Islamic State blows up prisoners alongside antiquities

A photograph released on 25 August 2015 on a social media site used by Isis militants showing smoke from the destruction of the 2,000-year-old Temple of Baalshamin in Palmyra. Photograph: Uncredited/AP
A photograph released on 25 August 2015 on a social media site used by Isis militants showing smoke from the destruction of the 2,000-year-old Temple of Baalshamin in Palmyra. Photograph: Uncredited/AP

The Islamic State executed three detainees in the ancient Syrian city of Palmyra by strapping them to pillars and then blowing them up along with the antiquities, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rightsreported.

“This execution is the first of its kind by the Islamic State, the organization (that) in recent months has invented new ways of execution,” the observatory said in a statement late Monday. The London-based group said it obtained its information from local sources.

The report came just days after the observatory released footage Saturday that appeared to show Islamic State militants executing a teenage Syrian soldier by running him over with a tank. Before being executed, the soldier is shown “confessing” to having used a tank himself to run over bodies of Islamic State soldiers, the observatory said.

The Islamic State has consistently used the Internet and social media to publicize its brutality. Last year, the terror group released a series of videos showing the beheadings of western aide workers. In January, it released a video showing a young boy executing prisoners the Islamic State called “spies.”

The Islamic State also has been unabashed in its destruction of antiquities at Palmyra, claiming the archaeological sites and statues promote idolatry.

In August, the Islamic State announced the destruction of the Baalshamin temple, which had an altar dating to 115 AD, and released photos of the effort. Irina Bokova, the director-general of UNESCO, described the temple’s destruction as war crime and “immense loss for the Syrian people.”

Earlier this month, the militants reportedly blew up Palmyra’s iconic Arch of Triumph, resulting in Maamun Abdulkarim, Syria’s head of antiquities, pleading with the international community to “find a way to save Palmyra.”





19 responses to “Islamic State blows up prisoners alongside antiquities”

  1. man-o-war Avatar

    Disgusting, what is it with Muslims and antiquities? Same thing happened in Afghanistan, when the Taliban blew up the thousand year old statues. You go to Baalbek ruins and you’ll see faces of statues destroyed as well as any exposed body parts, lol. If you don’t believe in it just leave it alone and walk away. If its not important to you thats fine, but it might just be important to others and lovers of history.

    1. I agree. India didn’t destroy the Taj Mahal. (Could be coz it’s the best monument worth keeping and it brings tourists…hmmm HELLO Isis, tourists I said)

    2. History of idolism.

      1. man-o-war Avatar

        What if I want to pray to idols? Is it any of your business?
        Why destroy history and culture? Just because you don’t agree or find it against your religion? It makes your religion look like a joke.

        1. If you know…there is Satan live behind all idol..they are happy human kind praises the idols.But you can,t see them.

          1. man-o-war Avatar

            I don’t care who left them behind. I love idols and I worship a cow and a statue of a fat man who brings good luck if your rub his belly.

            Maybe I even follow Satan, if I don’t bother you and your right to pray to your god why can’t you do the same for me?

          2. khah.. khah..likely to the story Arab,s fairy tales..Aladdin and the lamp…by rub his belly…he even cannot save them self..look..when Isis struck them to pieces..they even can,t crying..

          3. man-o-war Avatar

            Why can’t I pray to idols, but you can pray to Allah? The belly rub I was referring to was Buddha, not Aladdin and the genie, lol.

            Does your country consider daesh a terrorist organization?

      2. nagy_michael2 Avatar

        Yes but bumping boys butt is not Idolism. Infatuations with the sword is not idolism? define idolism then Zabada? slaving women? raping them? destroying churches? blowing up in mosques? what the f.. is Idolism? isn’t this what Al Nusra and ISIS worship in their sick minds?

        1. who did that.?.you are crazy…it is practice by the far as I know..

      3. Hannibal Avatar

        History of Idiotism (New English Word I made specifically for you and your likes)

  2. US invasion of Iraq worst crime of century: Noam Chomsky

    1. man-o-war Avatar

      ok, but what does this have to do with the destruction of antiquities?

      1. You love antiquities instead of infants,kids and civilians in Iraq.
        Muslims fight western colonialism..they are not terrorist..the true terrorist is Jews and USA nwo…if the whites in USA accept nwo on them and being slaves to Zion Jews..anyway Arabs refuse to fell in nwo,s hand.That why they are fighting USA armies.Zion Jews killed Lincoln.Kennedy,robbed the White,s wealth in USA,plan 9 11 and killed 3000 USA civilians.. but the Whites in USA did nothing.I guess they are coward.The worse.. Jews practicing slavery on them..I see they are laughing and grinning…what a moron..somehow,the last Zion game on Arabs will annihilate them forever..ask Zion masters to stop playing games on Arabs in the future…they really can,t turned back..the huge mistake by Zion master of all decades…Arabs is not the Western Whites ,who easily deluding by Jews Zion..Arabs is true warriors at the past who chasing Whites supremacy as far as Vienna..invaded Constantinople forever…defeat crusaders and the Lion Heart at Juruselam..want to try more game ?…these Whites really never learned anything in history at the past.They who are writing the history…anyway their books really can,t schooling their politicians and armies..I bet Arabs will defeat them again….come.!!!.Arabs will not ran away…in History.. they never ran a way in wars.

        Muslims fight western colonialism..they are not terrorist..the true terrorist is Jews and USA nwo…if the whites in USA accept nwo on them and being slaves to Zion Jews..anyway Arabs refuse to fell in nwo,s hand.That why they are fighting USA armies.Zion Jews killed Lincoln.Kennedy,robbed the White,s wealth in USA,plan 9 11 and killed 3000 USA civilians.. but the Whites in USA did nothing.I guess they are coward.The worse.. Jews practicing slavery on them..I see they are laughing and grinning…what a moron..somehow,the last Zion game on Arabs will annihilate them forever..ask Zion masters to stop playing games on Arabs in the future…they really can,t turned back..the huge mistake by Zion master of all decades…Arabs is not the Western Whites ,who easily deluding by Jews Zion..Arabs is true warriors at the past who chasing Whites supremacy as far as Vienna..invaded Constantinople forever…defeat crusaders and the Lion Heart at Juruselam..want to try more game ?…these Whites really never learned anything in history at the past.They who are writing the history…anyway their books really can,t schooling their politicians and armies..I bet Arabs will defeat them again….come.!!!.Arabs will not ran away…in History.. they never ran a way in wars.

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          Wow .. another guy now on the ‘WHITE’ bandwagon. Keep that up and you’ll need to admit ‘racism’ – not just religionism.
          The only reason for ISIS blowing stuff up is because the usual ‘buyers’ can’t pay for ‘shipping costs’ of the bigger bits – so they just sell the small.
          Really, iSISies are a pack of the world’s anarchists – people who feel they never get enough attention – who do anything to ‘bug’ all the ‘others’ – the people they think are ‘The Tops’.
          Adding a few bodies to the rubble is simply experimenting on ways to dissect humans – for their own ‘shows’. They love the headlines.
          ‘Come and join our Circus, awfully glad you’re here’.
          ‘Highlights – Eating Aid workers who came to feed us.’
          ‘Watch how 6-yr-old boys can pull triggers too. ‘Girls show’ in a different tent.’

        2. Hannibal Avatar

          Is that why the Arabs and Africans and others are seeking refuge in white Europe?
          We are superior in every aspect not to mention better looking… 😉 😛

          1. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Well Hannibal .. I see Man-O’s ass … haven’t seen yours. The big ‘O’ will be asking you to prove it’s better looking. :-))

          2. There millions Arabs still in desert.Also many the Whites all over the world.

        3. man-o-war Avatar

          Yes, I love antiquities more than infants and children. Great conclusion there. You’re a genius.

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