Lebanon complains to UN over wording of Refugee Report

Sigrid Kaag
Sigrid Kaag

Lebanon’s foreign ministry has expressed concerns to the country’s top U.N. official that the international body is pressuring Beirut to naturalize the large refugee population that has found shelter in tiny Lebanon.

The foreign ministry on Friday cited an April U.N. report recommending that when “conditions are not conducive” to refugees returning home, host countries should examine offering them citizenship.

But this is a sensitive topic in Lebanon, where over one in four residents is a refugee.

Syria’s war, now in its sixth year, has sent over one million refugees to tiny Lebanon. Human Rights Watch has accused Beirut of criminalizing the refugee workforce and exploiting it for cheap labor.

The U.N.’s top official to Lebanon, Sigrid Kaag, says the report’s recommendations are in line with the 1951 Refugee Convention.

But Kaag stated on Friday that the controversial report of U.N. chief Ban Kin-moon on the refugees did not mention naturalizing or granting the Lebanese nationality for Syrian refugees in Lebanon.

“Ban knows well that the Lebanese constitution does not allow naturalization. His report did not mention Lebanon,” said Kaag after a meeting with Foreign Minister Gebran Bassil.

“The solution to the Syrian refugees in Lebanon will only be through a political solution for the Syrian crisis and when the circumstances permit,” she added.

The Lebanese cabinet issued a  statement that  said:

“The cabinet reaffirmed the Lebanese consensus on rejecting naturalization and any policies that encourage the refugees to stay where they are, seeing as the only solution to the refugee crisis is the Syrians’ speedy return to their country, which contradicts with the principles of voluntary return, integration and naturalization.”




22 responses to “Lebanon complains to UN over wording of Refugee Report”

  1. Matrix Avatar

    The U.N. is pressuring Beirut to naturalize the large refugee population that has found shelter in tiny Lebanon.
    Amnesty International had done a survey with the question: “Should your government do more to help refugees fleeing war or persecution?”

    See the results and notice russia (at the bottom…) that are creating more refugees.

    1. Rudy1947 Avatar

      I found it interesting when I couldn’t find several Arab countries on that list.

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        “The solution to the Syrian refugees in Lebanon will only be through a political solution” … for Palestinians first, then Syrians. I doubt that ‘1 in 4’ included Palestinians.
        “Human Rights Watch has accused Beirut of criminalizing the refugee workforce and exploiting it for cheap labor.” …. YES INDEED, making Lebanese become out of work and starving in the process … while UN is not given permission to feed or give any aid for medicines TO THEM by ‘Beirut Powers’.

      2. Matrix Avatar

        Many Arab countries are mainly controlled by governments with Islamic values and have a different idea of what a persecution is all about.

        Since a picture is worth more than thousand words, you have assortment that speaks for itself.

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          I can think of a couple of other ‘special genetic’ peoples there to eradicate, and if killing them (especially in gruesome terrorist ways) actually means eradication, well, they called the shots, after all.

        2. Rudy1947 Avatar

          Islam’s contempt with gays is well documented. However, I was referring to the absence of several Muslim Arab countries that were not on the list. Saudi Arabia, Iran, Morocco and Algeria are not mentioned.

          1. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Morocco has enough problems … it’s beaches are being sucked up for ‘construction’.
            (Probably sent to Dubai …)

          2. Rudy1947 Avatar

            Jobs, the perfect mix. Laborers and perhaps a few skilled.

          3. Matrix Avatar

            I presium that Saudi Arabia, Iran, Morocco and Algeria wasn’t mentioned for a simple reason – they are not setting value to any survey of Amnesty International….

            Ministerpräsident Horst Seehofer urge that other countries are considered safe countries of origin by the federal government.
            In particular, the increasing number of people from Morocco and Algeria was “unacceptable”.

            Regarding Morocco and Algeria, those maghreb counties are to be safe countries of origin – The CSU will classify other countries as safe countries of origin.
            The Kanzlerin announced plans to simplify a corresponding method.

            Just a remark regarding Asylum seekers: Only two North Africans received 2015 asylum!

            Almost all asylum applications from applicants from North Africa have been rejected, 2015. Yet few people are brought back to the Maghreb countries.

            Asylbewerber in der Zentralen Aufnahmeeinrichtung in Zirndorf (Bayern)

          4. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Less expensive to feed them in ‘Camps’ than ‘back home’ …. and with a better diet.

          5. Rudy1947 Avatar

            I’m sure these countries have more mundane explanations as to why they do not wish any refugees. Something to the effect that they don’t want the riffraff, don’t wish the expenditures associated with them or the hassle. Besides, having them go to the EU expands the Muslim base in those countries.

          6. Matrix Avatar

            .. and that contributes with the effect that the political right is gaining ground, such as in Austria.

          7. Rudy1947 Avatar


          8. Matrix Avatar

            Relief, Van der Bellen wins presidential election in Austria.

            ALARMING, Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Yaloon has decided to resign after a dispute with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
            Now Israel have a ‘War minister’.

          9. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Moderate “rebel” shelling hit an elderly home in west #Aleppo killing a 94 years old woman and injuring another. Syria

          10. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Considering the last 5 years, and general lack of food, I’m amazed either of them made it this far.

          11. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            They were in a nursing home in government held area.
            The 93 ys old woman witnessed a peaceful life, she was given a national funeral.

        3. Hind Abyad Avatar
          Hind Abyad

          Page all gooblygook

        4. Hind Abyad Avatar
          Hind Abyad

          Chocked By Rise of Jewish Extremism in Israel, Maverick Rabbi Denounces Discriminatory Laws

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