Lebanese Shi’ite council condemns Saudi execution of Shiite cleric


Vice President of the Higher Islamic Shia Council, Sheikh Abdul Amir QabalanLebanon’s Supreme Islamic Shi’ite Council condemned the execution of a prominent Shi’ite cleric in Saudi Arabia on Saturday, saying it was a “grave mistake”.

“The execution of Sheikh Nimr was an execution of reason, moderation and dialogue,” the council’s Vice President Sheikh Abdel Amir Qabalan said in a statement.

Saudi Arabia executed Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr and 46 other people. Most of those executed were convicted of leading or carrying out a series of al Qaeda attacks in Saudi Arabia after 2003, but they also included some members of the Shi’ite minority convicted of attacks on police during protests from 2011-13.

During a meeting With the Iranian  ambassador to Lebanon last Thursday the Shiite cleric praised Iran calling it the main pillar of the Muslim nation.

“Iran, as the main pillar of the Muslim Ummah, has stood firmly against the enemies of Islam in a bid to help the victory of Islam,” He was quoted by Iranian ABNA news agency as saying.

He called Iran  the hub of Muslim World.

“We pray to God to help Iran to remain as a shelter for the impoverished nations of the world.” He said






32 responses to “Lebanese Shi’ite council condemns Saudi execution of Shiite cleric”

  1. Really, another old turban head condemning the execution. Shiites have strange taste in heroes, last week it was that Cuntar child killer and this week a cop killing murderer/traitor that conspired against his own country.
    Guess who is at the center of all this condemnation, and calls the shots for all its minions.

    1. Hind Abyad Avatar
      Hind Abyad

      your uncle?

      1. MaImequer0 Avatar

        Your two lesbian aunts who abandoned you in Montreal?

        1. Hind Abyad Avatar
          Hind Abyad

          My ants were not lesbians, go make stand up comedy with Sara Silverman

          1. MaImequer0 Avatar

            Oh, what about your termites, beetles and centipedes ???

          2. had to LOL, I just noticed the obvious spelling error.

          3. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            mistype.. like you idiot do it so often.

          4. Yes I am very guilty of spelling errors. Still funny. Chill.

          5. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Chill yourself Cretin

          6. Christina Metron Avatar
            Christina Metron

            generally speaking, vermin are notorious great spellers. In the old days, they would be sent to the gas chambers if the misspelled any word.

          7. Christina Metron Avatar
            Christina Metron

            remember vermin, you’re the one that has all these pics of mens butts, i wouldn’t be surprised at all if you turn out to be a Tea bagger of fighters balls. it’s very befitting of a ball busting vermin like you to be on the receiving end of fudge packing. .

          8. Christina Metron Avatar
            Christina Metron

            no stand up comedy, he’s a clown…

        2. Christina Metron Avatar
          Christina Metron

          or maybe you!

    2. Christina Metron Avatar
      Christina Metron

      Just like Israeli vermin have a horrible taste in choosing your heros, you base it on how many babies and pregnant women your hero slaughtered before getting chosen as a vermin hero.

  2. 5thDrawer Avatar

    “execution of reason, moderation and dialogue,” ….. Well YES.
    Haven’t ALL you guys been running around saying ‘WE must follow the words, or get heads chopped off.’ I’d love to see the ‘reasoning’ that went on in the trials .. although we never do, because you guys keep it a ‘secret dialogue’ of the ‘courts’, and your version of ‘moderation’ is just a little old-fashioned, because no-one is allowed to refute ‘A Scholarly Decision’ …. let alone the ‘directives’ that say ‘Only we can change the words of Mohammad’. Wipe that ‘Happy Smile’ off your face … It’s a blasphemy too.

    1. Christina Metron Avatar
      Christina Metron

      only the heads of the Israeli Ziovermin, not everybody’s. as I understood it. Shias are progressive unlike the Wahhabi Salafis, you might be able to relate more if we use the Orthodox Jews and the reformist jews as an example. I can introduce you to someone that can school you in the Islamic religion, not the hate you like to spew or the one the Israeli supported ISIS claim to follow, but the real Shia Islam teachings, she’s a university professor in Islamic studies, but you will need to brush your hatfull blinded attitude and faulty logic aside for that period of time. you can’t come with a biased and brainwashed person’s attitude. you will have to abandon the Hasbara foundation for a semester or two. trolling won’t get you anywhere, you come across as an educated bigot, a slimy hateful poetic fool.

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        If she’s as cute as Hind, I’m all ears. ;-)) And aren’t they ALL ‘professors’ ??
        (Now and then, there’s a fool, such as I ….)

        1. Christina Metron Avatar
          Christina Metron

          I’ll set you up with her brother, he likes pretty Jewish boys. what he does with you is between you and him. you’re an old romantic, he likes that, he’s been looking for a bitich since his last JAP was stabbed walking down the street in Hebron.

          1. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            hhh.. you’re both funny..:)

          2. Christina Metron Avatar
            Christina Metron

            did not mean your brother, i meant the professor’s.

          3. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Need some levity in life … otherwise we’d all be considered crazy to be in here in the first place, arguing about what is considered to be ‘undeniable’ theories. 😉

          4. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad


        2. Hind Abyad Avatar
          Hind Abyad

          8o millions Evangelists… the most corrupt stupid people on Earth.


          1. Rudy1947 Avatar

            All those wealthy Christian Evangelists, money hungry messengers of the Christian faith.

          2. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Western Christians:) Watch the next: CNN & Time video..$$$

          3. Rudy1947 Avatar

            Another denomination of Christians.

      2. 5thDrawer Avatar

        As for ‘progressive’ … they still wait for a guy to come out of a cave 1400 years later.

        1. Christina Metron Avatar
          Christina Metron

          well the Jews are still waiting for a guy to come out of the same cave 5000 years later. you are not in a position to criticize. Your people are just as backwards if not more in some cases. But both have stone age mentality and plenty of blood on both of our hands.

        2. Christina Metron Avatar
          Christina Metron

          War Is Realizing the Israelizing of the World

  3. johngilbert Avatar

    Seeing how Shiism came to Sunni Iran by forceful and violent means is interesting:


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