How John Bolton sabotaged US foreign policy in Israel’s favor during Lebanon war


BOLTONByΒ Richard Silverstein

Last week, US President Donald TrumpΒ appointed John BoltonΒ to replace HR McMaster as the new national security advisor. Bolton is a noted far-right ideologue who was favoured by former vice president Dick Cheney during the Bush administration.

He served as US ambassador to the United Nations for more than aΒ year,Β but was forced to abandon the post when heΒ failed to secure Senate confirmation.

A fervent Israel supporter

In recent days, Israel’s then UN ambassador, Danny Gilerman,Β gave an interviewΒ to Israeli Army Radio (Hebrew interview) in which he discussed the close relationship he enjoyed with Bolton during their work together at the world body. Their collaboration was beyond “close”.

Bolton actually sabotaged the official foreign policy objectives of then-secretary of state Condoleezza Rice.Β GilermanΒ recounts that whenever Bolton discovered a policy initiative he deemed “anti-Israel” the latter hastened to warn him. He directed Gilerman to call then-prime minister Ehud Olmert to telephone President Bush and kill the policy before it could be implemented.

InΒ Gilerman’sΒ military metaphor, Bolton was so fervent in his support for Israel that he “called down fire on his own forces”. In other words, Bolton was willing to kill his own to advance Israel’s interests.

Like the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Bolton will be more than content with the status quo, which offers Israel free reign to build settlements and maintain the Occupation

In one instance,Β GilermanΒ was working with Bolton to arrange a ceasefire at the close of the 2006 Lebanon war.Β GilermanΒ told the interviewer that both him and Bolton worked together to move forwardΒ ResoultionΒ 1701 that ultimately brought about the ceasefire in that war.

“The US supported us and I worked very closely with Bolton. The French supported Lebanon,” saidΒ Gilerman. He added:

“That night, before the American envoy was to arrive the next morning to present the prime minister with the draft resolution to be accepted by the Security Council, John Bolton phones me at something like three in the morning Israel time – I was in New York, so it was about 8:00 in the evening in New York – and he says ‘I must see you’. He comes to my house so that it wouldn’t be in my office or his, and he says ‘Listen, Condoleezza Rice has sold you to the French. Meaning, she agreed to the French proposal that was approved by the Lebanese, and the draft that the prime minister is going to see tomorrow morning isn’t the draft we’re going to vote on, and it’s very bad for you.’

Then US Ambassador to the UN John Bolton and US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice meet in New York on 21 July 2006 (AFP)


“I did awaken the prime minister, and because ofΒ thisΒ he convened a meeting. Yes, he did receive the incorrect draft – it turned out that the correct version was ready and Condoleezza Rice was already on the way to New York to promote it. In great measure because of this – and I thinkΒ then primeΒ minister Olmert also says this – the prime minister asked for an extension of an additional 48 hours to solidify Israel’s position, to prevent passing a very deleterious resolution to Israel from being ratified. It was very, very negative for us – ultimately it led to a resolution that brought an end of the war and quiet in the north.”

What Bolton did was to thoroughly undercut the work of his own boss, the secretary of state, who Β reportedly confirmed theΒ incident

Some would call it insubordination, a trait Bolton is known for. But it actually goes far beyond that. Bolton, in effect, had become an Israeli asset. Note as well, thatΒ GilermanΒ makes clear that Bolton travelled to the Israeli diplomat’s home so that neither his US staff orΒ Gilerman’sΒ could document his perfidy.

In a separate event, former Israeli defence minister, Shaul Mofaz,Β spoke on a national security panelΒ in which he revealed that Bolton had pressured him to attack Iran: “I have known John Bolton ever since he was the US ambassador to the UN, he tried to convince me that Israel should strike Iran.”

Speaking on a panel of four former Israeli military chiefs, Mofaz noted that he thought this was a bad idea. “I don’t think this is a wise action – not on the part of the Americans but [neither] anyone else, until this threat becomes real.”

Turf battles

Bolton knew that George Bush had refused Ehud Olmert’s request that AmericaΒ attackΒ Iran, or jointly attack that country with Israel. So the UN ambassador turned to the defence minister and urgedΒ himΒ to do it. He didn’t ask his superiors whether it was in US interests for Israel to start a war with Iran. He just did it.

At the time, Bolton had the support of Dick Cheney. So he could do no wrong. But now, asΒ nationalΒ security advisor, Bolton will be shaping US policy in areas that are of profound concern to Israel. In fact,Β GilermanΒ says in the interview that Bolton’s new job is a “gift for Israel”.

Indeed, it is. With an ally like this at the heart of the Trump administration, Israel will never see any criticism or policy it views as inimical to its interests. This, of course, will not be in the American national interest, since it will not advance peace in the region. Just the opposite.

The type of Islamophobia espoused by Bolton and Trump is selective: Shiites are the “bad” Muslims.Β  And Sunni Muslims like those in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states are the “good Muslims”

For example, Bolton is expected to secure the president’s blessing toΒ cancel the Iran nuclear deal. In addition, he will no doubt take a key role in developingΒ policyΒ toward Israel-Palestine.

Though there have been strong rumours that a Kushner peace plan will be presented in the near future, the president’s son-in-law has been buffeted by multiple scandals, including the loss of access toΒ top secretΒ government material and documents. My sense is that the peace proposal he was developing, which was controversial in its own right, is dead in the water.

Now Bolton, who has never shied away from turf battles, will doubtless want to put his mark on this critical area of US foreign policy. Bolton has nothing but disdain for the Palestinians. Therefore, he will likely not want any peace initiatives – either Kushner’s or anyone else’s.

Like Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Bolton will be more than content with the status quo, which offers Israel free reign to build settlements and maintain the occupation.

DC’s new normal

Bolton is anΒ avid IslamophobeΒ who has spoken before conferences hosted by Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer, whoΒ areΒ listed by the Southern Poverty Law Center as leaders of hate groups.

In his new role, his hatred of Islam will probably target Shia-led states like Iran and Syria. In the past, he hasΒ advocated not just regime change in Iran, but a nuclear attack on its research facilities. This is a position both Israel and Saudi Arabia have long advocated and two US presidents have opposed. Expect extraordinary pressure toΒ set the US on the path to war.





81 responses to “How John Bolton sabotaged US foreign policy in Israel’s favor during Lebanon war”

  1. Putting online crap from the moronic old hag Dickie Silverstein. A new low for YaLibnan. I guess proving your Arabist credentials – to yourself or to Hezbollah’s military censors – does come at a price. πŸ™‚

    1. Danny Farah Avatar
      Danny Farah

      The Truth Y Koon. Live with it.

      1. Lo and behold: another full-fledged Dumbyad is born! πŸ™‚

        What’s a “Y Koon”, anyway?

        1. Niemals Avatar

          Danny Googled ????…

          1. Danny Farah Avatar
            Danny Farah

            I googled you and Niemals backward is animels.. Lol

          2. Niemals Avatar

            Wow, talk about a intellectual performance….

          3. Danny Farah Avatar
            Danny Farah

            Yes Niemals I surprise myself sometimes..Lol.. I am just teasing bud.

        2. Danny Farah Avatar
          Danny Farah

          Racoon that’s what you are.. you only appear to take everything in your way. You are nothing but a Zionist and a troublemaker. There are many good Israelis I am sure but you are one son of a bitch and I would not mind if Hezbollah or PLO cut your penis and shove it where your it belongs.

          1. Raccoon, seriously? Don’t bullshit me, Farah. Raccoons are the cutest of animals. Haven’t you seen Guardians of the Galaxy? I’m doing my best to be nice, but I sure as hell ain’t cute. πŸ™‚

          2. Rascal Avatar

            I have raccoons regularly at my house. They can be made into pets if you bring them up from babies, at least until they go into heat, then the wild comes out in them until they find a mate. They look like little bank robbers .

          3. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Really? I had a neighbour who left for the weekend leaving a 3 month old kitten alone i saw this grosse beast coming for him, just got time to pick up the little cat scared to death, as i.

          4. Rascal Avatar

            Usually raccoons are scavenging for food, sadly they can make a mess with garbage if you leave it out, but they are not beasts. They don’t seem to bother my cats when they are in close proximity. They are just another of gods creatures trying to survive in their ever shrinking environment.

          5. Bumbyad basically hates all of God’s creatures, even though she’s particularly obsessed with the Jooz. She only makes an exception for Bashar, his family, and the Iranian mullahs. πŸ™‚

          6. Both of them. πŸ™‚

          7. Danny Farah Avatar
            Danny Farah

            Ah let me send you all the raccoons in my backyard and you can have them eat in your kitchen and sleep with you i could careless. Raccoons are the cutest animals it’s saying Daesh are harmless and they have the cutest beards and knives. give me a break.

          8. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            A pet raccoon destroyed the face of their six month old baby. Smirk

    2. I googled John Bolton and found several articles about him being an Israeli asset and how he sabotaged US foreign policy on several occasions . He is like VP Pence and Dick Cheney … they have their own agenda . You obviously have blinders like these guys and don’t want to seek the truth

      1. I once googled “David Duke” and found out he had a Ph.D.
        We always find what we seek, mate. It’s called the Internet. πŸ™‚

        1. Was he a classmate of yours?

          1. Good one, pal. You see, you can be funny when you apply yourself. πŸ™‚

      2. Danny Farah Avatar
        Danny Farah

        Arzna why bother talking to an extremists who is blindsided by the old jewish ideology of claiming all the lands is theirs. Bolton is a high paid jewish whore who could careless about the United States and how many of the US armed forces die for the sake of Israel. Iraq should been an Israeli war not AMerican. But Israeli allies in congress and DIck Cheney and Bolton made it our problem. The Jewish state want to get even with Saddam after he bombarded them with Scud Missiles and he gave the families of the suicide bombers each 25K. So why bloody the IDF use the americans and they did and keep on doing it anyway. Now Donald Trump is doing the same. God save us from Iran and the Jewish state.

        1. Subliterate, primitive, bigoted, conspiracy-mongering Arabs going nuts are a sight to behold. Always worth the admission price! πŸ™‚

          1. Danny Farah Avatar
            Danny Farah

            I am not an Arab I am phoenician Y Kooon.

          2. Niemals Avatar

            You say that you are not an Arab, what text we find In your passport under Place of birth

            “I am phoenician”, however Phoenician may refer to an ancient civilization, Phoenician alphabet, Phoenician language but you can’t be so old person to belong to this ancient civilization.
            Civilizations come and go….

            Roman imperial province encompassing ancient Phoenicia – Roman Empire dosen’t exist anymore.

            I don’t need to tell you about the name of Lebanon that is derived from the Phoenician-Semitic root LBN, that’s why they call you Lebanese – not Phoenician….

            Notice that;
            There is a longstanding conflict among Lebanese as to whether they are Arabs or Phoenicians, with adherents of the Phoenician identity predominantly Christian.
            This sort of identity politics fed into the civil wars. In fact, Arabic is a language, not a race, and Phoenician descent is a heritage of all humankind by now.

          3. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Right the googling Alzheimer. Jews are race not a religion.

            ‘Living Descendants of Biblical Canaanites Identified Via DNA’

          4. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            ‘Subliterate, primitive, bigoted, conspiracy-mongering Jews going nuts are a sight to behold. Always worth the admission price!’

            ‘Living Descendants of Biblical Canaanites Identified Via DNA
            Genome sequenced from 3,700-year-old remains is found in today’s residents of Lebanon’.

            More than 90 percent of the genetic ancestry of modern Lebanese is derived from ancient Canaanites, according to a paper published today in the American Journal of Human Genetics.

            Researchers supported by The Wellcome Trust were able to sequence the Canaanite genome from the remains of five individuals buried in the ancient port city of Sidon (modern SaΓ―da, Lebanon) around 3,700 years ago. The results were compared against the DNA of 99 modern-day Lebanese residents.”
            Worth the admission price. Smirky

      3. Hind Abyad Avatar
        Hind Abyad

        “WASHINGTON, Aug.2005 – President Bush bypassed the Senate and installed John R. Bolton as his ambassador to the United Nations on Monday over strong Democratic objections that he was abusing power and undermining the credibility of the United States.”

        It was the first time since the United Nations’ founding in 1945 that the United States has filled that post using a recess appointment, a backdoor procedure that permits the president to fill vacant positions when the Senate is in recess, as it is for August.

        The appointment brought to a close a five-month standoff between the White House and Senate Democrats, who had held up Mr. Bolton’s confirmation over accusations that he had manipulated intelligence to conform to his hawkish ideology and had bullied subordinates.”

    3. Hind Abyad Avatar
      Hind Abyad

      Order your articles on YaLibnan.. or better, go home. Smirk

      1. Are you moonlighting as a speech writer for these degenerates? πŸ™‚

  2. Bolton is against everything dear to Arab Nazis and their Western supporters. And it’s good so. Let the brown-red bumholes burn! πŸ™‚

    1. Hind Abyad Avatar
      Hind Abyad

      Hope you burn.

      1. Don’t set your hopes too high, pathetic moron.

          1. Danny Farah Avatar
            Danny Farah

            Good one Hind

          2. Why don’t you two geniuses get a room? Imagine your children! Beautiful AND smart! πŸ™‚

          3. Niemals Avatar

            “Imagine your children! Beautiful AND smart! :)”


          4. Steve Harvey Avatar
            Steve Harvey

            God bless Israel and her War on Terrorism!

          5. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Hey Harvey you have no God

          6. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Jealous? Israel wants to annex Lebanon, Israel created Hezbollah. Thank God Lebanon will stand united to kick your asses.

          7. “Jealous?”

            Sure, sista. I want to spend even more quality time with you two. πŸ™‚

            “Israel wants to annex Lebanon”

            No such luck for you, moron. Not even Assad wants to annex Lebanon any longer. Hell, the Lebanese themselves don’t seem to give a shit about Lebanon. It’s only of interest to the ayatollahs – as staging groumd for their proxy wars.

          8. Niemals Avatar

            The Abyss “Israel wants to annex Lebanon” explains why she left Lebanon….

            Why didn’t Syria annex Lebanon during the Civil War after they were invited by some Lebanese between 1976-2005?
   arab socialist Ba’ath Party

          9. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Explain your idiocy

          10. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Why not post what you know best.. like Sweden-EU?

          11. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Mad at anyone i up vote, hilarious..ha ha. Smirk

          12. “Smirk”, “smirk”, smirk”, smirk”.
            Glad you learned a new word. A welcome addition to your vocabulary of ten. πŸ™‚

          13. Niemals Avatar

            The only thing she done was “Smirk”, “smirk”, smirk”, smirk”
            You even can see, the self-satisfied smirks immortalized in her Avatar.

          14. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Khazar Turkic Mongolic Slavic genes, Bolshevik ‘Jews’ helped Ataturk Armenian-Assyrian Genocide down to Mount Lebanon. Lebanese child dying of starvation while the murderers trolls smirk along on YaLibnan.

          15. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Assad never wanted to annex Lebanon.
            He declared Shebaa Farms were Lebanese land.
            Your Nata tata say ” it’s Syrian land err.. but Golan Hights
            are Israeli” zzzzzzzzzzzz

          16. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            You’re a very sick insignificant individual.

          17. I have no hopes for you, my genetic garbage friend. None whatsoever. πŸ™‚

          18. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Your genetic garbage?

    2. Hind Abyad Avatar
      Hind Abyad

      ‘Springtime for Bolton.’
      By Don Hammond

      1. Who cares about these Commies-light from The Nation? What’s Russia Today’s take on this? And Al Akhbar’s? πŸ™‚

          1. You’ve re-posted this like a thousand times already, without rhyme or reason. How about taking your meds instead? πŸ™‚

          2. Niemals Avatar

            Dose she still drives the same reprints over and over again? – Must be boring.

          3. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Yak Yak ..
            (How about taking your meds instead? πŸ™‚
            posted 2000 times all day long at you trolling paid job. Smirk

          4. Assad’s glorious army just offed 200 “Zionists”. Aren’t you supposed to be celebrating?

          5. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Shut up looser in 1915 Jabotinsky was editor of Ataturk paper “The Young Turks” that promoted the Armenian Genocide- in parallel with Assyrian and Mount Lebanon – preparing Palestine for futur Zionist state – to clear off Christians
            in the Levant, continued by ISIS.

            Mount Lebanon

  3. Hind Abyad Avatar
    Hind Abyad

    Oh surprise! Zionists don’t want blacks send to Euro..not Africa
    “Israel Reaches Deal With UN to Deport Asylum Seekers to West, not Africa”

    Netanyahu says Canada, Germany, Italy among countries to take in asylum seekers β–  Israel will deport 16,250 refugees to West, grant 16,250 temporary residency status

  4. Hind Abyad Avatar
    Hind Abyad

    “Asylum Seekers Threaten Israels Identity, Says Foreign Ministry Spokesman
    In an interview with the BBC, Emmanuel Nahshon also defends Israel’s refusal to grant migrants asylum because it would bring in more asylum seekers”.
    Not to European dying identity?
    Click YouTube for sound

  5. Hind Abyad Avatar
    Hind Abyad

    “Arab world has abandoned Palestine: Jumblatt”
    The leader of the Progressive Socialist Party, Walid Jumblatt, tweeted his frustrations on the Palestine crisis, Monday, pointing out that the Palestinian people are all alone against Israel.

    β€œNo Arab League exists, no international community, and no United Nations…,” Jumblatt continued.

    β€œWe salute you, the people of Gaza, and may God rest the soul of martyr Abdel-Fattah Abdel-Nabi and all other martyrs,” Jumblatt added.

    1. I bet this piece of crap is “Phoenician”, too! πŸ™‚

  6. George Eroes Avatar
    George Eroes

    Left-wing red diaper doper baby and disinformation specialist.

    1. Hind Abyad Avatar
      Hind Abyad

      Discussion on Ya Libnan News
      “non signs oil deal with an international consortium”.
      Warns Israel against hindering drilling

      George Eroes – 4 months ago
      bye bye lebanon….

  7. Steve Harvey Avatar
    Steve Harvey

    God bless John Bolton and his neoconservative views. A true American patriot!

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