Israel army steals hundreds of Lebanese goats after failing to kidnap a shepherd


Israeli army on  Wednesday rustled 450  goats from a south Lebanon border village after failing to kidnap the shepherd, National News Agency ( NNA) reported.

NNA  said an Israeli infantry force tried kidnapping Lebanese national Mohammad Qassem Hashem in the afternoon from the western side of the Shebaa Farms.

After failing to do so, the soldiers stole the  goats and took them into the Israeli occupied section of the Shebaa Farms. The Lebanese military and U.N. peacekeepers are attempting to retrieve them, according to the report.

This is not the first time Israeli troops steal Lebanese goats or sheep . In most cases the UNIFIL forces interferes  and the goats are returned  to their owners

The Israeli army also violates Lebanon’s sovereignty on a daily basis through air, land and sea incursions.

The U.N. has been unable to end those violations despite repeated complaints by the Lebanese government.
