Ex UN envoy predicts Syria will be ‘failed state’ like Somalia


brahimi syria a failed stateSyria could become a “failed state” similar to Somalia, the former UN envoy to the country has predicted.

Veteran diplomat Lakhdar Brahimi, who stood down last week, also said that the conflict would “blow up” and spread beyond Syria’s borders.

His warning came as a Norwegian vessel with the first part of Syria’s chemical weapons arsenal left the country.

The operation to destroy Syria’s chemical weapons arsenal is several months behind schedule.

Mr Brahimi made the comments in an interview with German newspaper Der Spiegel in one of his first interviews since stepping down.

“It will be become another Somalia,” he warned. “It will not be divided, as many have predicted. It’s going to be a failed state, with warlords all over the place.”

He criticised Iran and Russia for supporting the Syrian government, and said President Bashar al-Assad was “100% aware” of the way the war was being conducted.

“He knows a hell of a lot. Maybe he doesn’t know every single detail of what is happening, but I’m sure he is aware that people are being tortured, that people are being killed, that bombs are being thrown, that cities are being destroyed,” he said.

More than 162,000 people have been killed since the Syrian conflict started in 2011, with millions forced to flee their homes.

‘Worse than Afghanistan’
Mr Brahimi said that both the Syrian government and the opposition had committed war crimes “every day” and warned that “people will be held responsible one day”.

syria aleppo destruction
Large parts of Syria’s main cities, particularly Aleppo and Homs, have been destroyed.

The Algerian diplomat said the conflict would destabilise countries close to Syria and further afield.

“The UN Security Council had no interest in Afghanistan, a small country, poor, far away. I said one day it’s going to blow up in your faces. It did. Syria is so much worse!” he said.

Mr Brahimi chaired two rounds of peace talks between the Syrian government and the opposition movement in Geneva, but the negotiations ended in deadlock, prompting his resignation.

Weapons deadline looms
On Sunday, a Norwegian cargo ship carrying about 500 tonnes of chemical weapons from the Syrian government’s arsenal set sail for Finland and the United States.

The operation to completely destroy Syria’s chemical weapons stockpile was meant to have been completed by 30 June.

However, the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) says this deadline will now not be met.

Correspondents say fighting and the threat of attack by rebel groups has severely delayed the removal of the weapons.





8 responses to “Ex UN envoy predicts Syria will be ‘failed state’ like Somalia”

  1. master09 Avatar

    People only speak the truth when they leave public office, while in are like little puppies. Lol

    1. arzatna1 Avatar

      To be fair , Brahimi warned the Syrians , the Russians and Iranians on many occasions that if they did not resolve the conflict peacefully the country was heading for disaster. No body wanted to listen . As a Lebanese I am more concerned about the future of our country being next to a failed state , specially with Hezbollah’s involvement there. What are your thoughts on this ?

      1. master09 Avatar

        100% you can not have a group part of a government and deciding against the wishes of the government they are part of to go fight a war in another country. Disaster is what it will bring. Next step we are going to have the Sunni faction ready to make a big statement with money coming from S Arabia to support a war in Lebanon. It is a sad future for us Lebanon back 100 years rebuild again and again. My heart hearts.

      2. It as the FSA that refused to back down america wanted either a powerless state or a puppet state they won’t stop until on of the goals are reached

  2. wargame1 Avatar

    When Loser like Brahimi is in charge then what else can we expect.

    1. arzatna1 Avatar

      I believe you are being totally unfair for blaming a top diplomat like Brahimi for classifying Syria as a failed state, especially after all the warnings he issued to China , Iran Russia and Syria at the UN Security council and during his visits , when he was the UN and Arab League envoy for Syria . They did not want to listen to him and completely ignored his pleas. Regardless who is at fault my main concern is Lebanon’s future specially with Hezbollah’s deep involvement there. Aren’t you concerned too???

      1. wargame1 Avatar

        Brahimi is a Iranian stooge.

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