Turkey Targets Gulen-Inspired Projects Around the World


 In past years, big names in South Africa picked up the annual Gulen Peace Award, a local accolade inspired by a Turkish preacher who has been blamed by Turkey for an attempted coup last month.

Both Nobel laureate Desmond Tutu and Graca Machel, an activist and widow of Nelson Mandela, have been feted in the name of Muslim cleric Fethullah Gulen, who has won international recognition for promoting dialogue and education. But this year’s award ceremony is in doubt as Turkey campaigns globally to shut schools and other institutes linked to Gulen, who once enjoyed support from the Turkish government that now calls him a terrorist.

“We haven’t decided yet whether there will be an event or not,” said Ayhan Cetin, director of the Turquoise Harmony Institute, a Gulen-inspired group based in Johannesburg. South Africa’s government has not moved against Gulen supporters, but it could be awkward for someone to accept the award because of the international tension, he said.

At home, Turkey has detained more than 40,000 people in a bid to dismantle the network of Gulen, drawing criticism that the purge could sweep up anyone critical of the government.

Turkey’s international campaign against Gulen, who denies any involvement in the July 15 uprising, targets schools and other institutions in more than 100 countries, including in Asia, Africa, Europe and the United States.

The Turkish bid is complicated by questions of national sovereignty and whether there is evidence of links between far-flung projects – many with no formal ties to Gulen’s headquarters in the U.S. – and the coup attempt against Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Gulen’s global influence could depend partly on whether the United States extradites him at the request of Turkey, which is frustrated by U.S. statements that it must present evidence and follow the legal process, a commentator said.

“As long as they kind of enjoy some sort of American cover, I think they will be able to continue,” said Halil Karaveli, a senior fellow at the Central Asia-Caucasus Institute and the Silk Road Studies Program.

Turkey accuses Gulen, who is associated with Islamic mysticism, or Sufism, of clandestinely grooming school recruits to eventually take over the state. Prime Minister Binali Yildirim has told ambassadors that their countries should move against schools or associations tied to Gulen’s movement, known as Hizmet, or “Service” in Turkish.

“Here’s some friendly advice: If you are late in taking action against them, this threat will no longer be a Turkish threat, it could become your countries’ greatest threat,” Yildirim said.

Somalia, a war-torn beneficiary of Turkish aid, closed educational and medical facilities linked to Gulen, though Turkey said they would operate again under different management. Azerbaijan seized a university connected with Gulen, while the Kurdish regional government in northern Iraq said Gulen-affiliated schools will be transferred to new ownership, Turkey’s Anadolu Agency reported.

The reaction in some other countries, such as Germany and Kenya, is more skeptical or cautious. In places with limited resources, the schools have won praise for producing local graduates with good results. “It shouldn’t be an arbitrary decision to close any school, just based on somebody’s political wish,” said Jeton Mehmeti, an education analyst in Kosovo.

Gulen, whose Islamic movement first expanded outside Turkey in the early 1990s after the fall of the Soviet Union, has come under international scrutiny in the past. Russia closed schools connected with the cleric years ago amid concerns there about Islamic militancy.

There are about 150 taxpayer-funded charter schools believed to be linked to Gulen in the United States, and Turkey has retained a U.S. legal firm, Amsterdam & Partners, to file complaints against them. The FBI has investigated allegations of employment discrimination, competitive bidding abuses and visa fraud at some of the schools, with few repercussions so far.

In South Africa, nine schools inspired by Gulen’s teachings follow a mostly secular curriculum that emphasizes math and science, and offer scholarships to disadvantaged children. Of their 3,500 students, 95 percent are South African, said Cetin of the Turquoise Harmony Institute.

Tensions over the coup attempt deepened a rift among Turks in South Africa, where the Turkish ambassador, Kaan Esener, described operators of Gulen-inspired schools as a “crime syndicate” in a radio interview. Some Erdogan supporters also criticized the Nizamiye mosque north of Johannesburg, a soaring structure built with the funds of a Gulen backer.

Cetin speculated that Turkey would pressure Gulen’s expatriate supporters by rounding up relatives and friends at home in a widening crackdown.

“The circle will be bigger and bigger,” he said.

Associated Press



108 responses to “Turkey Targets Gulen-Inspired Projects Around the World”

  1. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Like I said … The Erdoganic Dork has to ’round up’ the 48% who voted against him – which now seems anywhere in the world. And who loses out with attacks on schools as usual? Children.

    1. Hind Abyad Avatar
      Hind Abyad

      Israeli Intel Chief: We Don’t Want ISIS Defeated in Syria
      Says ISIS Faces Difficulty, Loss Would Put Israel in ‘Hard Position’ (;-)
      by Jason Ditz, June 21, 2016

      1. Rudy1947 Avatar

        You could at least provide the entire quote or a website that provides it. Then we can figure out out how it relates to Gulen.

        1. There you go …

          WikiLeaks, Hillary-Gulen Intimate Ties & How the Clintons Gave Birth to Mullah Gulen’s Terrorist Network


          1. Rudy1947 Avatar

            That was wonderful Hind. Didn’t even see your mouth move.

          2. She didn’t need to move anything as her post was on point. You just want to dilute the facts and try to make them look irrelevant.

          3. Rudy1947 Avatar

            And what point is that?

          4. That IsraHell is waging asymmetric warfare on her Arab neighbors under the false flag operations carried out by their agents in ISIS. (It’s also the perfect pretext for the ones who created IsraHell to destroy any archeological evidence that can discredit not only IsraHell made-up story but also the one of the Abrahamic religions).

          5. Rudy1947 Avatar


          6. Ah yes, I forgot that your CNN did not feed you that info.

          7. Rudy1947 Avatar

            I was reading an article, not from CNN, but about a Russian documentary,how the Jews, Illuminati and Freemasons were responsible responsible for 9/11 (old conspiracy news), Chernobyl and the Titanic. First person I thought of was Hind, then you.

          8. See what you did? Or maybe you didn’t since it comes naturally to you and that is your objective here: troll and dilute topics to make them insignificant.

            I never looked into Chernobyl and/or the Titanic but it’s quite possible that they were also false-flags. I remember an insurance related possibility with the Titanic.

            You already know my stance about 9/11. It was indeed an inside job. All points to it. Professor Steven Jones’ discovery of active thermitic material in the dust from 9/11 is particularly interesting. It was published in “The Open Chemical Physics Journal” in 2009.

            Publication: http://benthamopen.com/content…/TOCPJ/TOCPJ-2-7.pdf

            Documentary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8cfjYUHF8UE

            As for the Illuminati, Freemasons, etc, I don’t think you have a clue, and by clue I mean actual historical knowledge, about who they were and who they are now. It goes back to the Roman Empire.

          9. Rudy1947 Avatar

            LOL, I heard the same BS about 9/11 before the smoldering stopped. I laughed then and I’m laughing now.

            BTW, would have the quote made by Maj Gen Herzi Halevy?

          10. Can I blame you? You laughed then and you laugh now because you don’t have the intelligence to understand the various parts of a a scientific research/study.

            Which of Halevy’s quote? “We do not want ISIS defeat in Syria”?

          11. Rudy1947 Avatar

            Do explain to me how I don’t understand scientific research.

            Did you not read Hind’s website? How are you going to explain scientific research when you can read?

          12. Did you read Jones’ research/study in full? Or watched the documentary? When you do, we can discuss.

            I didn’t know Hing had a website.

          13. Rudy1947 Avatar

            Who’s Hing?

          14. Hind

          15. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            What’s the name of Hind’s vebzite? I never go to vebzites.

          16. I didn’t make the link when he said “Hind’s website” – I thought he referred to a website you owned. He was referring to the one you posted. Le con

          17. Rudy1947 Avatar

            The website was Antiwar. com

          18. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            He’s autistic, leave him alone.

          19. Rudy1947 Avatar

            What’s your PhD in?

          20. Was; done several year ago. Chemical engineering.

          21. 5thDrawer Avatar

            I never rely on Doctorates … Even Doctors admit they are always Practicing. 😉

          22. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Publishes his paper …. Almost immediately a ‘News’ reporter contacts him … and describes his paper IMMEDIATELY by way of an introduction:
            ‘A Physics Professor with a ‘CONTOVERSIAL’ Sept 11th ‘CONSPIRACY THEORY’ ….. continues describing it as a ‘Hypothesis’ …
            And thus the listeners are pre-programmed to hear the Professor as being an improbable theorist. Being cut off fast about building 7 (which most of the world didn’t even hear about for a while) doesn’t allow the full paper to be shown.

          23. There. You. Go.

          24. Rudy1947 Avatar

            It would also be noted that many of his peers have questioned his “hypothesis”, so much so that he retired.

          25. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Didn’t see THAT as his reason for his retirement. Got a quote?

          26. Bs.

            From Wikipedia: Jones has claimed that mere airplane crashes and fires could not have resulted in so rapid and complete a fall of the World Trade Center Towers and 7 World Trade Center, suggesting controlled demolition instead, based upon his own experiments. In late 2006, some time after Brigham Young University (BYU) officials placed him on paid leave, Jones chose to retire in an agreement with BYU. BYU abandoned their academic review of Jones’ work after the agreement was reached.

          27. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Good old ‘Outa sight, outa mind’ mechanics.

          28. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Still doesn’t mean it’s a reason for him to retire – and he didn’t say it was.
            In the ‘scientific community’, they have bashed each other’s ‘theories’ since the days of Alchemy provided gold from lead, for the Wizards to hold their advisory seats under a king.
            None of them disagree on the science of melting metals. Only on how much science could have been utilized in one spot at one time to cause such a collapse of such a building – or rather three of them – so wonderfully well that they didn’t fall all over the neighbourhood.
            (Or was that a consideration when they built them, and a ‘fail-safe’ was built into the construction? Anyone see the building permit? 😉
            They don’t disagree that the whole ‘EVENT’ is so incredibly suspicious they can’t believe it wasn’t planned long before.
            Jones may not have ‘presented’ well, indeed … Did any of them take into account the volume of rare metals from 3000 bodies, for instance?

          29. Rudy1947 Avatar

            1. Quite, not just scientists either. Also, the entity that the scientist represents.
            2. The disagreement also revolved around the contamination of the dust that could have come from so many sources and that would render the dust useless.
            3. Oh my, prepositioned explosives?
            4. It was planned, just not by the usual suspects so often blamed for so many.
            5. Or cutting tools, metals involved in the building of the structures and surrounding cars, lighting, artwork, etc. As far as the bodies the metal would have to come from the wardrobe, jewelry, etc. More reason for the contamination of the dust.

          30. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Check out the ‘Judy’ show on it …..

          31. Rudy1947 Avatar

            And where is Dr Jones?

          32. active, unreacted thermitic material, incorporating nanotechnology, and is a highly energetic pyrotechnic or explosive material. cannot be found on, in, from our daily items, tools, etc.

          33. Rudy1947 Avatar

            And what does these compounds due when blended in fire?

          34. A compound is two (or more) elements bonding to form a substance. Thus, what compounds?

          35. Rudy1947 Avatar


          36. Exactly what?

            As I just wrote to another one of your comment, active, unreacted thermitic material, incorporating nanotechnology, and is a highly energetic pyrotechnic or explosive material cannot be created by bonding 2 or more elements with fire.

          37. Did you read Stephen Phillips’s critique in full and did you understand everything or did you just search online for something to negate Jones’ research/study just for the sake of being “right” here?

          38. Rudy1947 Avatar

            I’m not a PhD. However, I do understand the basic concept of contaminated evidence and I do understand that after an incident of such destruction of the buildings and the surrounding structures will produce a dust with anything in it.

          39. You don’t need to be a PhD to advance such hypothesis and in normal conditions, you would be right. The problem is the concentration of thermate the dust of 9/11, which coupled with other scientific anomalies leads to suggests wrongdoing.

            Jones’ approach was purely scientific and the only valid way to properly answer a scientific anomaly. Phillip’s wrote an article the he was half scientific (misinterpretation of Jones statements, reference to non-scientific arguments, etc).

            You can go over the following link to see for yourself:


          40. Rudy1947 Avatar

            “leads to suggest” Did Dr Jones get beyond the leads to suggest stage and prove anything?

          41. Yes, Dr. Jones proved the following:

            Based on these observations, we conclude that the red layer of the red/gray chips we have discovered in the WTC dust is active, unreacted thermitic material, incorporating nanotechnology, and is a highly energetic pyrotechnic or explosive material.


          42. Rudy1947 Avatar

            Did Dr Jones take into consideration that torches were used to cut steel? The sample came from an apartment. What does DR Jones have to say about that.

          43. Did Dr Jones take into consideration that torches were used to cut steel?

            I don’t understand.

            The sample came from an apartment. What does DR Jones have to say about that.

            “This dust, which came from the ‘collapsed’ World Trade Center Towers, was collected from my loft at the corner of Reade Street and Hud- son Street on September 12, 2001. I give per- mission to use my name in connection to this evidence”. [Signed 31 January 2008 in the pres- ence of a witness who also signed his name]. p.9 of the paper.

          44. Rudy1947 Avatar

            What chemicals make up thermite?

          45. Many. Thermite is a composition.

            Are you referring to Phillips’ article where he brushes off the presence of such material in relation to iron (found in the steel from the towers)?

          46. Rudy1947 Avatar

            I’m asking you.

          47. Separating each atom: iron, oxygen and aluminum.

          48. Rudy1947 Avatar

            Titanium oxide on iron. Would that be a good start?

          49. What’s titanium oxide? Good start for what?

          50. Rudy1947 Avatar

            It’s used in paint.

          51. It’s titanium di-oxide and it’s certainly not active, unreacted thermitic material, incorporating nanotechnology, and is a highly energetic pyrotechnic or explosive material as Dr. Jones’ discovered and concluded.

          52. Rudy1947 Avatar

            How many other elements and compounds were present prior to the 9/11 attack and how many were altered after the attack?

          53. You need to be more specific. Your question is so vague that paper (before the attack) burning to dust (after the attack) is considered “altered”.

          54. Rudy1947 Avatar

            That’s the point.

          55. The point is that active, unreacted thermitic material, incorporating nanotechnology, and is a highly energetic pyrotechnic or explosive material cannot be created by bonding 2 or more elements with fire – what you call “altered”.

          56. Rudy1947 Avatar

            The point is being more specific. That’s the issue with Dr jones or anyone else and his inability to carry his “hypothesis” as further. Elements and compounds found in dust?

          57. Dr. Jones was very specific. He proved that the dust found in the apartment (which came from the collapse of the WTC towers) is active, unreacted thermitic material, incorporating nanotechnology, and is a highly energetic pyrotechnic or explosive material.

            The “hypothesis” can be carried over but it’s outside the objective and goal of Dr. Jones’ research/study.

            You are missing the point over and over again: the “elements and compounds found in dust” do no happen naturally – the incorporation of nanotechnology alone is self-explanatory.

          58. 5thDrawer Avatar

            5th goes out to buy a Quark ……

          59. Handle with care.

          60. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Maybe just a Muon or two then .. :-)))

          61. You better off with some boson and gluon. 😉

          62. 5thDrawer Avatar

            If I gluon a Quark and a Muon to the boson, do you think the compound would slice his legs off? Specially if his name was Higgs? 😉

          63. If the Quark is strange, yes. If the Quark is charm-ing, no. 😉

          64. 5thDrawer Avatar


          65. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Me too..can’t stand Ruth’s tedious dialogues.

          66. Rudy1947 Avatar

            The research ended, only the hype remained. His legacy is filled with doubt and conspiracy theorists. His hypothesis has been sliced and diced and left to blogsites.

          67. Dr. Jones discovery ended the hype.

            His legacy is intact as he proved what he advanced.

            His hypothesis was proven and is published in a respected scientific journal.

            But hey, whatever an uneducated, idiot like you needs to tell himself to feel better. That is what matters.

            On that “active, unreacted thermitic material, incorporating nanotechnology, highly energetic pyrotechnic, explosive material.” – bombshell, F off.

          68. Rudy1947 Avatar

            Dr Jones has achieved the conspiracy theorist status, nothing more.

          69. HAHAHA!!!

            Thanks for confirming what I said: whatever an uneducated, idiot like you needs to tell himself to feel better. That is what matters.

          70. Rudy1947 Avatar

            Really, Dr Jones has achieved only that status and nothing more. HAHAHaaaa.

          71. You’re a sad, dumb, troll.

          72. Rudy1947 Avatar

            Did Dr Jones achieve anything but conspiracy status? Has Dr Jones answered all the questions about his dust? Have others even considered venturing into his “hypothesis”? NO.

          73. Did Dr Jones achieve anything but conspiracy status?

            I didn’t know there was such thing as “conspiracy status”. Dr. Jones proved the existence of nanotechnology explosive material that should not be there to begin with.

            Has Dr Jones answered all the questions about his dust?

            Dust is dust. Dust with nanotechnology explosive material is something else.

            Have others even considered venturing into his “hypothesis”?



          74. Rudy1947 Avatar

            What is the most basic ingredient in thermite?

          75. Sugar. But for it to work, you need to melt it. You then get caramel.

          76. Rudy1947 Avatar

            Thought is was Iron oxide.

          77. Keep going, you’re almost there, 10 years minus 1 day to go.

          78. Rudy1947 Avatar

            Must be time for buddy bye. Until we meet again.

          79. Did I say “bye”?

          80. Rudy1947 Avatar

            Nice edit.

          81. Sorry, what edit?

          82. Rudy1947 Avatar

            It started out as “iron, oxygen and aluminum.”

          83. Yes, correct. How is it an edit? I did not change my answer.

          84. Rudy1947 Avatar

            You added the “atom”.

          85. Yes and? They are atoms. I actually thought I’d help with the discussion in adding “atom”.

          86. Quit making stuff up. That is not why he retired.

            From Wikipedia: Jones has claimed that mere airplane crashes and fires could not have resulted in so rapid and complete a fall of the World Trade Center Towers and 7 World Trade Center, suggesting controlled demolition instead, based upon his own experiments. In late 2006, some time after Brigham Young University (BYU) officials placed him on paid leave, Jones chose to retire in an agreement with BYU. BYU abandoned their academic review of Jones’ work after the agreement was reached.

          87. Rudy1947 Avatar

            After listening to folks like you, they and of course the Jews are behind every catastrophe that has befallen the human race. Is that all the historical knowledge I need.

          88. Putting “Jews” in the storefront was always wanted that way. It created the much needed “anti-semitism” to lead WWI, WWII, create IsraHell, indoctrinate the likes of you to believe that the myriad of wars, mass-killings, etc are justified. That doesn’t mean “Jews” are behind it all.

          89. Rudy1947 Avatar

            I see says the wise man. But you seem to think they are. Reread your comment.

          90. I just re-read but I don’t see where I wrote such thing.

          91. Rudy1947 Avatar

            No surprise.

          92. You’re diluting the topic in hand; again.

          93. Oh Yeah Avatar

            The http://www.boilingfrogspost.com feeds on…. Contributing Partners; James Corbett
            Newsbud Contributing Producer & Commentator… talk about merits.

          94. Rudy1947 Avatar

            I’m waiting for Hillary to give birth to Gulan baby next.

          95. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Are you antisemitic?

          96. He is most probably anti-you. Well, every normal person is.

      2. 5thDrawer Avatar

        Israel loves doing those hard position things.

  2. WikiLeaks, Hillary-Gulen Intimate Ties & How the Clintons Gave Birth to Mullah Gulen’s Terrorist Network


  3. Rudy1947 Avatar

    Was there really a coup or just Erdoggie theater? Now Gulen is one of the scapegoats. As if there weren’t enough versions of the Islamic Caliphate, Erdoggie has his own.

  4. Erdogan’s obsession with Gulen looks like an re-enactment of the Stalin-Trotsky drama. Where the hell is that ice pick? Can’t find it anywhere. 🙂

  5. Hind Abyad Avatar

    The Conspiracy Theory Narrative:

    “So writes political science professor Lance deHaven-Smith, who in his peer-reviewed book, Conspiracy Theory in America, published by the University of Texas Press, tells the story of how the CIA succeeded in creating in the public mind reflexive, automatic, stigmatization of those who challenge government explanations. This is an extremely important and readable book, one of those rare books with the power to break you out of The Matrix.

    Professor deHaven-Smith is able to write this book because the original CIA Dispatch #1035-960, which sets out the CIA plot, was obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request. Apparently, the bureaucracy did not regard a document this old as being of any importance. The document is marked “Destroy when no longer needed,” but somehow wasn’t. CIA Dispatch #1035-960 is reproduced in the book”.

    1. “CIA succeeded in creating in the public mind reflexive, automatic, stigmatization of those who challenge government explanations.”

      Succeeded??? The dispatch was about the JFK assassination and that incident is being sliced, diced, embellished and rewound. Books, TV documentaries and movies. Don’t see any success.

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