Khamenei ordered rigging of ballots in Iraq, report


Khamenei  -iraq elections

According to reliable information, Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei had ordered the regime’s Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) and the terrorist Quds Force in Iraq to do their maximum in rigging the ballots by exchanging boxes in various parts of Iraq immediately after the closing time (17:00 local time on Sunday) and when boxes are opened for counting. They are to use the same method that the regime deployed during the June presidential election charade in Iran.

Khamenei, Ahmadinejad and Larijani (Speaker of the regime’s parliament) had earlier stated that the Iranian regime would not allow the Iraqi nationalist and democratic forces to win the elections.

Orders coming from Tehran indicate that the ballots for those who did not vote would be filled in favor of Shiite lists and put in the boxes. These ballots would be added to the ballots collected from the polling stations when boxes are opened for counting.

Reports concerning the progress made by the Al-Iraqiya List led by Dr. Ayad Allawi in various parts of Iraq are received with bitterness and not tolerated by the mullahs. Boxes have been filled in advance with forged ballots to be exchanged with those boxes collected from polling stations or to be added to them. This is to be done after dark when curfew is enforced.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran. NCR



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