Israeli PM Netanyahu warns Iran to leave Syria ‘as quickly as possible’

NETANYAHUIsraeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Tuesday that he would “advise” the Iranians to leave Syria “as quickly as possible” after an Iranian minister claimed Tehran only has anti-terrorms “advisors” in the Syria”I heard the statement made by Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesman that they have no military presence in Syria, only advisors,” Netanyahu said as he welcomed the new IDF chief Aviv Kochavi. “So I advise them to get out of there quickly, because we will continue our aggressive policy in the region as we’ve promised.”.

Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Qassemi rejected Netanyahu’s claims on Monday that Israel carried out “hundreds” of airstrikes against Iranian military targets in Syria,  saying “Israel’s claims are baseless and false… it’s only an attempt by the Zionists to conceal their ongoing failures in the region.” Qassemi insisted that the Iranian officials are in Syria in a strictly advisory capacity. “The Syrian government invited us in order to advise them on methods to fight terrorism.” He said.

According to Israeli media report IDF has assessed that the Iranians have given up on their plan to establish permanent bases in Syria, and are instead focusing on trying to improve the accuracy of the missiles Hezbollah holds in Lebanon IDF has assessed that the Iranians have given up on their plan to establish permanent bases in Syria, and are instead focusing on trying to improve the accuracy of the missiles Hezbollah holds in Lebanon – and also create a similar proxy missile capability in Iraq.






One response to “Israeli PM Netanyahu warns Iran to leave Syria ‘as quickly as possible’”

  1. The big one is still coming…..
    10,000 pro-Iran troops massing to cross into Syria from Iraq. There could be some major casualties for the PMU if IDF does preemptive airstrikes. Hit them before they hit you. And Israel is not fvcking around at this point, they are just deciding the best time to strike because Iran is continuing building up troops/martyrs for Syria and is clearly pushing forward with its war plan.

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