Time to call Trump what he is: A Communist and the enemy of Capitalism


Over the past several years, former President Donald Trump has made headlines for his unrelenting attacks on iconic American companies, from Amazon and Apple to General Motors and John Deere. His relentless criticisms and attempts to bully these giants have led some to label him anti-business. The American media has been quick to highlight this behavior, yet, inexplicably, they shy away from drawing a bolder conclusion: Trump is not only an enemy of corporate America but an enemy of capitalism itself.

In his latest interview with Elon Musk on X (formerly Twitter), Trump doubled down on his praise of communist and authoritarian leaders, from North Korea’s Kim Jong-un to Russia’s Vladimir Putin and China’s Xi Jinping. These are leaders whose regimes stand in stark contrast to the values of freedom, democracy, and capitalism. Meanwhile, Trump regularly vilifies NATO, Ukraine, and Western leaders who represent the democratic alliance that has safeguarded global stability since World War II.

The most baffling part of all this is not Trump’s rhetoric—it’s that the American media, despite their willingness to scrutinize his every move, has not had the courage to call him what he is: a communist sympathizer and a dangerous opponent of the free world.

Why are we, as a society, so afraid to call out Trump’s increasingly blatant alignment with communist ideologies? It is time to acknowledge the obvious. Trump’s praise for dictators and communist leaders is not accidental; it reflects his deep admiration for authoritarianism and centralized power. By attacking the pillars of American capitalism and democracy, he has proven himself unfit to lead the free world.

The free world thrives on the principles of free markets, open societies, and alliances like NATO, which are committed to defending democracy. Trump’s disdain for these values, combined with his affinity for communist regimes, makes it clear that he is no friend of capitalism or democracy.

It’s time for the media and the American public to stop tiptoeing around the truth. Trump is no longer just a critic of specific leaders or institutions—he is a serious threat to the principles that underpin both American capitalism and the global order.



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