your husbands heart problem’s complicating

          33. Leborigine Avatar

            “So the FCC wont let me be or let me be me so let me see”

          34. Leborigine Avatar

            “they tried to shut me down on MTV but it feels so empty without me”

          35. Leborigine Avatar

            I’ll leave the rest to your imagination 🙂 “””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””

          36. $89733098 Avatar


        2. 5thDrawer Avatar

          You HAD to drop in here with politics and screw up some good laughs???

          1. She doesnt like me because I am black :(:(:(

          2. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Don’t go to Missouri … 😉

          3. $89733098 Avatar

            Really? I did? or you and geo did with your isis remarks? don’t shift the blame alco.

          4. 5thDrawer Avatar

            You’re the one who made the first ‘personal’ shot – undeniable.

          5. $89733098 Avatar

            lmfao now you are back peddling and claiming it was about being “personal” but that is not what you had stated. If you can’t express yourself clearly and properly then maybe you should sleep off your alcohol.

          6. 5thDrawer Avatar

            pershinal politi ..iccs … zzzzzzz

          7. $89733098 Avatar

            damn u r more drunk than usual 🙂

        3. Leborigine Avatar

          “I had it for Dahiye and Latakia and you still attacked me, so what’s the difference????????????????????????”

          1. $89733098 Avatar

            buddy you posted an article without quotation marks. i told you it is deceptive to post something from someone else if you don’t put quotation marks and you straight out refused to do it. Which makes you dishonest. i don’t like dishonest people.

          2. Leborigine Avatar

            I’m sorry, but you cannot judge people on the screen, and quiet honestly, if you ever met me, you will find out that I am one of the most honest people that you will ever meet. On the other hand, I have a big problem with authority and I do not like being told what to do. Despite that I disagree with Hind, Farq and a few others here and now including yourself, if I met them face to face, we will probably be best friends.
            I will try and use quotation marks, but do not want to be crucified if i don’t!

          3. $89733098 Avatar

            Thanks for the apology. It takes a real man to apologize.
            yes geo that was a dig at u, couldn’t help myself 😛

          4. I know but you will be surprised when all is revealed that you are the one that need to be doing the apologizing…if you are capable :)P

    3. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
      Maborlz Ez-Hari

      Can’t believe I gave cookoo an up.

  2. He would have a better chance of making his trip if he shaved his rear and learned to walk backwards, to all the people out there trying to lose weight, put a picture of him by the fridge and watch your weight drop.

    1. $89733098 Avatar

      wow so understanding of the “other” by you. How tolerant.

      1. Tolerant? would you like his phone number to go on a hot date? you giving lessons on tolerance is like an arsonist giving a speech on fire prevention lol, why cant you tolerate my sense of humor Barabie? the image of this freak is anti social and unnatural complimentary of a demonic image, if he was disfigured due to an accident than my heart would ache for him but seriously did you see the left overs stuck between his teeth? come on girl why do you like being mad at me al the time?

        1. $89733098 Avatar

          When did i ever say i was tolerant? Of course i am not tolerant of terrorists, murderers, pedophiles, rapists etc but this man has done nothing wrong to me or anyone else and that makes you a judgmental intolerant person.
          As for giving me his number, grow up.

          1. Growing up is a trap! I refuse to do it :)P

          2. Leborigine Avatar

            So are we going to resolve this problem and you are going to be tolerant of me or are we going to keep arguing??

          3. $89733098 Avatar

            It appears you still haven’t learned the proper usage of quotation marks.

          4. Leborigine Avatar

            Back to the quotation marks?? Forget the quotation marks and lets be “tolerant”

          5. $89733098 Avatar


          6. 5thDrawer Avatar

            (whew ! )
            Now I only wait to hear what happened between David and Goliath. :-)))))))))
            (I didn’t see anyone crowing about their bet.)

          7. $89733098 Avatar

            Nothing because a certain person didn’t show up. A few old ladies did but doubt any of them were farqed up. Well at least i got to pay my respects to my mum.

          8. Leborigine Avatar


        2. 5thDrawer Avatar

          With the money spent on the tattoos, he could have at least had the teeth straightened. :-))))))

  3. sweetvirgo Avatar

    Why the heck would anyone want to do this to themself???

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