pope warns man’s greed will destroy world


pope god forgives but the earth doesn'tPope Francis warned Thursday that planet earth would not forgive the abuse of its resources for profit, urging the world’s leaders to rein in their greed and help the hungry — or risk a doomsday scenario in which nature would exact revenge.

“God always forgives, but the earth does not,” the Argentine pope told the Second International Conference on Nutrition (CIN2) in Rome, a three-day meeting aimed at tackling malnutrition, a global scourge which afflicts poor and rich alike.

“Take care of the earth so it does not respond with destruction,” he warned representatives from 190 countries gathered for the conference organised by the UN food agency (FAO) and World Health Organization (WHO) in the Italian capital.

The 77-year old, a staunch defender of the poor and downtrodden, said the world had “paid too little heed to those who are hungry.”

While the number of undernourished people dropped by over half in the past two decades, some 805 million people were still affected in 2014.

“It is also painful to see the struggle against hunger and malnutrition hindered by ‘market priorities’, the ‘primacy of profit’, which reduce foodstuffs to a commodity like any other, subject to speculation and financial speculation in particular,” Francis said.

“The hungry remain at the street corner… and ask for a healthy diet. We ask for dignity, not for charity,” he said.

The pope has in the past launched several scathing attacks on those who get rich through market speculation, particularly the practice of betting on the price of food commodities which can inflate prices and see poor families go hungry.

He urged the world’s population to have “mutual respect, instead of fighting between themselves, damaging and impoverishing the planet.”

While he praised the work of the FAO and WHO in getting the delegates to adopt a “Rome Declaration on Nutrition” and “Framework for Action”, he called on those drawing up “rules and technical measures” not to lose sight of the hungry man “fighting for survival”.

“Feed the hungry, save life on the planet,” Francis said at the end of his speech which was met with a standing ovation.

The declaration focuses on improving access to healthy food but also the growing problem of inactive over-eaters.

Two billion people suffer from deficiencies in nutrients such as vitamin A, iron and zinc — a condition known as “hidden hunger” by experts — while 42 million children and 500 million adults are overweight or obese.

France 24



8 responses to “pope warns man’s greed will destroy world”

  1. Igor Chingoski Avatar
    Igor Chingoski

    Those overweight fat pigs are the Americans and English bastards, I mean who control the food bank if not the UK? the Pope is right those greedy bastards added to Beyond Petroleum and Shell among others are screwing everyone in this Earth, just to think they are only a few against the whole World and We do nothing make Me sick.

    1. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
      Maborlz Ez-Hari

      Dont forget the Hungarians.

      1. Hind Abyad Avatar

        Sorry, you’re right, the Hungarians are the most corrupted in Europe

    2. Hind Abyad Avatar

      Very true, investors they don’t believe in climate worming. Bill Gates Polio’s program caused 47,500 cases of paralysis, they are killing the poorest of the planet.

      1. MaImequer0 Avatar

        Climate ‘worming’.. a new conspiracy?

    3. Fat and pigs Americans and English??? .!!!. why are you insulting the americans and the english ?? don’t u know that the united states is the first country that contribute in food and well being of hunger. Please name any other country that even have reached half what the united state is contributing. You call people pigs ,how do you dare that . Have you asked yourself lately , who is giving the right to speak freely on the internet ? Is this it russia.???

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