Israeli-Americans call on Trump to stop Abbas from entering the US


state ofvpalestine presidnet mahmoud abbasA number  of Israeli-American families have called on  Donald Trump to stop Mahmoud Abbas from entering the United States, Israel media reported on Sunday. The President of the Palestinian Authority is scheduled to attend the UN General Assembly in New York.

The media described the families as “families of American victims of Palestinian terrorism.” They have, apparently, appealed to Trump to declare Abbas persona non grata

In a letter sent to Trump, the families said that allowing Abbas to enter the US is a violation of the law and poses a threat to the American people.

Trump has taken several measures to undermine Palestinian rights since becoming US President in 2016, the foremost of which was recognising Jerusalem as the capital of the occupation state of Israel,  as well as more recently halting funding for the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA).

The Palestinians also consider Jerusalem their capital.

 Anti Trump meeting

President Mahmoud Abbas will reportedly hold a meeting in New York on Wednesday with senior officials representing 40 countries and international organizations to discuss the ways  and means to block or influence the upcoming U.S. Middle East peace plan,  according to Isareli media reports .

This is Abbas’s most proactive diplomatic step since Trump’s Jerusalem embassy announcement, which led him to cut ties with the White House. Since then, Abbas has been campaigning against the Trump administration’s policies on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Abbas is trying to rally the international community against Trump and challenge the White House claims that he’s undermining a potential peace process.

According to the Israeli reports , Abbas invited to the meeting all the main countries in the world that have a role or an interest in the Israeli-Palestinian peace process.
All members of the UN Security Council except the the U.S. and Israel
The meeting will reportedly take place at the Grand Hyatt hotel, under the theme: “Salvaging the Two-State Solution, Defending the International Rules-Based System.”
According to to the reports the meeting has the following goals:

Discussing steps to defend against the threat posed to the two-state solution by the ongoing and expanding Israeli settlements.
Proactively protecting UN agencies and organizations which deal with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, like UNRWA.
Launching a credible and effective political process that seeks to achieve the two-state solution while reaffirming the centrality of international law and UN resolutions.
The Palestinians stress that preserving the two state solution is one of the basic principles which should be supported by all those who reject Trump’s policies that undermine world order.

Israel is reportedly campaigning against the meeting  and has ordered diplomats around the world to lobby governments who were invited to the meeting not to attend or to lower their level of representation as much as possible, according to Israeli officials, but the Palestinians are sure that most countries will send senior diplomats to the meeting.




9 responses to “Israeli-Americans call on Trump to stop Abbas from entering the US”

  1. Bravo Mr Abbas. Don’t give up on the 2 state solution. It is the only solution . Trump has nothing to offer

    1. MaryTPresumptuous Avatar

      If only he were advancing a 2 state solution, many would agree. But “the three ‘No’s” policy and the corresponding “no ‘Yes’s” action plan are still in effect and the plan of record for the Abbas administration.

      Two generations later, the world is concluding that the experiment of relying on palestinians’ self-determination to overcome palestinians’ circumstances is folly. That is why copious resources are no longer being supplied by Arab states or by the West.

      The PLO and so Fatah needs new leadership if it is to be a representative democracy. The current political system has failed. The PLO needs a new economy wherein palestinians make productive contributions that are self sustaining. The current economic system has failed, Palestinians need an approach to life that allow them to thrive within their means instead of allowing foreign subsidies to encourage a birth rate that outstrips every resources able to be gathered. The life cycle of current society has failed.

      Or, palestinians need to go back to fitting into other nations and living a life as a minority beholden to the dominant societies and governments in Egypt, Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon.

      There is no other third choice.

      1. According to the article the purpose of Abbas ‘ meeting is
        “Discussing steps to defend against the threat posed to the two-state solution by the ongoing and expanding Israeli settlements.

        Proactively protecting UN agencies and organizations which deal with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, like UNRWA.

        Launching a credible and effective political process that seeks to achieve the two-state solution while reaffirming the centrality of international law and UN resolutions.

        The Palestinians stress that preserving the two state solution is one of the basic principles which should be supported by all those who reject Trump’s policies that undermine world order.”

        Where are the negative factors
        I think Israel needs new leadership that should promote peace and coexistence. The current Israeli leadership is incapable of negotiating a peace deal ,since this is the last thing on its mind . This is precisely why Netanyahu is campaigning against Abass’ meeting .

        Occupations never lasted forever . It is in Israeli’s interest to negotiate a peace deal with the Palestinians , the sooner the better for the sake of future generations

        1. MaryTPresumptuous Avatar

          “Resistance” is treading water, not progress. The world has expected progress. And there has been none other than an increasingly dependent and unsustainable increase in population.

          The world is in the process of turning away from helping palestinians to tread water.

          Abbas should say “Yes” and move on, or continue to resist and say “No” and preside over the end of what was once a dream.

          The world has been watching the PLO’s slow motion failure to reduce the dream to practise, and is now willing to recognize it as such. That is an external reality Abbas will eventually internalize, one way or another and in his lifetime.

          That is too bad, and it is.

        2. Indeed Israel needs a new leadership that can promote peace and coexistence.

          The current Israeli leadership is incapable of negotiating a peace deal.
          This current leadership is theocratic (not democratic) and the peace and coexistence is the last thing on its mind.

          I hope the Israelis realize that it is in their interest to negotiate a peace deal with the Palestinian Arabs, sooner than later – for the sake of future generations.

          1. Stupid Niemals, want you corrupt ugly Oslo 2? No more. Kiss Arafat ass

          2. Stupid Niemals, Blastelinian Orabs are Orabistinian Orabs, Wet Water

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