Geagea: Aoun rejected all presidential candidates, wants to be the only one


geageaLebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea ruled out any agreement with Free patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun over the presidential elections on Monday, adding that Aoun rejected all the proposed candidates and wants to be the only one .

“General Aoun currently rejects any suggestion and is holding onto his nomination. I have told him honestly that I cannot accept him (as president),” Geagea said during an interview with MTV.

Geagea reiterated his call for the March 8 bloc to attend parliamentary sessions and elect a new president.

Geagea also suggested that the rival March 8 and March 14 coalitions to each nominate a new candidate, other than himself and Aoun, and resort to democratic elections in order to choose one of them.

“If Aoun does not agree on this solution, I, speaking on behalf of March 14, call for agreeing on two consensual names and electing one of them at the parliament,” he added.

Geagea revealed that he approves of all names in the Bkirki list of nominees for presidency. The list includes former Interior Minister Ziad Baroud, Demianos Qattar and Roger Deeb.

The LF leader also said he would “certainly” endorse Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi if he decided to take part in the presidential race.

“But I do not advise him to submit his candidacy because he is a religious man and the presidency is a political post,” he said.

“Game of names ”

The Maronite Patriarchate denied on Tuesday reports claiming that Bkirki has a list of candidates for the presidential post.

The Patriarchate stressed that it didn’t interfere and will not intervene in the “game of names.”

Parliament Failed again

Yesterday the Lebanese parliament failed for the sixth time in a row to hold a session to elect the country’s new president to replace Michel Suleiman whose terms ended on May 25.

As in the previous sessions , the vote could not be held as lawmakers allied with the Iranian backed Hezbollah militant group boycotted the voting for lack of agreement on a consensus president.

Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri adjourned the session to elect a new president to June 18 .

There are serious concerns that a prolonged vacuum at the Baabda presidential place would affect Lebanon’s power-sharing system under which the president should be a Christian Maronite, the speaker a Shiite and the PM a Sunni.

President Suleiman made a last minute plea on May 24 to MPs to elect a president and “avert the dangers” that could result from the failure to do so.

Similar appeals have been made by Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rai who urged the parliament to rise to the level of the expectations of the Lebanese people through electing a new president, considering that closing the door of the Baabda presidential palace is a “shame.”

Aoun has not announced his candidacy but he aspires to become a consensual nominee and has reportedly been begging the Future Movement to back him , but so far the movement along with its March 14 allies is sticking with Geagea.

Geagea challenged Aoun to run against him or move on to plan B which calls for agreeing on a consensual candidate , Lebanese media reported last month.



12 responses to “Geagea: Aoun rejected all presidential candidates, wants to be the only one”

  1. Hannibal Avatar

    Aoun is behaving like a dictator. God help Lebanon if he somehow makes it.

    1. nagy_michael2 Avatar

      But Hezbollah do not want him obviously. they’re telling him get blessings from Hariri then we bless you afterward. So in essence we are really not behind you unless you get the support you need. As if they’re toying with him and playing cat and mouse game. Hezbollah want Kahwaji because he is supporting them silently and Aoun hates his guts. They think they can throw Kahwaji at the last minute after Aoun gives up. which is not possible and therefore we will have another year or so. then they will say the Christians cannot decide on a President throwing it in our shoulders even though they’re the ones who are dividing and conquering christians as they please. Hezbollah even though they’re mocking France for the Tripartite presidency. They will try to introduce it after they will try to introduce new law to give more control to the presidency. In the meantime we got clans in the Christian land fighting each other while chasing after hezbollah and hariri..

      1. Hannibal Avatar

        So true… Christians should decide on who the president is until such time when no sect elects its own seat. Berri is chosen by the Shiites as Salam is chosen by the Sunnis… ONLY the Christians are so dumb that they cannot elect their own.
        Mr. Orangina was used by everyone… First the Americans and the French then the Syrians and Hezbollah and soon he will be standing alone.

        1. The real lebanese Avatar
          The real lebanese

          Its not that the Christians cant elect their own, but that M8 is obstructing them from electing their own

    2. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Like in a movie: ‘I just can’t wait to be King’. Wants everyone to tell him he has clothes on.
      Total Idiot, not working FOR Lebanon.
      Geagea is still the most sensible, and possibly progressive, thinker. ‘Country’ needs to start somewhere. And Hezzys hate that.

      1. Hannibal Avatar

        Geagea won’t cut it as half the country is against him… Aoun as well… Geagea’s president bid is a maneuvering to counter Orangina…
        I think the best candidate under the circumstances is Dori Chamoun.

        1. AkhouManUki Avatar

          Better than Adel Karam?

          1. Hannibal Avatar

            LOL I do not think I can laugh for 6 more years 😉

          2. AkhouManUki Avatar

            At least you will be laughing. Now we just get pissed off and cry.

    3. sweetvirgo Avatar

      And it’s sooooo possible he will make it. The man that once led an army and deserted them, came back to Lebanon and aligned himself with Hezbollah. Yes, God not only help Lebanon but to save it.

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