Aoun : Transition from the sectarian regime to a civilian state is Lebanon’s salvation


aounPresident Michel Aoun addressed the nation on the occasion marking the end of the first half of his presidential term  by  agreeing with the protesters  that  the transition from the prevailing sectarian regime to the civilian state,  is Lebanon’s salvation from its  problems.

“The transition from the prevailing sectarian regime to the civilian state, The Citizen state, is Lebanon’s salvation from its communal legacies and problems.” He said

He pledged to continue the fight against corruption through the necessary legislation and a just and impartial judiciary

He said Lebanon is at a critical juncture, especially in economic terms, and it desperately needs a harmonious government capable of producing. Ministers    must be selected according to their competencies and experience, not according to political affiliation and  appeasement of leaders .

He blamed the failure of the former governments on the numerous political considerations and balances
” The formation of governments is usually subject to numerous political considerations and balances may be, these are the most important reasons for the repeated failures”, he said

He called his speech a “statement of account”  and listed his achievements and failures and stressed the account was made more necessary after the recent protests and sit-ins that resulted in the resignation of the government

He listed his on focus on the Syrian refugees  and appointments and activation of the roles of institutions as some  of his achievements .

His speech comes after Prime Minster Saad Hariri  submitted the resignation of his cabinet .

 Hariri  submitted his resignation on Tuesday, declaring he had hit a “dead end” in trying to resolve the country’s crisis amid an unprecedented wave of protests against Lebanon’s ruling elite.

The three-time prime minister has led a national unity government, which included some of his political adversaries, for less than two years. In recent months, the country saw rapid economic deterioration, ballooning debt and rising prices.

On October 17, the government proposed imposing a tax on Whatsapp calls, along with other austerity measures, sparking nationwide protests that paralyzed the country.

Lebanon has been under lock-down since the protests began. Banks and schools have been closed for 15 days, while protesters blocked major routes throughout the tiny eastern Mediterranean nation.

“I can’t hide this from you. I have reached a dead-end,” Hariri said in his resignation speech.
“To all my political peers, our responsibility today is how to protect Lebanon and to uplift the economy,” he added. “Today, there is a serious opportunity and we should not waste it.”

“It is time for us to have a big shock to face the crisis,” he said. “To all partners in political life, our responsibility today is how we protect Lebanon and revive its economy.”




7 responses to “Aoun : Transition from the sectarian regime to a civilian state is Lebanon’s salvation”

  1. Ivan Kochman Avatar
    Ivan Kochman

    A od koho má to slovo- Spasenie? Takže je spasenie Libanonu tým čo vlastne uviedlo Libanon do tohoto chaosu? Nuž z toho spasenie asi nebude.

    1. (And from whom does the word – Salvation? So is the salvation of Lebanon what actually led Lebanon into this chaos? Well, it probably won’t be salvation)

      Dear Muslims! Salvation! Begin to initiate monkeys to your religion, for quantity

      1. Ivan Kochman Avatar
        Ivan Kochman

        Neprorokujte! Prorokujú! Keď nebudú týmto prorokovať, neuhnú pohanenia. To sú slová proroka Micheáša ktoré svojho času vyslovil židom a sú zviazané na nebesiach na svoj čas pre všetko čo povstalo z Boha a nie je nič čo by nepovstalo z Boha na tejto zemi. Ako počujem tak hovorím! Lebo tie slová na ktoré si ty odpovedal patrili prvom rade Aounovi a novinárom tohoto článku čo Aounovi svojím spôsobom prisluhujú vypočutie. A tieto slová nehovorím len tak lebo sú slová pred tým slovom – neprorokovať a sú slová aj po tom slove a všetky platia lebo sú zviazané na nebesiach teda aj na zemi. A vari nepôsobia dobre slová proroka Micheáša ľuďom Libanonu ktorý sú v uliciach? Veru sú ako balzam na ich duše. Nuž a k tvojmu súdu nad inými! Pravdu máš v jednom, že sú ľudia čo sa snažia skryť v tom množstve ale srdcom pri Bohu nie sú a snažia si zachovať to čo si myslia že majú ale nejdeš i ty v tom príkladom? Keď sám sa schovávaš za nejaký nick. Poznám prvú kapitolu koránu lebo mi ju bolo dané spoznať a to čo robíte s tým prečo je to tam napísané, nemáte nič spoločné.

        1. We are all fools or provocateurs
          And if you meet Buddha – kill him

          Všetci sme blázni alebo provokatéri
          A ak stretnete Budhu – zabite ho

          1. Ivan Kochman Avatar
            Ivan Kochman

            Nuž pravdivé sú slová že tí čo milujú tmu nechcú ísť na svetlo aby neboli zjavené ich skutky. Nuž i to je pravda že zabili prorokov i Ježiša vydali na ukrižovanie a moc im to nepomohlo a tak isto by to bolo aj s vraždou Budhu. Tak čo sa tu vyhováraš že nevieš čo robíš?

          2. Here is one of what I did today
            Toto je jedno z toho, čo som dnes urobil:

  2. MaryTPresumptuous Avatar

    Right: not “salvation” as no devine being will be involved or contributing. Democracy has no room for ayatollahs, political dynasties or nepotism, and no room for autocrats in robes or military garb. Democracy trusts that citizens will choose and act in their own true self-interest … in peace, with orderly transitions of power, and without the influence of organized criminal actors such as those who run opium and the illicit drug economy.

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