Dubai accuses Hezbollah of training Bahraini bomber


Dubai’s chief of police, Lt. Gen. Dahi Khalfan Tamim

Dubai’s chief of police, Lt. Gen. Dahi Khalfan Tamim slammed on Tuesday the Islamic Republic of Iran and its ally Hezbollah a day after a bomb explosion in Bahrain killed three police officers , including a United Arab Emirates ( UAE) citizen and revealed that a Hezbollah-trained operative perpetrated the Monday blast .

“The criminal who carried out the operation to assassinate the Emirati martyr, First Lieutenant Tareq Mohammed al-Shehhi, used to go to Lebanon and was given explosives training by Hezbollah,” Khalfan said in a message on the social networking Twitter site.

The police chief went on to accuse the Bahraini opposition of taking sides with Iran against Gulf States.

“The Bahraini opposition has become an enemy to the states of the Arabian Gulf and a close friend of the Persians [Iran].” He stressed

Shehhi, who was a member of a force established as part of common Gulf security pact, died along with two members of the Bahraini police force “while performing his national duty of maintaining order,” said the UAE interior ministry.

He is the first Gulf officer reported to have been killed since forces from the region rolled into Bahrain in March 2011 to boost the kingdom’s security forces, which later quelled the month-long uprising.

Bahrain has always maintained the Gulf force did not take part in confrontations with protesters and have been deployed to protect vital installations.

Khalfan pointed out that “an addition 1,000 Emirati policeman should be sent to Bahrain so that the enemies of the Arab Gulf understand that security in Bahrain involves us all.”

This is not the first time that Hezbollah is being accused of meddling in the internal affairs of bahrain

Last December The Lebanese Communication Group (Al-Manar Channel and Al-Nour Radio) officially apologized to the Bahraini Information Affairs Authority (IAA) for the its past coverage of news relating to Bahrain. The group is owned by the Iranian backed Hezbollah militant group.

In April 2013 Bahrain’s Minister of State for Information Affairs Samira Rajab accused Hezbollah of encouraging terrorism and inciting strife in her country.

“Hezbollah is fanning the flame of conflict in Bahrain and training terrorists,” Rajab was quoted as saying by Kuwaiti daily Al-Rai on April 30 during a press conference at an Arab media forum in Bahrain.

In March 2011 Bahrain urged its citizen against traveling to Lebanon and accused Hezbollah of forming a terrorist cells in Bahrain to train the Bahraini Shiites.



4 responses to “Dubai accuses Hezbollah of training Bahraini bomber”

  1. 5thDrawer Avatar

    First thought looking at the picture …
    Does anyone remember ‘Phil Silvers’ ???

  2. 5thDrawer Avatar

    First thought looking at the picture … Sgt. Bilko.
    Does anyone remember ‘Phil Silvers’ ???

  3. cook2half Avatar

    better edit the Wikipedia section of ‘Iran and state-sponsored terrorism’ to add this

  4. mike jones Avatar
    mike jones

    this fake Lt. Gen is just a puppet of Saudi terrorist scumbag group

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