Protests against Trump’s immigration policies continue across the U.S.

Ann Donnelly a federal judge in Brooklyn ordered a stay on Trump's executive order (AP)
Ann Donnelly a federal judge in Brooklyn ordered a stay on Trump’s executive order (AP)

The hashtag #ResistTrumpTuesdays trended Tuesday, as protests against President Trump’s immigration policies and Cabinet nominees continued around the country. Protests took place in Brooklyn; Kansas City, Mo.; Miami; Minneapolis; New Brunswick, N.J.; Tucson; and Worcester, Mass., as well as outside of lawmakers’ offices in Washington, D.C.

In Brooklyn, thousands of protesters marched to the apartment building of U.S. Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) to demand that he reject President Trump’s Cabinet picks.

In Minneapolis, protesters gathered to object to Trump’s ban on travelers from Muslim-majority countries.

And in Tucson, a peaceful crowd outside John McCain’s office urged the senator, who had called Trump’s refugee ban a “self-inflicted wound in the fight against terrorism,” to take action against the executive order.




One response to “Protests against Trump’s immigration policies continue across the U.S.”

  1. Gotta love the manufactured outrage.

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