Rifi launches an initiative to end Tripoli violence


Ashraf Rifi justice ministerJustice Minister Ashraf Rifi launched a new three-point initiative Sunday which is aimed at dealing with issues related to weapons in Tripoli and calls for compensation to residents for losses in recent violence and implementation of development projects in the city after a new outbreak of clashes was narrowly avoided.

The three points dictate the following:

“1) None of the parties shall resort to [the use of] weapons; matters of security shall be left to the state and its juristic and military institutions, allowing Tripoli residents to go about their lives in a natural manner through [reactivation] of economic and commercial [activity].”

“2) Compensation shall be awarded to aggrieved citizens [who have suffered] from the events Tripoli has witnessed. Work [will be done] to remove the stereotypical war-like image that is dominating [sensitive] areas.”

“3) Execution of development projects in Tripoli and the city’s poorer areas shall be accelerated and employment found for the youth, ensuring them a dignified and stable life.”

Rifi confirmed in a statement that he would follow up on progress of the initiative with all concerned officials and called on all Tripoli residents to “contribute to [ridding Tripoli] of death and violence and rely on the state and only the state.”

Fighting nearly erupted again on Thursday, February 20 after the father of one of the men accused of bombing Tripoli’s Al-Taqwa and Al-Salam Mosque’s was shot to death in the city’s neighborhood of Al-Mina.

Tripoli has been plagued by intermittent outbreaks of violence since the Lebanese judiciary began a probe into the Jabal Mohsen-based ADP over its alleged role in the bombings, which left dozens dead outside the two Sunni mosques.




6 responses to “Rifi launches an initiative to end Tripoli violence”

  1. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Quick. Elect that guy.

  2. Reasonableman Avatar

    Im all in with the idea of “repairing” the damage its ideal but not real.

    3) people are travelling abroard to find work, to create something from nothing is hopeless.

    the rest I agree with.
    maybe adding the “jbori” army rule again will help and digging in to your own pockets to cordon off the area and create new productive infastructure to create jobs. Every 2nd house is for sale anyway

  3. That s right !There must be one armed force to make a city or state safe and stable and secure!There must be jobs to avoid frustration and insecurity that lead some to embrace and cling passionately to holy causes and ^fronts^ and ^extreme fanatical groups^,,They become a danger !!!

  4. According to Btru definition, Rifi hadn’t reached his ultimate success yet. Best of luck in reaching your goal of hanging out with 72+ virgins.

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