Russia moves nuclear-capable missiles to Kaliningrad near Poland and Lithuania borders


map-kalingrad-polandRussia has moved nuclear-capable Iskander-M missiles into the Kaliningrad enclave bordering Poland and Lithuania, the Defence Ministry said on Saturday, adding it was part of routine drills.

“These missile units have been deployed more than once (in the Kaliningrad region) … and will be deployed as part of military training of the Russian armed forces,” ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov said in a statement.

A U.S. intelligence official said on Friday that Russia had started moving the Iskander-Ms into the enclave on the Baltic in what he said could be a gesture to express displeasure with NATO.

Russian Iskander-M missile launcher
Russian Iskander-M missile launcher

Konashenkov said one of the missiles had been deliberately exposed to a U.S. spy satellite. “We did not have to wait for too long – our American partners confirmed it themselves in their revelatory endeavor,” he said.

Lithuania, neighboring Kaliningrad and a member of NATO, said it would protest to Moscow.

“The deployment not only increases tensions in the region, but also possibly violates international treaties which limit deployment of ballistic missiles of range of over 500 kilometers,” Foreign Minister Linas Linkevicius told a news briefing in Vilnius.

“There will be a NATO-Russia Council meeting, and this is shaping up as one of issues on the agenda,” he added.

“We will use all channels available to not only raise this question, but to demand that international agreements are adhered to.”

Some modifications of the Iskander can hit targets 700 km (450 miles) away, putting the German capital Berlin in range of Kaliningrad, Linkevicius said.

“This is a usual Russian tactic: escalate tensions, create a discord and then expect concessions elsewhere. I would like to hope that this will not work this time,” he added.

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday suspended a treaty with Washington on cleaning up weapons-grade plutonium, saying it was a response to unfriendly acts by Washington.




4 responses to “Russia moves nuclear-capable missiles to Kaliningrad near Poland and Lithuania borders”

  1. Oh Yeah Avatar

    I’m highly concerned after Putins moved those nuclear-capable missiles into Kaliningrad, he is Russia’s Donald Trump – you never know what he will do/say next.
    “These types of moves by Russia are making the Europeans and the US nervous.
    Putin is pressing all the buttons,” Judy Dempsey, a senior associate at Carnegie Europe said.

    “Tensions over Iskander have been going on for seven years. It’s a very tried way to pressure the West.
    “The latest events in Kaliningrad are a way to intimidate the Baltics and Poland,” she added.

    All that just because John Kerry said that Russia and Syria should be probed for war crimes.

    The Polish government reacted angrily to Russia’s move, calling it very alarming, while Lithuanian officials said it could breach an international nuclear weapons treaty.

    “They moved a similar missile system to Kaliningrad in 2014 for a military exercise. It could also be a political gesture – a show of strength – to express displeasure with NATO,” said the official who spoke on condition of anonymity.
    The missiles have a range of 500 kilometers (300 miles). The Japan Times

    The Iskander missiles could reach the German capital Berlin from the Russian enclave.
    The launch of a missile from an Iskander M tactical missile system at Kapustin Yar during a military exercise by the Russian Armed Forces | TASS via Getty Images

  2. ???????????????????? ???????? ???????????????? ???????????????????????? !!!

  3. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Another small ‘concern’ about their own ‘global warming’ … Some truths may come to the light naturally. :-)))

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