Hariri accuses Nasrallah of using the hajj stampede to settle Iran’s political scores


saad haririFormer Lebanese PM and Future Movement leader MP Saad Hariri slammed on Saturday Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah’s most recent stances stressing that the latter has linked the fate of Lebanon’s presidency to the situation in Syria, dimming any hopes for having a head of state.

“Sayyed Hassan has announced that Lebanon will not have a president before knowing the fate of the presidency in Syria,” said Hariri via twitter about nasrallah’s interview with al Manar TV

“The whole rhetoric of Sayyed Hassan on the interior situation in Lebanon means that nothing will move forward,” Hariri added.

“Sayyed Hassan believes that Lebanon is perfect grounds for Iranian politics. He believes that the Christians are a major component in Lebanon’s existence, but pledges a head of state who covers the presence of Hezbollah and its influence in a number of countries,” Hariri underscored.

Hariri also slammed Nasrallah’s positions on the Mena stampede in Saudi Arabia saying: “Nasrallah’s position coincides with the Iranian position which takes advantage of the souls of innocent Muslims as a means to settle Iran’s political scores with Saudi Arabia.”

He added that “Nasrallah’s words totally match the provocative statement made by Ayatollah Ali Khameni. They both gave prejudiced statements against Saudi Arabia and its leadership, but Nasrallah went further by calling for the Muslim countries to participate in managing the Hajj affairs. This is a pure Iranian call, which has been opposed by the Islamic countries . Iran’s real aim is to pull Mecca and the two holy mosques away from the Saudi umbrella.”

“The latest statistics up to this hour reveal 769 dead,” Saudi health minister Khalid al-Falih told a news conference on Saturday. “That is an increase of 52 on the previous figures. Those are the ones who died in various hospitals since the event.” He added that the number of people injured in the incident now stood at 934.

At least 134 Iranian pilgrims died and 85 were injured in the incident on Thursday, while 354 Iranian pilgrims remain missing, according to the report. Iran has strongly criticised Saudi Arabia over the disaster, blaming the Saudi government for “incompetence” and “mismanagement” of the annual hajj.

A former Iranian ambassador to Lebanon is feared to have died in the stampede at the hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia. Ghazanfar Roknabadi, who worked as the country’s ambassador in Beirut until last year, has been declared missing and is believed to have been at the pilgrimage to Mecca, Iran’s state TV said.

On Hezbollah’s involvement in the fighting in Syria, Hariri said: “Nasrallah is acting like he is Iran’s high commissioner in Syria and takes the right to negotiate on Zabadani, al-Fouaa and other regions.

“Nasrallah denies any Iranian involvement in Syria, and that is hilarious and surprising,” Hariri concluded.



24 responses to “Hariri accuses Nasrallah of using the hajj stampede to settle Iran’s political scores”

  1. William Petro Avatar
    William Petro

    hariri fools none, its the future, and the march 14th clan holding up the elections, they want to cling to power!

    1. Yeah, as opposed to the hizzob tizzee idiot, who wants a sovereign Lebanon, as long as it suits Iran’s agenda! None of these idiots want a Lebanon for the Lebanese.

      Lebanon is for all the Lebanese, and not just the few. Any Lebanese deserves the right to run for office regardless of one’s religious beliefs.

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        When Nasrallah only got 2 seats out of 30, it must have blown his mind. After all, he’s the ‘Great Resister’ … of anything normal … so what ‘The People’ of a country come up with in an ‘allowed’ election (while looking for some electricity and working phones and internet) just can’t be allowed.
        One assumes the ‘threat’ to Hariri was real enough … his Dad was an example … and now, there is only garbage… doubtful there will be another ‘vote’ time. The ‘out-of-work’have seen the writing on their walls … ‘Die slowly with the malnourishment, slaves.’

        1. Hind Abyad Avatar

          Good bye Fifth O..maybe O is right.

          1. Jealous shite taqqiya slag

          2. “Maybe O is right.. you know nothing of Lebanon. period ”

            I’ve never said that, you taqqiya whore

          3. Hind Abyad Avatar

            You said he’s a Nazi White Supremacist..same thing.. dear Bye….!

          4. MaImequer0 Avatar

            Oh sweetie, nice comment, 514 words of nothing…..☻

      2. William Petro Avatar
        William Petro

        for God’s sake man!
        hariri lives in saudi arabia!
        are you blind?
        as well as stupid?

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          ASSad lived in Syria,and still ran the place.
          El Supremo lives in Iran, and runs half the place now.
          What’s your point?? Dork.

          1. Hind Abyad Avatar


        2. Hmmm, because Lebanon is very safe, thanks to hizzob tizzee – the same criminals that killed his dad, and many others.

          1. Hind Abyad Avatar

            Hmmm, because Saudi Arabia is so civilized and safe..Saudi king orders mass beheadings after stampede..huh?

          2. Lol an article written by hawra zakery who works “to advocate for the rights of Shia Muslim. Shia Rights Watch is the first human rights organization specialized on the rights of Shia Muslims around the world.”

            Keep telling everyone you are Christian you taqqiya whore

          3. Hind Abyad Avatar

            So? Christian God is merciful. Your’s is a killer God.

      3. Hind Abyad Avatar

        is for all Lebanese but hizzob tizzee idiot..

    2. Hind Abyad Avatar

      They begged money from nouveau riche Wahabi like whores..contributing to our doom.

      You Can’t Understand ISIS If You Don’t Know the History of Wahhabism in Saudi Arabia

      1. religious bigot whore

  2. Remove all the corrupt idiots that have been ruining Lebanon since the beginning of the 1975 civil war; starting with the biggest Iranian idiot puppet of them all.

    If they all really want what’s best for the Lebanon, and the Lebanese people, they would all have reached an accord long time ago.

    That’s the main reason R. Hariri was eliminated, he was an obstacle to the personal agendas of the puppeteers, on Lebanon.

  3. The funny shit is all below are arguing for political side, when every single small stick politician takes orders from an outside donkey like them. All work or building contracts in Lebanon are run by the politicians how does this happen in any country.

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