Trump tweets ‘I Call My Own Shots,’ but didn’t know he signed EO to put Bannon on NSC


trump-bannonPresident Donald Trump had a rough weekend, guys.

His lack of control over his chief strategist, Steven Bannon, was the punchline of the “Saturday Night Live” opening sketch, and on Sunday, the New York Times reported that Trump was not aware he appointed Bannon to the National Security Council when he signed one of his many executive orders since he took office.

The Times’ article also noted that when Trump found out he assigned Bannon a seat without being briefed on it, the information was a “greater source of frustration to the president than the fallout from the travel ban.”

Then, after all that, Trump tweeted this loaded gem on Monday morning:

And, naturally, Twitter had a lot feelings about it.

Here are some of the best tweets:

