Lebanese Forces supports Patriarch Rahi’s call for Int’l Conference

File Photo of Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea and Patriarch Becahr Boutros al rai

A Lebanese Forces parliamentary bloc delegation met with Maronite Patriarch Beshara el-Rahi in Bkirki on Wednesday in a show of solidarity over his calls to “internationalize” the problematic Lebanese file.

“The ruling authority in Lebanon has turned into a murder machine and has relinquished its duty to protect its people after the Beirut port blast,” said t an LF statement that was recited by MP Antoine Habshi.

“The Lebanese people’s will must be respected through a generation of a new ruling authority and early parliamentary elections,” added the statement.

A Lebanese Forces parliamentary bloc delegation met with Maronite Patriarch Beshara el-Rahi in Bkirki on Wednesday in a show of solidarity over his calls to “internationalize” the problematic Lebanese file.

The LF stressed the need to support and “keep pace with the Patriarch’s proposal to resolve the conflict between right and wrong,” adding that the people’s choice is clear when they have to choose between the “culture of death and the culture of life.”

“We are living in “hell” because Lebanon has been thrown in the furnace of the Iranian-American conflict which necessitates the need to resort to the international community to demand the right to live because Lebanon is being used as a tool and hostage.”

“Bkirki stressed on every occasion, and the ” The Lebanese Forces” as well, that the patriarch’s proposition is not directed against any political group, and the aim is not to bring misfortunes and occupations to Lebanon, but to liberate it from dependence on the outside forces .” The statement added.

“This cry did not come until after the loss of hope for any internal desire to save Lebanon from the collapse”, The statement concluded



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