Palestinian draft resolution fails in U.N. council, U.S., Australia voted against

Samantha Power, the US ambassador to the United Nations, right, votes against the Palestinian draft resolution   during a meeting of the UN Security Council Tuesday, December 30, 2014 (Photo credit: Frank Franklin II/AP)
Samantha Power, the US ambassador to the United Nations, right, votes against the Palestinian draft resolution during a meeting of the UN Security Council Tuesday, December 30, 2014 (Photo credit: Frank Franklin II/AP)

The U.N. Security Council on Tuesday rejected a Palestinian resolution calling for Israel to withdraw from Palestinian territories by late 2017.

Even if the draft had received the minimum nine votes in favor, it would have been defeated by Washington’s vote against it. The United States is one of the five veto-wielding permanent members.

There were eight votes in favor, two votes against and five abstentions. Australia joined the United States in voting against the measure.

U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power defended her position against the draft in a speech to the 15-nation council.

“The United States every day searches for new ways to take constructive steps to support the parties in making progress toward achieving a negotiated settlement,” she said.

“The Security Council resolution put before us today is not one of those constructive steps,” she said, adding that it would undermine efforts to achieve a two-state solution. “This text addresses the concerns of only one side.”

Jordanian Ambassador Dina Kawar expressed regret that the resolution was voted down.

“We had hoped that the Security Council will today adopt the draft Arab resolution because the council bears both the legal and moral responsibilities to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict,” she said.

The defeat of the resolution was not surprising. Washington, council diplomats said, had made clear it did not want such a resolution put to a vote before Israel’s election in March.

But the Palestinians, the diplomats said, insisted on putting the resolution to a vote despite the fact that it was clear beforehand that Washington would not let it pass. Their sudden announcement last weekend that they wanted a vote before the new year surprised Western delegations on the council.

In order to pass, a resolution needs nine votes in favor and no vetoes from the council’s five permanent members.

The Palestinian resolution called for negotiations to be based on territorial lines that existed before Israel captured the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip in the 1967 Middle East war.

Gary Quinlan, Australia’s ambassador to the United Nations
Gary Quinlan, Australia’s ambassador to the United Nations voted against the Palestinian draft resolution during a meeting of the UN Security Council Tuesday, December 30, 2014 (Photo credit: Frank Franklin II/AP)

It also called for a peace deal within 12 months and ending Israeli occupation by the end of 2017.

An earlier Palestinian draft called for Jerusalem to be the shared capital of Israel and a Palestinian state. The draft that was voted on reverted to a harder line, saying only that East Jerusalem will be Palestine’s capital and calling for an end to Israeli settlement building.

The Israeli government had said that a Security Council vote, following the collapse in April of U.S.-brokered talks on Palestinian statehood, would only deepen the conflict.

The Palestinians, frustrated by the lack of progress in peace talks, have sought to internationalize the issue by seeking U.N. membership and recognition of statehood via membership in international organizations.

Israel, which pulled troops and settlers out of the Gaza Strip in 2005, has said its eastern border would be indefensible if it withdrew completely from the West Bank.




150 responses to “Palestinian draft resolution fails in U.N. council, U.S., Australia voted against”

  1. Anti ISIS Avatar

    This will now make it the 40th time the US veto’s in favor of Israel.
    All the huffing and puffing games they play against each other in the media is all BS.
    At the end of the day, the US will do what it is told to do by the Zionist.

    1. cook2half Avatar

      We still want a republican in office

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        So you can always hold guns to the heads? NRA loves republicans – especially from Texas. 😉

      2. Anti ISIS Avatar

        You don’t need it cook, the bankers have them under control. Now take a wild guess what the bankers are. Happy New Year young cookie.

        1. cook2half Avatar

          Happy new year =D loved our fireworks in London

          1. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            did the cook get my New Year greetings or he was absent, Happy New year cookie, i love your avatar time to change mine

          2. MaImequer0 Avatar

            Happy New Year sweetie… I found a video of your childhood… wow, your parents should not have ‘taught’ you to act like this. It might explain a lot about why you are the way that you are now.


      3. somehow the world was a safer place under Bush administration

        1. man-o-war Avatar

          Really? In what way was it safer? America got attacked on its own turf when Bush was in power. Went to war in two different countries and drove the American economy into the ground. Was Israel safer? Is that what you’re basing your statement on?

          1. i didn’t say fair , i said safe
            for a start, Mubarak would not be under so much pressure from american administration to resign. it’s the same kind of gov now as it was in Mubarak’s time only now there is no tourism revenue and no safety for the success here – no Arab spring.
            Morsi Vs Sisi would not happen , PA would still have someone to mediate for them with Israel is another outcome that would not happen. Mubarak had sympathy for the PA that Sisi doesn’t
            without the Egyptian successful uprising, the uprising in Syria would not happen and many many would be still with us , no IS and no Shia Vs Sunni wars.
            and don’t get me started on the no refugees from Syria to Lebanon or Jordan or what have you and the tole they took on the economy of those states..

          2. MekensehParty Avatar

            After the French Revolution not only did the first republic failed miserably but the king and the emperor later returned… to fail again in reinstalling the old ways.
            Once the people are ready for freedom they will walk until they achieve it no matter the hardship along the road.
            The tyrannical ME that is convenient to Israel has changed and soon (could be 50 years) you won’t have the excuse of fighting dictators.
            So yeah, I perfectly understand why you’re pissed at how things turned out 😉

          3. I’m not pissed off, i’m concerned for the future.
            once the people are ready for freedom …we’ll talk then shall we..till then i’ll continue to have the “pleasure” of defending myself from the tyrannical ME if you approve that
   absolutely have no Idea how I feel about it or where i’m coming from 😉

          4. 5thDrawer Avatar

            I think most of us are concerned for the future …. I won’t be in it.

          5. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Ow..shut it!

          6. lol…and thats about sums you up: “if you can’t fight them with logic, insult them”
            sadly , it’s more insults and less logic when it comes to you
            well’ i’m not going to shut up only cause your highness orders me to.. you ARE like the palis aren’t you? the little mouse that belives he is riseing the dust cloud lol
            welcome back to reality, you do not have the power to command no one and no thing beyond the boundries of your imagination
            good day dear :)))

        2. Hannibal Avatar

          huh? Bush’s policies in the Middle East created ISIS. I know the Arabs and their regimes were no angels but now we have utter chaos. Remember my words… ISIS will soon be at your doors as well.

          1. there was no ISIS 3 years ago. obama is incharge for 7 years now.
            AQ was on the retreat when US army left Iraq. it gained a foothold again after Al maliki refused to allow US troops to remain and Maliki worked for……? 😉
            ISIS will be here as well, i don’t need your reassurance on this- it’s a given
            we’re more then capable of handling their fighters and we got shitload of intelligence to counter it.
            the question is how would you react when we start annihilating it : will you rise your voice against Israeli aggregation or will you support the fight?

      4. man-o-war Avatar

        Who’s we? Speak for yourself

        1. cook2half Avatar


    2. You’re just mad cause you didn’t get your didnt even need a veto..they failed to get the 8 votes..
      Welcome to reality

      1. Anti ISIS Avatar
        Anti ISIS

        I’m not mad Doron, just clad, clad that the world is finally waking up and realising how full of shit both Israel and the US really are. Time is ticking my friend, it’s only a matter of time before the world you know will come crumbling around you. Every arrogant bully gets his day doron, remember that.

        1. don’t agree with you at all, for 30 years they were riding our backs , for 30 years now you’re pumping the mantra that we in israel are the war mongers ..guess what? they all wake up to the reality all israelis know and that you were trying to hide for 30 years: the real war mongers of this planet in general and ME specifically are arabs…this year started woderfully

          1. Hannibal Avatar

            Why do you lump all the Middle East nations as Arabs? Also do you put Arab Jews in the same category? Besides a lot of the Arabs are with you defending you indirectly with their petrodollars…

          2. I was ready to apologize till i read the last sentance.
            Still..most of our problem so far werr with atab states.iraq,jordan syria, are all arab states

          3. MekensehParty Avatar

            as a country if you call yourself an Arab state, the citizens are Arab…
            Is Lebanon an Arab country, yes!
            Then you’re an Arab!

          4. sweetvirgo Avatar

            Actually you have many Armenians and Assyrians living in countries such as Lebanon, Syria, Iran….they wouldn’t be considered Arab at all.

          5. MekensehParty Avatar

            They wouldn’t consider themselves Arab, but whether they like it or not, once they become citizens of an Arab country they become Arabs…
            PS: being Arab is not an insult…

          6. sweetvirgo Avatar

            I know being arab is not an insult. Just saying that there are non-arabs that live in these countries that are not considered arab. Nothing wrong with that

          7. MekensehParty Avatar

            Sure, there are many Lebanese who are not from Arab descent, but as Lebanon adopted the Arab culture and is part of the Arab League of Nations that defines its identity internationally, as a country and people they all become Arabs.

          8. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Then nobody is Arab in the Levant:))

          9. sweetvirgo Avatar

            I don’t think they can “become arabs”. My parents left Lebanon just before war broke out. They went to Greece and I was born and then we came to the states. I don’t consider myself greek although I was born there. I get what you’re saying. Because non-arabs live in the middle east you think they “become”. I guess this is a matter of opinion.

          10. Phoenician Encyclopedia

          11. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Useful as history. Can’t claim it’s going to make a future any brighter ….

          12. Anti ISIS Avatar
            Anti ISIS

            Thank God you don’t consider yourself a Greek. :-)))

          13. sweetvirgo Avatar


          14. Anti ISIS Avatar
            Anti ISIS

            Thought you’d see the humor in that one sweets. lol

          15. 5thDrawer Avatar

            She did, Anti … but she should know, since the politicians would consider her Greek, that if she goes there to live, she will be conscripted and have to serve in the Military on the ‘Macedonian Front’ for a couple of years. Happened to a friend of mine, even though he was born in Canada – first generation is still Greek to the Greeks. :-))))))

          16. sweetvirgo Avatar

            It was most definetly funny…love your sense of humor ;)))

          17. 5thDrawer Avatar

            I met a Greek girl once-upon-a-time who had the exact eyes we see on the ladies in the Egyptian Heiroglyphics. Really. I was struck dumb …. (and on my knees ,,, :-))

          18. MekensehParty Avatar

            It’s a matter of identity and culture much more than it’s an ethnic or racial appellation.
            In a country where you use the Arabic language in all fields, where Arabic traditions are deeply rooted, where Arabic science is flourishing (wink)… the territory (geographically) becomes under the influence of the Arabic culture. People of all nationalities can go and come, reside, marry… (like in Dubai) but the country remains an Arab country and all citizens are Arabs.
            Concerning Lebanon, it was indeed a rift after the joke of the independence, to define the identity of Lebanon. Was it Arab? Western? The population was a big mix of peoples from everywhere (and many from Arab descent), because of this undeniable cosmopolitism they decided to call Lebanon an Arab country with “special status”. The minorities in Lebanon fought Arabism to preserve that special status but they failed because they were overwhelmingly surrounded by the Arab geography and now (especially that there are no Christian President running the country) Lebanon is a full Arab nation.
            As an individual you can choose your identity and reside where you feel your principles and beliefs are most respected. Nationalism altogether is a scam to unite the proud (and often stupid) crowds.

          19. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Oh the Israeli employee..UN reveals Israeli links with “Syrian rebels” (and Syrian rebels have links to Al Qaeda Al Nusra ISIS)

          20. 5thDrawer Avatar

            No respect on that ‘Blue’ line either ….

          21. 5thDrawer Avatar

            ‘Willy’ writes a good one. 🙂

          22. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Old one, hes Israeli job is a site to promote Lebanese as Phoenician, not Arabs.
            The Greeks named the coast Phoenicia, going from Latakiah to Acre.. they say it’s only Lebanon :)). A Maronite priest explained to me; they were only pagans “down on the coast* nothing to do with the Lebanese mountain, Maronites were Syrian Christians, they fled from persecution by other Christian sects up to Mount Lebanon, in 400- 600AD, that’s were the name Lebanese came from, Saint Maroon skull is in Syria.

          23. 5thDrawer Avatar

            The old pagan likes the beaches. The Lebanese were Phoenecian – but not controlled by an Iranian Supremo … or a Jewish Zion. They WERE the ‘traders’ of the Med.
            It’s all history now. Most escaped after the ‘cult wars’ began. The ones left holding the hills are getting snowed under as the beaches wash away … and Lebanese refugees don’t have any ‘aid’ from anyone.

          24. 5thDrawer Avatar

            True enough .. touted as the only ‘Arabic Democracy’. Hahahahahahaha

          25. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            No, Israel is the only democracy

          26. might be ,yet we’re not an Arab state.

          27. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            It was sarcasm i sent a link; “10 Israel soldiers committed suicide since Gaza atrocity.”
            Did you read the Zionists quotes in my post up there? Lets stay in Gaza..

            Netanyahu predicting Gaza’s fate..
            “We should CONQUER any disputed
            territory in the Land of Israel. CONQUER and hold it EVEN IF IT BRINGS
            US YEARS OF WAR. [Zionism] will include withholding food from Arab
            cities, preventing education, terminating electrical power and more.”

          28. I’m not reading your links anymore dear

          29. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            these are not links, they are your heroes, your founding fathers quotes.
            (I’m no your dear..again.)

          30. nahhhh…i’m not reading your links anymore dear, not since you promised to replay to mine “once you feel better” and disappeared from view for the 3rd time

          31. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            once again; they are not “links”.
            That’s Netanyahu predicting Gaza’s fate.

          32. MekensehParty Avatar

            You sure are looking more and more like one 😉

          33. can’t see that, really can’t

          34. hey Virgo, the states are Arab states. the majority are Arabs.
            same as Israel: the majority are Jewish and it is the Jewish state.
            doesn’t implay minorities rights are violated.

          35. Hannibal Avatar

            Hmmmm. Are moors Arabs? They speak Arabic and often are Moslems. How about Somalia? They speak Arabic but are ethnically Somalian…

          36. MekensehParty Avatar

            If as a people they decide to be part of the Arab world and call their country an Arab state then yes, they are Arabs. Again Geography and not Biology.
            Is Zinedin Zidan European? He’s biologically from North Africa but a citizen of France who is a European country and therefore Zidan is European. Very simple.

          37. Hannibal Avatar

            I respectfully disagree… In your new country we always say Arab American, African American, Irish American, Italian American, Asian American with their respectful derogatory terms, Towel head, Nigger, Mick, Guinea, and Gook (or Chinky)… AND they most often maintain their mother tongue and cuisine through generations…
            The only true Native are the Native Americans best known in vilified western movies or casino ownership.
            You can be a U.S. citizen but truly truly you are Lebanese.
            As a matter of fact you behave typically as one… You already started a political party 😉 as if we do not have enough of those.

          38. MekensehParty Avatar

            You’re proving my point. Your DNA does not define your geographic identity. If you adopt the American ways, you become American. If you adopt the Arab ways you become Arab. The Lebanese are moving more and more into the adoption of the Arab ways and soon the Arabisation of Lebanon will be complete.
            The westernization of Lebanon has failed because its promoters were not up to the challenge.
            No big deal…

          39. Hannibal Avatar

            I never subscribe to West nor East… I do not want to westernize nor arabize Lebanon… I want to “Lebanise” Lebanon… It’s beauty is in its diversity. I will never trade a moslem Lebanese for ANY Christian westerner. I do hope that this will get into the heads of some of our moslem brothers who will in a jiffy trade me for a moslem Pakistani. ISIS should never exist.

          40. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            yes..but he has roots and family.

          41. Yours are Chinese My…

          42. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            The Armenians are not Arabs, Assyrians are Syriac known as Syrians, Syriac, Arameans and Chaldeans ethnic group. (Chaldeans are Iraq Christians). Maronites were Syriac Christians who fled Damascus in 4th century AD to Mount Lebanon, from other Christians the Jacobians.

          43. sweetvirgo Avatar

            Syriac is a dialect of Aramaic.

          44. ܚܕ ܓܕܝܐ ܚܕ ܓܕܝܐ ܕܙܒܢ ܐܒܐ ܒܬܪܝ ܙܘܙܝ ܚܕ ܓܕܝܐ ܚܕ ܓܕܝܐ

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          45. 5thDrawer Avatar

            (the rectangle man again …)

          46. Use Free software with free most fonts support out of the box

          47. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Yes, ancient Assyrian Christians are the ethnic group i mention above Maronite use Syriac language in their liturgy, it was used by the church in Antioch in present day Syria. The Syriac language is similar to Aramaic the language Jesus spoke, the Maronite returned to union with Rome in 1781, others remained Orthodox.:)

          48. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Israel call Palestinians “arabs” (doron is an example he says the never existed).
            They call all Middle East nations Arabs, instead of by their nationality. Like “Jews” instead of Israel.

          49. of course they are Arabs, what else would they be?overwhelmingly Sunni Arabs if you want to go into details
            and many here refer to Israel when they want to say Jews and vice verse

          50. Hannibal Avatar

            After your kind and the Sunni Palestinians drove the Christian Canaanites out of the Middle East of course you will have Arabs left. Enjoy each others ISIS ISRAEL… I am readying the popcorn 😉

          51. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            At least they say Israel when referring to Jews..

          52. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Everybody is an Arab … or … Everybody is a Jew. Hahahahahhahahahaha
            The Chinese probably don’t agree with this concept. 😉
            (and how many of THOSE are floating around?? :-)))))

          53. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Sephardim look like Arabs, Ashkenazim ex- (Netanyahu, Begin.. Sharron) don’ look Middle Eastern

          54. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Although … he may not have that Jewish Nose to go with it. 😉

          55. Hannibal Avatar

            Sorry I do not subscribe to myth, religion nor politics… MY DNA evidence shows I am European. A good sampling of the population showed unequivocally that we are third Arabs, third Canaanites and third Europeans which matches perfectly our history. To deny the scientific facts is simply to hide behind one’s finger.
            Go to National Geographic website and take the DNA test. It is about $150. Don’t be cheap 😉 When you find out your origin it may put peace back into your heart and reorient you back home. 😛

          56. MekensehParty Avatar

            You’re confusing again between DNA and national identity. One is biology the other is geography. I understand your confusion, lebanon works on biology rather than geography. You pride yourself to be descendant of some red head two meter raper of the 11th century who ravaged the villages of your ancestors and changed the “biology” of the area. This area though has been re conquered by Arabs and many others since who also changed the biology.
            The geography of lebanon presently puts it under the Arab influence (if we exclude pockets of Faqih followers who are about to lose the war for such identity) and its citizens are Arabs culturarely and geographicaly. The faster the population adapts to this identity the better it will be for them because it’s as real as geography is. And if they don’t want to adapt they can simply leave looking for their European ancestry and identity.

          57. Hannibal Avatar

            Hmmmmmm. As a Lebanese again you put words in my mouth and ASSUME stuff YET the truth hits you in the face and still refuse to see it… Americans are usually open minded and you as a Lebanese are not. So FIRST STOP pretending to be someone you are not.

            SECOND, you say: “You pride yourself to be descendant of some red head…” blah blah blah

            How can I be proud of anything BUT LEBANON since my avatar is a Punic leader? May be I should change it to Richard the Lionheart to satisfy your libel.

            People like you turned Lebanon into its “Arabesque look and feel” because you abandoned it.
            A great man once said: “‘ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country’
            What have you done lately? NADA
            Let me give you some food for thought: I manage an organization of about a hundred… Every once in a while I get a negative TOXIC person in the mix who poisons the day and work of others. Guess what I do about it? After ONE warning and a written warning I fire their ass. You are that toxic individual.

          58. MekensehParty Avatar

            You can’t but take things to heart ya Hani. I speak good sense and you see insults for the simple reason that good sense insults you.
            You remind me of the Arabs…

          59. Hannibal Avatar

            It is all relevant ya Mekenseh… I see insults in your discourse… You call my ancestors rapists and then put words in my mouth like I am proud of their achievements etc.
            That my friend is not good sense.

        2. could it be we’re not refering to the same article?

          the one i refer to talks about another Pali UN draft resolution that didn’t even get the minimum support to be a Veto candidate.

          the article i’m referring to deals with world nations rejecting and refusing another arrogant attempt by arabs to set the agenda for a move that the world does not even agree on (and time table too… lol) reminds me of a little joke :

          “a mouse and an elephant goes in the desert, the mouse turns his head back and tells the elephant : look how much dust we’re raising.”
          there is no elephant in our story yet the mouse still thinks he can raise the dust

          1. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Pali – Yidy.

          2. lol…can’t digest it can you ?
            it’s not arrogance dear, it’s throwing the truth in your face :))
            insistence on ignoring the that’s foolish arrogance right there .
            and no lol, i’m not Yid so i can’t say i’m over offended , more amused

          3. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            There’s not a post you don’t call me Dear, (that’s what you deleted), cause i said I’m not you dear. (arrogant).

          4. oh my that what you’re angry about? that i deleted “dear”?
            well my dear, you got me worried for a second, i thought it was something important

          5. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Was that the ‘Mouse Who Roared’ ?? :-)))))

          6. Hannibal Avatar

            Or the elephant who farted? 😉

          7. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Today my internet is farting … apparently, it rained. 🙁
            BUT, for all our ‘Theorists’ here …..

      2. Hind Abyad Avatar
        Hind Abyad

        The resolution failed to muster the minimum nine “yes” votes required in the council for adoption.They got the 8 votes (in the clouds as always)-

        1. big changes start slow and gain momentum later on.
          …it’s the first time the pali propaganda queens failed , now the fools go and apply for ICC lol… as usual they are guided by foolish damaged pride…as usual it will back fire at them.
          don’t you see the pattern?
          they think they stepped on something big, in thier imagination they already see us humiliated and they can taste the victory over the hated Jews. they smirk on the TV screens , bask in the imagined victory and then hit the wall at 100 mph when reallity dawns on them…and back again.
          popular uprising/ terror uprising/breaking the siege/going for the UN/going for the ICC…it all comes and goes yet Israel is here and getting stronger.
          the only way the palis can get anything out of Israel is by lowering their weapons and working with us.nothing but disappointment and humiliation till the moment arrives when they come to their senses.

          1. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Again, you deleted first part of the reply to Hannibal from 2 days ago ” palies got only 8 votes”
            i merely explained “they needed 9, but got 8”.. my post is still up there..2 days ago.
            You left the last paragraph, so i look like talking about a non-existent subject..

            Then this Big letter.. iI cant stand your language i stopped at “pali propaganda queens”, were did you pick that language, it’s not enough to massacre them, starve them, freezing them with no electricity, settlers destroying 50.000 olive trees, protected by the most moral army in the world (haha).. arrogant, supremacist, full of yourself, who do you think you are? Oh yes those “chosen” ones, nothing less than perfection of the “chosen”.
            Let go of me, the illusion you’re teaching me something is but complete disgust..

          2. even though i’m flattered by you stalking me yalibnan does give us the right to edit comments :)) if i find i need to edit it i’ll do and so will you. fool,are you the enforcer of rules that no one laid? (besides in your mind that is)
            🙂 do you remember accusing me of being a stalker? lol well we know who is really the obsessed one here lol,

          3. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Always trouble, Yalibnan gives equal rights..also the right to express displeasure at a blogger who is constantly being unpleasant.. understand? I’m not you nurse.
            Now I’m a fool stalker talk for yourself. I’m sure Hannibal can remember your reply in which you mentioned the 8 votes. .(8 out of?), i corrected this nothing maliciously edit what i was responding to in good faith to make trouble.. a show…I think you’re crazy ..
            BTW. Shut up the “dear”. Here’s a present for you arrogance.

          4. 🙂 ) it’s so you falling for this cr@p. didn’t even have to google it before i started laughing, i did anyway though
            feel free to google “tzipora menache”

          5. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            The Crow and the Fox By. Jean de La Fontaine (1621–1695)

            From “Fables”

            A MASTER crow, perched on a tree one day,
            Was holding in his beak a piece of cheese.
            A master fox, by th’ odour drawn that way,
            Spake unto him in words like these:
            “Good-morning, my Lord Crow!
            How well you look, how handsome you do grow !
            Upon my honour, if your note
            Bears a resemblance to your coat,
            You are the phoenix of the dwellers in these woods.”
            At these words does the crow exceedingly rejoice;
            And, to display his beauteous voice,
            He opens a wide beak, lets fall his stolen goods.
            The fox seized on’t, and said, “My dear good sir,
            Learn you that every flatterer
            Lives at the expense of him who hears him out.
            This lesson is well worth some cheese, no doubt.”
            The crow, ashamed, and much in pain,
            Swore, but a little late, they’d not catch him again

          6. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Nice little research there, Hind. 😉 I liked Aesop. 🙂

          7. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            What’s Aesop.?

          8. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Why OMG : -(

          9. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Sorry … in my mind, EVERY child should have read Aesop’s Fables.

          10. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            I replied yesterday, it disappeared, but see 8 days ago, 7days ago..something’s wrong with YaLibnan..

            I replied:Yes it’s a hoax..but it’s exact
            (it was a gift for his sickening arrogance :))

          11. did you google it? No.
            did you find it’s a hoax? No.
            why not?it’s only two clicks away.
            i’ll explain why you didn’t: you can’t stand to be ridiculed for your believes.
            yet you do not check the authenticity of your “proofs”. and every once in a while comes someone who doesn’t go with the flaw of lies you spew (me for example) and proving you wrong.
            and what happens then? instead of understanding your errors and stop spreading lies & hate- you’re getting angry at me 🙂 don’t kill the messenger dear, instead try to check what you post and maybe we’ll not laugh at you so hard :))

            loved the cut & paste ..false pretenses is what you’re all about , nothing substantial in there but blind hate

          12. 5thDrawer Avatar

            I would give you an ‘up’ but facts are always being muddied with personality-shots.
            Adding that ‘we’ laugh is not entirely correct either.

          13. Hannibal Avatar

            There is a ton of fake zionist quotes out there and it is shameful. That being said can you deny that they control the policies of the U.S.? 😉
            The most powerful lobby in the world is the zionist lobby… There are plenty of scholarly articles and books as well as confessions and videos written about it. They manipulate everything in the U.S.
            Not one politician dares to criticize their actions as they hold them by the balls and they know it. They will never get elected again if they utter one word. Remember what happened to Helen Thomas? Finally, you know what I say? If the Americans are stupid enough to put their fate in the hands of a controlling minority (reminds me of the Assad clan 😛 ) so be it and good for the zionists.
            Half of the population is idiotically unengaged apathetic as they never vote and the other half is delusional.
            I am a Lebanese and I do not want to see Israel harmed. However, I believe that there MUST be a middle ground and Jerusalem should be internationalized under the supervision of a task force made by Palestinians and Jews. The city of peace should be shared and should become the center of dialogue for all religions.

          14. did you ever consider the possibility that they actually think like us?
            when a nation is against you , it doesn’t mean it is being controlled by us, only that it opposes you.
            same goes for Australia/ UK/Canada

          15. Hannibal Avatar

            I live among them and anti-semitism is rising exponentially and I hear the populace remarks behind closed doors. It is Germany’s history all over again. It may not be tomorrow but it is happening. Believe me in this world your only allies will always be your cousins the Arabs if you people JUST change course and see it.

          16. we????
            had the Palestinians given up the terror way they would have had their state 10 years ago.
            leave the PA aside though, our cousins started wars against us, the anti iSrael propaganda is everywhere on Arab outlets, it seems the only course we can take to mollify our cousins is die or get the hell out of our homes!! i’d rather not trust my cousins here

          17. Hannibal Avatar

            Peace has to start somewhere… You are preaching to the choir here. Read our history… Our brethrens were no peace makers towards Christians neither. They are still slaughtering us in Syria and Iraq. The Ottomans instilled this animosity among a rather peaceful coexistence to supply their army with infidel-hating troops. We are still carrying this burden. There is a bigger movement amongst moslems now who are pushing for secularism and coexistence. Can you imagine the prosperous times ahead if we JUST all lay down our weapons and build the bridges?
            Of course the cancer of bigotry and religious extremism will always exist but we should squash it like the bug it is.

          18. i must warn you, it’s going to sound like Israeli propaganda here 🙂 Sorry.
            if you run a poll among Israelis with this simple yes/ no question you’ll get over 90% support i guaranty : would you support a pali state if Israel’s safety is guarantied?
            another thing: in our quest for peace we agreed to allow PLO in, we willingly gave up territory the Paris would have no chance ever getting by their own, what did the Palestinians ever give for peace?
            end of israeli propaganda
            from our side we were willing to start the peace there and we feel we were not answered with equal effort.
            as a representative of the other side, how do you see that ?

          19. Hannibal Avatar

            I will keep trying… The current conditions breed ONLY terror.
            Look at those idiots in the Paris shooting… They ALMOST ALWAYS come from poor disenfranchised communities.

          20. we’re getting tired of trying alone.
            we’re getting tired of trying to help out ending a lousy situation with no cooperation.
            most of all I getting tired of this DE-humanisation campaign waging against us by people and nations that quite frankly are responsible for real atrocities happening today and every day.
            i’ll give a disturbing thought ,what will happen if in israel start believe the Image you put on us? what if people
            start thinking “heck,let’s live up to their expectations and get it over

          21. 5thDrawer Avatar

            The ‘Germany’ stories of late show that … Merkle can’t keep the ‘Group Think’ down ….

          22. great, now find me an Arab media outlet who speaks like’ll find nothing..and that is what pushes us away from you guys…everywhere we look we see only two proposed solutions to the conflict: kill the Jews/throw them “back” to Europe

          23. Hannibal Avatar

            There are a lot of us Arabs and Non-Arabs Middle Easterners who speak like that. Lebanon is controlled by feudal politicians that nobody wants. They decide policies without even polling the individuals. Nobody you speak to individually wants war with anyone. I am cautiously hopeful 😉

          24. we’re not that different, we’re only happen to be on opposing sides 🙂
            i always say i have no problem with one Arab- it only becomes a problem when they are a crowd , it might be valid from the opposing side as well
            but i’ll be a nag for a little longer with your permission, PA official school books do not draw maps of Israel, the call for Palestine from the river to the sea. this is what they teach the future generations, in my opinion ( and majority of Israelis) it tells something about the Arab true aspirations , would you trust Israel’s intentions towards a peace with Lebanon of our maps would show Lebanon as part of Israel?
            i’m not saying this to anger or irritate you with wise guy remarks but giving one example why we lost our faith in the PA .

          25. 5thDrawer Avatar

            There’s a new book (name forgotten momentarily) dealing with that ‘Group Think’ problem.
            Humans re-enforce ‘like thought’ when surround by the same.
            Slightly conservative become even dangerously radicalized to the ‘right’, Liberals to the ‘left’ when in that position. The ‘desire’ to ‘get along with’ those you are with, pushes towards the extremes. Self-propaganda, if you like.
            In HERE, I agree with comments from both sides many times.
            I don’t HAVE to live with any of you bastards. :-)))))))))

          26. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Whenever it seems there is a sort of ‘reconciliation’ and move towards recognition of the ‘Humanity’ of all peoples, SOME IDIOT megalomaniac will pop up, and stir the pot again … using religiosity most times … and too many are willing to jump from the pan to the fire to ‘promote’ that idiocy. Reactionary … too often.

          27. second comment and not politic related:
            I agree with the “feudal politician” comment. we have those as well, lead by greed and drunk from power it seems, the middle class man is too busy fighting for livelihood while staying on the monthly budget (and taxes ..) to pause and really guide his life.
            what i’m trying to say is : we’re screwed

          28. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Kill the Tamils. Push them into the sea. Same, same …..
            All based on religious premise.
            I’m part Hindu now … I read the Kama Sutra. :-))))

          29. 5thDrawer Avatar

            We may often look at ‘WHY’ we think as we do. Or, we should.
            But it takes a long time for most to even consider that – if ever.
            Knowing YOURSELF is the hardest knowledge to acquire … and sometimes when you do, you change. 😉

          30. no one really knows himself 99% are too scared to look inside and the 1% that does, sees himself in this and now current state.
            we will refuse to kill a person for 100 mil $ when it’s a hypothetical question but how many actually stood there with a gun and money suitcase in front of them?
            a person should inspire to be a good person and stay clear from the path that might present the opportunity to learn things like those about himself. my humble opinion.

          31. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Sometimes, as you gain some knowledge, you say to yourself: ‘Who the hell told me THAT? Wow. What else did the idiot say??’ And then you begin to question ….
            Sometimes, it comes as: ‘WHY the hell would he think THAT?’
            And then, you need to make the choice.
            ‘Choose Well’ … the admonition from the ancients …. 😉

          32. no more religions in the the world, two ideologies only left

    3. Hannibal Avatar

      Correction: The US will do what it is dictated to do by the Zionists…

      1. MekensehParty Avatar


        1. Hannibal Avatar

          I admire your patriotism… At least you’re consistent. 😉 Yet if you truly are, you should take your new adopted country back from Zion before you lose the new one like you lost the original.

          1. MekensehParty Avatar


      2. Anti ISIS Avatar
        Anti ISIS

        Sorry Hannibal, my bad. Happy New year my friend, hope you and yours are in good spirits.

    4. MekensehParty Avatar

      Keep counting
      Math is the savior

  2. 5thDrawer Avatar

    The actions of bone-heads delaying air-fights is indefensible too. And THOSE are coming from the west.
    Once you get a 30-ft. Concrete wall all around the place, we’ll send water. 😉

    1. Hind Abyad Avatar
      Hind Abyad

      Go down the page to live interview it explains a lot about UN weakness.
      I can’t get the video link it’s not YouTube –

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        I got that one ….

        1. Hind Abyad Avatar
          Hind Abyad

          Where did you get the idea ‘if i mean the one by Mal-Mule’…?

  3. Israel has frozen Palestinian funds in response to the accession PA to the Rome Statute

    1. Hind Abyad Avatar
      Hind Abyad

      Why not genocide and stop torturing them? v-ulture-s

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