FPM MP: Give Syria a chance


aoun loves assadFree patriotic Movement MP Alain Aoun told OTV on Sunday that the Lebanese should improve relations with Syria, and some parties should abandon their negative attitude toward Damascus.

Aoun was referring March 14 alliance which has blamed Syria for the assassination of Lebanon’s former PM Rafik Hariri .

“Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s statements last Wednesday on Al-Manar television left a positive impression, even on members of March 14,” Aoun said.

Aoun said that building trust with Syria happens gradually, adding that all parties should contribute to the endeavor. Hariri holds the most responsibility on the issue, Aoun added.

The MP also called on the Lebanese parties to give Syria a chance for positive relations, adding that “any party that is hostile toward Syria is operating outside of Lebanon’s official track.”

The Free patriotic Movement which is headed by MP Michel Aoun has been supportive of Syria ever since it signed a memorandum of understanding with the Iranian and Syrian backed Hezbollah. The FPM leader was give the read carpet treatment when he visited Syria and traveled back and forth on a Syrian jet that was sent to him by Syrian president Bashar al Assad

Lebanon’s Justice Minister Ibrahim Najjar akey member of March 1 alliance told Voice of Lebanon last Thursday that Syria did not change its policy toward Lebanon or any of its parties.

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad was clearly biased toward the Resistance during his Wednesday interview with Al-Manar television, said Najjar, adding, “Syria’s regional and strategic choice, similar to Iran’s, is to back the Resistance.”



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