Geagea tells Hezbollah chief: The Syrian regime is more brutal than IS


geagea on MTVLebanese Forces chief  Samir Geagea told   Hezbollah chief  Hassan Nasrallah on Friday,  that there cannot be any official coordination “with the  Syrian regime  since it  is more brutal than the Islamic State group.”

This comes after Nasrallah on Thursday announced that “the Syrian leadership will cooperate” in any negotiations with the IS group involving the fate of the captive Lebanese troops “on  condition of receiving an official Lebanese request for public coordination.”

Hezbollah’s chief “is harming the Lebanese army through insisting on coordination between the Lebanese and Syrian armies and Hezbollah in Operation Dawn of the Outskirts, while knowing that such a declaration would harm the army, seeing as a lot of countries helping it in various forms would cease their support should they realize that it is coordinating with”  Hezbollah and Syria’s army, said Geagea in an interview with al-Markazia news agency.

He condemned what he called Nasrallah’s “use of the captive troops file to pressure the Lebanese government into holding official and public talks with the Syrian government,” emphasizing  that “there cannot be coordination with a regime that is more brutal than the IS group.”

Responding to Nasrallah’s addition of the Syrian army to the so-called “army-people-resistanceformula ,” Geagea stressed that Nasrallah’s “real equation” also involves Iraq’s Shiite Popular Mobilization Forces militia and Iran’s Revolutionary Guard.

“How can you assume that we would accept a formula  that has nothing to do with the country? Where are the Lebanese entity, state, National Pact, coexistence, model and message in this equation?” Geagea added, addressing Nasrallah.

“For us, the essential equation will always remain: Lebanese people, Lebanese state and Lebanese army,” Geagea stressed.



101 responses to “Geagea tells Hezbollah chief: The Syrian regime is more brutal than IS”

  1. Hannibal Avatar

    The Lebanese Army is very capable of protecting Lebanon. Hezbollah forces must integrate under LAFs command and stop playing the Syria politics. While all Lebanese are anti-ISIS not all Lebanese are pro-Assad. The formula of for one to win the other must lose does not work on the Lebanese marble cake.

    1. Hind Abyad Avatar
      Hind Abyad

      According to the source close to Hezbollah and the Lebanese Armed Forces, “US Central Command called the Lebanese army chief and asked him to deny any cooperation, telling him that while they are aware of cooperation, it has to be denied publicly.”

      1. Hannibal Avatar

        They cannot afford NOT to cooperate else they will be shooting at each others and there will be chaos.

      2. Coordination between Syria, Hezbollah and the US is known (and confirmed by the Pentagon) since early this month. Looks like the Salafist-Wahhabi vermin have gone rogue.

        1. Hind Abyad Avatar
          Hind Abyad

          Worst than that

  2. The best thing that can ever happen to Lebanon is if Nasrallah moves to Syria and takes Hezbollah with him, or better still let him move to Iran , since they love him over there . Most of the problems that the Lebanese army has to confront are because of the presence of Hezbollah

    1. With your last sentence, you basically admit that ISIS is a Western-Israeli scheme to get rid of the opposition.

  3. Steve Paul Avatar
    Steve Paul

    Mr. Geagea is right. Ha is nothing more than a terrorist proxy of Iran. The LAF has become a division of HA. Maybe Lebanon needs to have another civil war in order to rid itself of Iranian hegemony once and for all.

    1. Hind Abyad Avatar
      Hind Abyad

      Another Israeli counsellor for Lebanon- Joined Mar 28, 2017- Particularity he upvotes himself

      1. Begs the question: which other usernames does he post under with here?

        Cowards with no integrity.

        1. Hind Abyad Avatar
          Hind Abyad

          We don’t care.

    2. Hind Abyad Avatar
      Hind Abyad

      Talk about legal terrorism..

      ‘BETHLEHEM, West Bank — Israeli military jeeps came barrelling down towards Jubbet al-Dhib’s first and only primary school late Tuesday night, terrifying locals who had been finishing preparations for the school’s grand opening set for the next morning. Soldiers shot tear gas and rubber-coated steel bullets as they cleared the way for bulldozers and flatbed trucks brought in to take the school.

      The school, located between four Palestinian villages on the outskirts of Bethlehem, was built with caravans on a concrete foundation by local authorities and international NGOs partnered with the European Union, hoping to mitigate the myriad of challenges facing students in the area.

    3. You might as well join Mileikowsky (aka Netanyahoo) and cry a river.

      Russia told Israel: quit whining, nobody is attacking you.

  4. Lebanon is doomed, it’s just a time issue, that they are going to be taken over by HA and Iran.

    1. This is wishful thinking on the part of Israel
      The Lebanese army has the full support of the Lebanese people and is fully capable of maintaining peace inside Lebanon and defending the country.
      In addition to Hezbollah our other key problem is Israel and its continued violations of Lebanon’s sovereignty .
      If Israel leaves us alone Lebanon will be in a perfect shape, since Hezbollah will be out of business in Lebanon.

      1. Well this is your blocked mind wishful and stupid thinking.
        Israel would love to have Lebanon as a stable independent country and not a puppet
        Bozo area, where everyone uses the place as a whore and drops it once used.
        The Internal non ending fights, tens of Militias, the Palestinians taking over, the Syrian taking over, now the HA and Iranian taking over.
        That’s a sick place for the last 60 years.
        If you think the HA will ever let go, you are more then stupid…..
        Even if the HA would go away, Syria or any other one who wants to use this Bozo zone would go in.
        Israel vision was always, that Lebanon would be the first country to make peace.
        But as there is NO Lebanon for the last 60 years, You are doomed.

        1. Tried to be civil with you but obviously you are not capable of being so and you call me stupid instead and say my mind is blocked
          For this reason I will no longer respond to your comments unless you apologize for being so rude

          1. Hi Arzna, i’m apologizing for Jack before You, but this is nothing wrong to be stupid. Problem to be hateful, corrupted and lack of control of own stupidity. You are not hateful, corrupted, just a bit brainwashed as most people.

          2. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Never accept any apology from a mule.
            PS; mule is the offspring of a male donkey (jack)

        2. MekensehParty Avatar

          Hey Jack, what you say is very true, besides the “blocked and stupid” words. Arzna is a very respectful blogger and I’d invite you to accept the olive branch. A nice apology to a courteous blogger is the honorable thing to do.

          1. Well I accept your invitation and apologies ……

      2. master09 Avatar

        The reason why Isreal violated Lebanon so many times is because PLO and groups like HA who say openly that they want to destroy Isreal. What would u do if you was a Jew. Sit and watch TV I bet.
        Lebanon is free when we get rid of groups like HA. Open ur mind and u might get it.

        1. Go back to history
          and find out what is the root cause of PLO and who helped create Hezbollah.
          Israel lacks the vision in dealing peacefully with a civilized country like Lebanon

          1. Rudy1947 Avatar

            Cause of the PLO…..the Arab League failed. Creator of Hezbollah…..Iran. Why are they in Lebanon…… was so easy.

          2. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            “Why are they in Lebanon…… was so easy…”
            I hear you.. Geagea… Sabra Shatilla ..massacres…massacres massacres

          3. Rudy1947 Avatar

            Ever do Tequila shots?

          4. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad


          5. “Sabra Shatilla”….. sure Christian Lebanese slaughter Muslims…..
            that’s Lebanon….spare your time to blame someone else.
            The Once that did the slaughter, that shot innocent chidlren and Women, WHERE CHRISTIAN LEBANESE, only they could do the slaughter.

          6. Hannibal Avatar

            Led by Sharon and Hobeyka BOTH in hell as we speak…

          7. But Who did the slaughter, who shot the innocent children and women.
            Your murderer Christian Lebanese Brothers.
            Only they were capable to do such a slaughter.

          8. Hannibal Avatar

            I have 50 employees reporting to me… I blame myself if something goes wrong. I was put there to LEAD and I do lead… Their actions define me. It is ALL about leadership… Consider this as a freebee from one human to another. The crap starts at the top and it ends up in the hands of the individuals… It is ALL about leadership.

          9. But Who did the slaughter, who shot the innocent children and women.
            Your murderer Christian Lebanese Brothers.
            Only they were capable to do such a slaughter.

          10. Hannibal Avatar

            I think you’re deaf and blind… Reread my comment.
            One more question: How much do you get paid to troll? Is the pay good?

          11. I read your nonsense, but never read an Answer to the question
            Who did the slaughter, who shot the innocent children and women.
            Your murderer Christian Lebanese Brothers.
            Only they were capable to do such a slaughter.

          12. A predicted answer……
            As you are afraid to answer that your Christians Lebanese Brothers Slaughtered in their own hands thousands of Innocent Children and Women.

            You can try as usual to blame someone else.

          13. Hannibal Avatar

            Under the wings of their zionist masters… Your ilk is the master of ethnic cleansing.

          14. you are afraid to answer that your Christians Lebanese Brothers Slaughtered in their own hands thousands of Innocent Children and Women.

            You can try as usual to blame someone else.

          15. Hannibal Avatar

            Go look for your foreskin… It must be floating somewhere where you live… In the sewer.
            BUT YOUR ZIONIST BROTHERS ARE THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL… I am happy the world is waking up. In the US there is a movement to finish the zionist control over it. Once this is done bye bye Israhell.

          16. How predictable that you will start with your infantile cursing once you escape from the truth you cannot handle.
            Your Christians Lebanese Brothers Slaughtered in their own hands thousands of Innocent Children and Women.
            You can try as usual to blame someone else.

          17. In 1983, a commission chaired by Seán MacBride, the assistant to the UN Secretary General and President of United Nations General Assembly at the time, concluded that Israel, as the camp’s occupying power, bore responsibility for the Sabra and shatila violence. The commission also concluded that the massacre was a form of genocide.

            In 1983, the Israeli Kahan Commission, appointed to investigate the incident, found that Israeli military personnel, aware that a massacre was in progress, had failed to take serious steps to stop it. The commission deemed Israel indirectly responsible, and Ariel Sharon, then Defense Minister, bore personal responsibility “for ignoring the danger of bloodshed and revenge”, forcing him to resign.

          18. The Sabra and Shatila massacre was the killing of between 762 and 3,500 civilians, mostly Palestinians and Lebanese Shiites, by Christian Lebanese. From approximately 18:00 on 16 September to 08:00 on 18 September 1982, a widespread massacre was carried out by the Christian Lebanese.
            Only Christian Lebanese murderers where capable to execute such a slaughter, killing those innocent civilians in cold blood.

            It will not help any of you to try to blame someone else, as THE CHRISTIAN LEBANESE MURDERERS executed this slaughter in cold blood.
            Your Attempt not to recognize, that your Christian Brothers did the slaughter, just shows the culture of your country.
            To kill one another and blame someone else.

          19. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Sharon last speech . Netanyahu is astounded.


          20. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

   Netanyahu astounded and desoriented

          21. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Netanyahu disoriented. Mossad might have induced Sharon’s coma


          22. Rudy1947 Avatar

            “might”? Oh my, another conspiracy theory.

          23. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad


          24. Rudy1947 Avatar

            Got proof?

          25. Rudy1947 Avatar

            Something will happen though. Not sure what something is.

          26. There was nothing bad about my comment. She is trying to censure opposition while maintaining her required level of hate. She needs to seriously get a life.

          27. Hind Abyad Avatar

            Frustrated play doctor..’Iran Hezbollah’ brewing your fragile brain. Take care.

          28. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            .. there
            ‘Netanyahu declares West Bank is Israel ‘forever,’ as liberal Zionists cry out for ‘make-believe peace process’

          29. That would be like blaming the average Wehrmacht solider and their family post WWII Germany, for the orders given by Hitler and all his underlings.
            Just like all Hezbollah’s militias and supporters are not guilty of the crimes of Nasrallah and company. He can be removed (I suggest car bomb) and replaced with better leadership. After a generation they might be deprogrammed.

          30. Rudy1947 Avatar

            Corporate speak at it’s fineness, you forgot the family angle. The idea of a subordinate, employee or even a family member going rogue for criminal, greed or the purposes of defiance has a long history.

          31. Hannibal Avatar

            Olmert? Netanyahu?

          32. Rudy1947 Avatar


          33. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad


          34. Hannibal Avatar

            Rudest Spammer that is… A Zionist troll selling his country USA to the sons of Zion.

          35. Rudy1947 Avatar


          36. When you read comments from the those like Arzna, you understand in what a LaLa Land those people live in and how brainwashed they are.
            “a civilized country like Lebanon” for the last 60 years, this zone is on fire by everyone who wishes…..
            Point is that it continues and will get worse, as HA and Iran took over and Lebanon is Doomed, Amazing how it so easy for everyone to take over, But those Lebanese don’t do anything to change the situation.

        2. Hind Abyad Avatar
          Hind Abyad

          First of all Israel created refugees and PLO.. master0 yuk

        3. Hind Abyad Avatar
          Hind Abyad

          First of all Israel created refugees and PLO.. master0 yuk

        4. Hind Abyad Avatar
          Hind Abyad

          ‘As many as 1 million Israelis have left for the U.S.’

        5. Some correcto mundo …

          In the last three months of the British Mandate in 1948, the Zionists went on the rampage of the land, attacking the unarmed (Christian and Muslim) Palestinian population to then seize 400+ of their towns and villages (see list: [The ethnic cleansing of the land was planned after the Peel Commission of 1937 when Ben Gurion put Weisman and Shamir in charge of the Transfer Committee.] When caught outside their lines, the Zionists lied they were attacked by the surrounding Arab armies pursuant of declaring independence.

          Most of the resulting displaced people moved north to Lebanon where they established temporary camps.

          In an inbwtween note: in 1967, this time as Israel, they repeated the feat of 1948: attacked surrounding countries and then lied they were attacked – all to steal/occupy more lands.

          From the 1970s to 1980s, Israel conducted a long series of intensive bombing of the south of Lebanon. Though not reported in the news, observers on the ground called the bombings as unprecedented.

          In 1982, Israel invaded without any pretext and occupied the south of Lebanon for twenty years. It resulted in the death of 17,000 civilians.

          So tell me, what on Earth are you raving about you welfare-collecting Salafist bending over to the Eastern Europeans pretending to be from the ME?

        1. Rudy1947 Avatar

          Thatsa nice. An antique show in the desert.

        2. Hind Abyad Avatar
          Hind Abyad

 of traitors
          “Lebanese political officials also actively colluded with Israel’s most ardent ally to prevent the Lebanese army from obtaining advanced weaponry.
          When in 2008 the Russians offered to give the army a military package consisting of
          77 T-72 tanks, ammunition and eventually MiG-29 fighter jets, in an effort to turn the Lebanese army into a national fighting force, Defense Minister Elias Murr, a close US ally, complained to the US ambassador. Murr said he had been “trapped” into accepting the gift, but would ensure that the army would not take it “before 2040.”
          Almost 10 years later, the Lebanese army is yet to accept delivery.”

          “Members of the Lebanese Armed Forces and Hezbollah have dismissed the notion that Hezbollah is interested in the Lebanese Armed Forces’ military equipment.
          Today, the Lebanese Armed Forces’ most advanced vehicles are the M48A5 and M48A1 tanks, which are considered third-rate, having been phased out by the United States in the 1990s, and Soviet T-54/T-55 tanks. Meanwhile, Hezbollah’s tanks — T-72s and T-54s — are much more recent models.
          According to Israeli media, Hezbollah is currently in possession of some of the region’s most technologically advanced weaponry.

          The current unspoken partnership between the Lebanese Armed Forces, Hezbollah and the Syrian army is a direct result of the efforts of those who have worked so diligently to keep the Lebanese Armed Forces under-equipped. By doing so, they have also inadvertently strengthened Hezbollah, making it the only viable military force in the country able to repel armed groups along the Lebanese border, and are now creating a reality on the battlefield that everyone is aware of but no one wants to acknowledge.

      3. There is no reason why Lebanon and Israel can not have friendly relation both social and economic, much like Israel has relations with every other Arab state. Let go of the past and look to future.
        But know one thing, there will never be peaceful relations between the two countries as long as Hezbollah of Iran is pull the strings.
        Remove the problem first. Iran’s death grip on Lebanon- The Hezbollah.

        1. Hind Abyad Avatar
          Hind Abyad

          Broken record..better have sub-humans psychopaths in Syria for company

          1. Good answer Hind, I can always count on the Hezbollah support staff.

          2. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Irrational extremists Zionist Jackals, hatred fascism supremacy

        2. Sex & Chocolate Avatar
          Sex & Chocolate

          Rascal, there is an old saying that you must become a Jew for a Jew, a Greek for a Greek, poor for the poor and rich for the rich. by reading comments here it is easy to know what biases commentators have but most notable is that Zionists miss an important fact that many allies of Israel including Lebanese Christians as myself have grown into their 40s and 50s and have realized that just because the plo was a violent group that caused Lebanon so many problems it does not represent all Palestinian people and at this age it becomes a question of humanity !!!! at one time I hated Palestinians but I love the Palestinian civilians, I am so disappointed in Zionists that feel so superior by what they post but I still love Israeli civilians as they are my brothers too, the power players and the racists would not permit coexistence or the idea of seeking common ground but I totally agree that there is no reason not to seek and embrace common ground with civilians on All Sides as the haughty players and military should not speak on our behalf, my dearest friends include news, Shea , Sunni, black, Asian and many who simply put humanity first above never ending fruitless hate and wars…. f#!k who ever does not approve of my freedom to have my own mind to love people regardless of where they were born.

          1. People need to stop brooding on the past. Wrongs have been done on all sides, its time to move on. Hopefully the younger and next generations can get it right.
            Sex and chocolate are two of my most favorite things.

          2. Niemals Avatar

            You done it too, you are on Tweeter with the help of Hind Abyad.
   Abyad Hind is working now in double shifts – on Tweeter as well as Ya Libnan.

          3. I don’t have a Tweeter account and have never “tweeted”. I have enough to do without commenting on other sites other than this one, and the odd time on Daily Star.

          4. Niemals Avatar

            Me neither, but Hind Abyad has a Tweeter account and uses it more than diligently.

            Publishing comments that Ya Libnan still holds for moderation…
            As in the case with Sex & Chocolate comment – “This comment is awaiting moderation.”.

          5. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            You wish, without the past we have no futur keep sex and chocolate.
            NY Zionist Mayor de Blazio want’s to take away the name of Christophe Colombos.

          6. Keep on dwelling on the past Hind. Why are you such a drama queen anyways?
            Do you know the brutal history of CC?
            I am personally against removing iconic statues, but that is up to the country doing the removing.

          7. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            A country run by Zionists assassinating America, Middle East and Europe History …strange drama queen Ratscall

          8. Rudy1947 Avatar

            I pity you. Wasting your life wallowing in such hatred and dribble.

          9. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            “Sex & Chocolate – Rascal • 16 hours ago

            Rascal, there is an old saying that you must become a Jew for a Jew, a Greek for a Greek, poor for the poor and rich for the rich. by reading comments here it is easy to know what biases commentators have but most notable is that Zionists miss an important fact that many allies of Israel including Lebanese Christians as myself have grown into their 40s and 50s and have realized that just because the plo was a violent group that caused Lebanon so many problems it does not represent all Palestinian people and at this age it becomes a question of humanity !!!! at one time I hated Palestinians but I love the Palestinian civilians, I am so disappointed in Zionists that feel so superior by what they post but I still love Israeli civilians as they are my brothers too, the power players and the racists would not permit coexistence or the idea of seeking common ground but I totally agree that there is no reason not to seek and embrace common ground with civilians on All Sides as the haughty players and military should not speak on our behalf, my dearest friends including jews, Shea , Sunni, black, Asian and many who simply put humanity first above never ending fruitless hate and wars…. f#!k who ever does not approve of my freedom to have my own mind to love people regardless of where they were born.”

            PS. YaLibnan monitor wake up, waiting for approval?

          10. Drama queen alert.

          11. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Not your business.

        3. I personally do not think that Israel wants friends .
          Look here , Ya Libnan made this website a venue for civilized people to communicate and form friendships and look at the results . Never saw so many rude remarks in my life . Every indecent word in the dictionary has been used here . Obviously some people in Israel and Iran have been hired to sabotage this venue

          Your condition of removing Hezbollah first is kind of strange . Hezbollah was created with the help of Israel to fight the PLO in the south when Israel and Iran were still friends . Go back to history in the 70’s and 80’s and Irangate .
          The real victim here is Lebanon and its people.
          As they say with friend like that who needs enemies

          1. I want You to be friend, but You pefer to be puppet or friend of like Hind, Omega, Hannibal, HA, Assad. mullahs

          2. Hannibal Avatar

            Wash your mouth with Listerine before you utter my name punk…

          3. Go to Hell info fascist

          4. Hannibal Avatar

            Hell is Israhell and I refuse to visit until they kiss and makeup with their brothers and sisters the Palestinians, the descendants of the Philistines. So as you remain in hell I must say sorry I cannot go there.

          5. FaLIEstinians are June 1964 Soviet KGB politically corrected Orabians. Bad wrong names will not bring real good peace. No connection FaLIEstinians (Orabians) to Philistines

          6. Hannibal Avatar


          7. Hezbollah was founded in the early 1980s as part of an Iranian effort to aggregate a variety of militant Lebanese Shi’a groups under one roof. Hezbollah acts as a proxy for Iran in the ongoing Iran–Israel proxy conflict. Hezbollah was conceived by Muslim clerics and funded by Iran primarily to harass the Israeli occupation. Its leaders were followers of Ayatollah Khomeini, and its forces were trained and organized by a contingent of 1,500 Revolutionary Guards that arrived from Iran with permission from the Syrian government,.which was in occupation of Lebanon at the time. Hezbollah’s 1985 manifesto listed its objectives as the expulsion of “the Americans, the French and their allies definitely from Lebanon, putting an end to any colonialist entity on our land”

            Israel and Iran were still friends ???? Base your comments on some facts “Ayatollah Khomeini,” ruled Iran in 1979…….
            Hezbollah’s 1985 manifesto listed its objectives as the expulsion of “the Americans, the French and their allies definitely from Lebanon, putting an end to any colonialist entity on our land” ……… who colonizes your country Lebanon…….. how come they are still around.????

            As usual you blame Israel, Typical….. want help you solve your problems.

            Your point of view’ reflects the brainwashed propaganda you have been raised upon.
            Israel could have been the best thing Lebanon could think…..
            Instead Look at your site, 90% of the comments are against Israel and Jews, while you country is doomed.
            Instead of Blaming everyone and be an impotent country, Lebanon should clean itself from all the regimes…..
            but as History shows, they are not capable.
            Lebanon should look around and learn from Jordan regarding the benefits they can get from having peace with Israel.
            But your Hate for Israel , and blaming everyone is the leading rational way for Lebanon.

            Well guess they know better, that hate and Blaming will solve Lebanon problem.

      4. Hind Abyad Avatar
        Hind Abyad

        ‘The current unspoken partnership between the Lebanese Armed Forces, Hezbollah and the Syrian army is a direct result of the efforts of those who have worked so diligently to keep the Lebanese Armed Forces under-equipped. By doing so, they have also inadvertently strengthened Hezbollah, making it the only viable military force in the country able to repel armed groups along the Lebanese border, and are now creating a reality on the battlefield that everyone is aware of but no one wants to acknowledge.’

    1. The party of god should be helping, they are complicit in the war and the continuous fighting.
      Just wait to see what else Hezbullah has in store for Lebanon.

  5. This takes the cake – especially coming from the crippled former war-thug who’s militia killed, raped, stole, destroyed Lebanon and most importantly, who fought against the Lebanese Army.

    I don’t see his shaved-head, low IQ, fascist dogs show up at the border to help the Lebanese Army fight the Salafist-Wahhabi vermin.

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