First American to die in combat against I.S. in Iraq identified


Handout of Master Sergeant Joshua L. Wheeler of Roland, OklahomaThe first American soldier to die in combat against the Islamic State group in Iraq has been identified as Master Sgt. Joshua L. Wheeler, coalition officials said Friday.

Army Col. Steve Warren told The Associated Press that Wheeler, 39, was killed a day earlier when he and dozens of U.S. special operations troops and Iraqi forces raided a compound near the city of Kirkuk, freeing approximately 70 Iraqi prisoners from captivity.

The Department of Defense said Wheeler died from wounds caused by small-arms fire during the operation. A native of Roland, Oklahoma, Wheeler is the first American to die in combat since the U.S. launched Operation Inherent Resolve, its campaign against the Islamic State group, last year. His identity was initially withheld pending notification of relatives.

He was assigned to the U.S. Army Special Operations Command in Fort Bragg, North Carolina.

The raid targeted a prison near the town of Hawija and was undertaken at the request of the Kurdish Regional Government, the semi-autonomous body that governs the Kurdish region of northern Iraq.

Pentagon press secretary Peter Cook said Thursday that U.S. special operations forces had been asked to support an operation to rescue fighters with the Iraqi peshmerga, the Kurdish region’s organized militia. The Kurdish government later said that none of the hostages were Kurdish.

The raiders killed and captured a number of militants and recovered what the Pentagon called a trove of valuable intelligence about the terrorist organization.

U.S. combat troops have rarely, if ever, participated directly in combat against IS fighters on the ground since the U.S. mission began in 2014. The U.S. has mostly limited its role to training and advising Iraqi and Kurdish forces, airdropping humanitarian relief supplies and providing daily airstrikes in IS-held areas of Iraq and Syria.





9 responses to “First American to die in combat against I.S. in Iraq identified”

  1. MekensehParty Avatar

    Fighting Al Qaeda and its friends 6,700 killed in 14 years
    Fighting Isis and its friends 1 killed in 3 years
    Getting much better at hunting the bastards

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      It’s a ‘learning process’, isn’t? ๐Ÿ˜‰
      And now Talibanies have shuffled back to Afghanistan, because people there got a vote.

      1. MekensehParty Avatar

        Yes, they learned that boots in the air instead of the ground is much better
        from time to time though they send some boots to remind the Omars the taste of good American leather ๐Ÿ˜‰

        1. Ah inferiority complex is also a religious bigot. Who vets these apes for visas to the USA and Australia? A monkey?

        2. nagy_michael2 Avatar

          O doesn’t like his ISIS getting kicked. she loves it when they slaughter Shiites, Christians and yazdis.. otherwise she gets pissed and screams bigotry and hurl all insults at you. she is a ticking time bomb ready to explode.. No need to argue with a goat she is stubborn and look like one anyway. She never condemns the Caliph and his entourage of terrorists who kills Sunnis in the name of the Prophet and God help you if you accuse those Sunnis of being terrorists because she will turn it around and make it as if you are religious bigots and call you names left and right. it’s no use arguing with a goat but i come here to give her hard time

  2. He really don,t know he is among Zion salves to plant nwo on Arabs…means to enslave them.USA leaders are the first slaves to Jews Zion..USA armies the second and the Arabs the third slaves,if Arabs scared to fight them.Also nato and some muslims leaders and countries…Jews Zion are too smart on enslaving others from the is their their history at the past.Even King of
    Jordan,..a Prophet descent also fall in their hand..For sure.

    1. nagy_michael2 Avatar

      Look who is talking slavery. The first thing your beloved ISIS forces their followers to be slaves. they pit one brother against another. They tell them we are killers first. We have Yazdis and Christians women as sex slaves.they pick and choose verses from the Quran to force people to believe certain things. we are free in America unlike your stupid narrow minded individuals who live in Indonesia and slave to Islam. Our God do not force us to be slave like your prophet caliph. I am free to work and live anywhere i want. i speak my mind without getting beheaded by Islamic terrorists like you and O. we are free people unlike you suppressed mentally and sexually by the Quran. you are so sexually deprived that you want to have 72 virgins yet most of you do not even get to smell one. so you have to kidnap them and enslave them. you are slave to your own beliefs and narrow mentality you have the Shiites because they are smarter than you and more open minded. You call them infidels and slave to Zion.Stop living that pipe dreams that have been fed to you by the so called Caliph. here is this man who sacrificed his life for the freedom of Non Americans and who are not even Jewish or Zionist. yet instead of commanding him to free innocent people you instead insult him because he went down kicking ISIS butt. even their coward leaders went into hiding after the Surprised attack. People like you who are deprived of freedom and narrow minded don’t know where to resort to become powerful so they look at their master the Caliph. All this man wants to kill and enslave people. live in the ages of the apes and you want to be part of it? then go ahead we love freedom and we love to party and we are not going to Submit to the rules of Islam or anybody else. then take this to the Caliph and tell that coward stop hiding behind women squirt and show himself.. that’s all your motto slave of Zion nothing else new from a narrow idiot who thinks he is free thinker. read about ISIS and see what they are doing yet you remain blind and accuse the west of propaganda and being slave of Zion. yet your own ISIS have not shot one single bullet at Zion. so either they are slaves of Zion or their buddies.. and since you are followers of ISIS that makes either one of them.. Now go milk that Goat O and see if she lets you drink her rotten milk.

      1. khah..khah..khah..too long..i will read it tomorrow.

      2. 5thDrawer Avatar

        Wow.. That was a mouthful Nagy. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Good to let the steam out on occasion.

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