Kerry: The fight in Iraq belongs to the Iraqis… we can’t help


John Kerry, Nouri al-MalikiThe U.S. has inserted 200 troops in Iraq since 2012, but they cannot directly help the Iraqi military repel a surge of al Qaeda fighters, even as the country succumbs to sectarian violence and insurgents claim control of two key cities.
On Sunday, at least 20 people were killed in bombings in Baghdad and 34 others in fighting in the western province of Anbar, where Iraqi troops were trying to oust insurgents who had laid claim to the cities of Ramadi and Fallujah.

In Jerusalem on a Middle East peace mission, Secretary of State John F. Kerry said the U.S. supports Baghdadโ€™s battle against al Qaeda but will not commit American troops to the fight. Nearly all U.S. troops withdrew from Iraq in December 2011.

โ€œThis is a fight that belongs to the Iraqis. That is exactly what the president and the world decided some time ago when we left Iraq, so we are not obviously contemplating returning. We are not contemplating putting boots on the ground. This is their fight,โ€ Mr. Kerry said. โ€œWe will help them in their fight, but this fight, in the end, they will have to win and I am confident they can.โ€

The 200 U.S. service members in Iraq are part of the Office of Security Cooperation-Iraq, which was set up two years ago this month to spearhead military aid to Baghdad in terms of manpower and weapons.

โ€œOSC-I is responsible for conducting non-operational training with Iraqi Ministry of Defense and Counter-Terrorism Service personnel,โ€ said Army Lt. Col. Chris Belcher, a spokesman for U.S. Central Command, which oversees operations in the Middle East. โ€œNon-operational training means they canโ€™t go into the field and train the Iraqis.โ€

โ€œThat would not be enough,โ€ said retired Army Gen. John Keane, an architect of the 2007 U.S. troop surge that reduced violence in Iraq by 90 percent and led to the military exodus ordered by President Obama in 2011.

Since then, Iraqi defense forces, schooled for years by Americans in how to conduct precision counterterrorism strikes, have been unable to contain al Qaeda. Tensions between Sunni and Shiite Muslims have given rise to violence that has killed thousands of Iraqis in recent months. Al Qaeda-linked insurgents, who are mostly Sunni, have taken advantage of the chaos to try to undermine the Shiite-led government of Iraqi President Nouri al-Maliki.

Gen. Keane said it is time to station American military advisers at divisional headquarters in Iraq where they could preach to commanders tactics for finding and striking al Qaeda and Sunni militants.

Gen. Keane and others who fought in Iraq are watching their gains slip away. โ€œWeโ€™re creeping right back to where the situation was at the beginning of the surge in 2007,โ€ he said. โ€œWeโ€™re not quite there yet, but weโ€™re getting close.

โ€œWhat we could do to help them is some advisers at the major headquarters to provide some advice to them in terms on what the strategy should be and the tactics should be,โ€ he said. โ€œWeโ€™re not talking about returning troops again. Thatโ€™s not going to be politically viable.โ€

Gen. Keane, who was Army vice chief of staff and a key adviser to the George W. Bush administration on how to defeat the insurgency, said Mr. al-Malikiโ€™s government has returned to its old way of operating.

โ€œWe trained them an awful lot on how to do this, but the fact of the matter is they have ignored in the past a lot of our counterinsurgency practices by simply posting checkpoints along roads and being considerably more defensive than what you need to be in terms of a protect-the-population counterinsurgency strategy, which is what they will need to do to gain the momentum back. Thatโ€™s going to be critical for them,โ€ he said.

Mr. al-Maliki, who was in Washington last fall, has pressed Obama aides to speed up the delivery of attack helicopters, surveillance drones and air-to-ground missiles. Iraq is scheduled to receive 36 F-16 fighter jets this fall.

Activity of the U.S. troops in Iraq is legally restricted.

washington times

Photo: U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, right meets with Iraq’s Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki in Baghdad, Iraq, Sunday, March 24, 2013. Commenting on the fight between the Iraqi forces and Al Qaeda Kerry said on Sunday January 5, 2014 : โ€œThis is a fight that belongs to the Iraqis. That is exactly what the president and the world decided some time ago when we left Iraq, so we are not obviously contemplating returning.(AP Photo/Jason Reed, Pool)



346 responses to “Kerry: The fight in Iraq belongs to the Iraqis… we can’t help”

  1. Peaceforleb Avatar

    Well this is convenient, go into a country giving promise to the people that once they finish their mission the people can live in peace and prosperity. Typical US, when the going gets tough, the US turn their back.

    1. Jewy McJew Avatar
      Jewy McJew

      It’s true Iraq is a failure for the US, but I think that they truly believe that they did their best and simply lost hope for a positive outcome.

      We learned the hard way that in some parts of the world, dictators are the only thing holding back the crazy!

      1. Peaceforleb Avatar

        My friend, the second paragraph I agree with you 100%. As for the first, I think with every US invasion there is a hidden agenda. In Iraq’s case it was the oil. And I don’t think they failed in their agenda. Just my humble opinion.

      2. Hind Abyad Avatar
        Hind Abyad

        Everybody was against it. Jordan King Hussein a friend to the West, pleaded not to go
        to war in Iraq, they were told Shia would return to Iran, but Sharon and Israel insisted,
        all the planers were American Jews dual nationality.

        Richard Pearl Netanyahu adviser in Israel, became advisor to US President, is there
        any country in the World were this is done..taking another country’s PM personal advisor?
        It was a conpiracy planed in advance, they put the most stupid President in US history,
        an ex alcoholic, as Israeli puppet.
        Maliky was to take US Army to Lahague for war crimes, Americans asked for soldiers imunity he refused, so they left. Soldiers entered homes killing whole families, gang
        raping girls, the Abu Ghraib scandat torture, experimenting depleated Uranium on
        Fallujah residents. Soldiers came back home with mental desorders, commiting acts
        of violence, many commited suicide, some murdered their wifes.

        1. MekensehParty Avatar

          And finally the paranoid conspiracy theorist who sees a Jew puppeteer behind everything that happens in the world.
          Where are those puppeteers today as Israel and its PM are being slapped daily by US officials? Why aren’t they puppeteering Obama and the whole American population? Why?
          Because they’re not as powerful as you like to portray them.
          The Iraq war had multiple purposes and objectives and most were achieved successfully. Our troops, our soldiers, are the best trained and most professional soldiers in the world. There were some elements who behaved wrong and they were tried and imprisoned when found guilty by our Justice system. But I understand that you are unfamiliar with these words (trial, guilty, Justice…) since you only see what a few elements did wrong (totally ignoring what all hundreds of thousands of other soldiers did good) and turn a blind eye on the punishment they received and 2 blind eyes on the actions of the soldiers of your native country (wherever that is).
          There was no murdering of entire families like the Syrian “army” is doing in its own land, there was no instances of mass rape like the chabihas are doing in sunni towns and villages of Syria, there was no chemical weapons thrown on entire populations like bashar and before him saddam did, if you call abu ghraib torture then you have not been into an arab prison before – while I strongly condemn what happened in AG it is but childish game compared to what these same prisoners would have suffered in Sadam’s prison and are still suffering in Arab prisons.
          Spare us the BS please, look internally at your own faults and stop blaming the US for your own shortcomings.

          1. man-o-war Avatar

            “Israel and its PM are being slapped daily by US officials”, you win the funniest comment of the day contest. Congrats!

          2. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Yes..”the Jew puppeteer” as you call it using clichรฉs, people read all about it,
            it was only a decade ago..whe read the letter signed by Netanyahu, Wolfowizch, Richard Pearl and CO.. saw Sharon haranging Bush on TV to attack Irak.
            Fake evidences were fabricated. Iraq was not responsable for 911 US addmited but Israel insisted on Iran today.

          3. MekensehParty Avatar

            And where are these puppeteers today????
            Why aren’t they dictating us what to do?
            Why the same Netanyahu that “dictated” to Bush what to do is now being grounded by Obama?
            and the big big question: why this “Jewish lobby” that you say rules the world has been unable to establish Israel and crush all its enemies after more than 70 years of war?
            I tell you why, because they are not as powerful as you want them to be. Arabs are known to exaggerate the power of their enemies only to justify their defeat.
            And here’s the big word “Defeat”! Only when you recognize your defeat that you can start preparing for any future victory. Germans and Japanese recognized their wrongdoings and now are victorious with economies that the whole world envies, with high standard living for their population. Arabs have been going from one illusionary victory to another and 70 years later, trillions spent on fighting Israel, they are weaker than they were in 43. Surrender this piece of land and evolve into strong societies that will make it impossible for this to happen again.

          4. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Nobody have to “surrender this peace of land” Israel take’s
            what it wants, Amerian Jews billionaires (honest & deshonest)
            taxes money sent to their conlonies as charity, expanding with
            their American slaves, the US Congress, i saw a Congressman
            become white as a cheet when asked a question about Israel.

            This peace of land was beautifull once, now it’s guthered by condoms
            made in America, thousands of olive trees burned, like a cancer eating
            the land. Nice try

          5. MekensehParty Avatar

            This is not a poetry contest (another Arab dominant trait) thinking that with al-mutanabi style you can win the hearts of the reader… not anymore! today I want arguments, facts, numbers, studies… words like condoms and cancer and olive trees are beautiful in poetry, not in politics.
            Get your facts straight and answer my simple questions with arguments not cheap poetry.

          6. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Hold on โ€ฆ there ARE some beautiful condoms out there these days. ๐Ÿ˜‰

          7. man-o-war Avatar

            His true colors shined in the last comment. This guy is an Israeli firster, not an American.

          8. MekensehParty Avatar

            Fazi3 chou zakeh enta

          9. man-o-war Avatar

            Just as I suspected.

          10. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Full of them here

          11. Quite a few hezbushaitan firsters for a Lebanese site

          12. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            It’s not your site.

          13. Of course not, it’s reserved for your Jew hating spams

          14. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            This guy crook et demi is out of the asylum? He’s like crazy glue.

          15. “The area was underpopulated and remained economically stagnant until the arrival of the first Zi0nist pioneers in the 1880’s, who came to rebuild the Jewish land. The country had remained “The Holy Land” in the religious and historic consciousness of mankind, which associated it with the Bible and the history of the Jewish people. Jewish development of the country also attracted large numbers of other immigrants – both Jewish and Arab. The road leading from Gaza to the north was only a summer track suitable for transport by camels and carts… Houses were all of mud. No windows were anywhere to be seen… The plows used were of wood… The yields were very poor… The sanitary conditions in the village [Yabna] were horrible… Schools did not exist… The rate of infant mortality was very high… The western part, toward the sea, was almost a desert… The villages in this area were few and thinly populated. Many ruins of villages were scattered over the area, as owing to the prevalence of malaria, many villages were deserted by their inhabitants”.

            – The report of the British Royal Commission, 1913 –

            Where are all the Arabs?

            Why did your people leave the land desolate for centuries?

            Why did they wait for the Jews to fix it up before they went to settle the lands?

            Oh yes thats right Arabs were nomadic and had no lands but they saw Jews doing good and we know Muslims don’t like that.

    2. This isn’t without reason. The US turned its back on “stabilizing” Iraq post-Saddam when they realized the forces they put into motion. We know Iraq today is on friendly terms with its Iranian and Syrian neighbors, and it is obviously not in the US’s interest to have a powerful Shia axis form in the Middle East. Hence the US’s support for the Syrian insurgency, which it did much to prop up, and its Saudi base.

      It is funny seeing the US media contrast the insurgents when they are in Iraq, as bad Al-Qaeda people to Syria, where they are freedom fighters. To the US government it makes no difference; they are past entertaining their “war on terror” rhetoric. It is only to the people they rule over that their policies must be explained in a moral manner. Afterall, thousands of American soldiers died in Iraq believing they were doing good and the revelation that they weren’t would cause quite some anger amongst their kin.

      The US has basically left Iraq to the dogs; it has no intention of seeing Iraq back at its former state of the most advanced Arab country. It has no intention of seeing Syria rebuilt either. It is in this perspective that the US has made concessions to Iran. They believe Iran is becoming isolated in the region, but, God willing, they are wrong.

      1. MekensehParty Avatar

        All the shia axis and its leader in Tehran is no threat for the US. Even a nuclear Iran does not scare the USA. We lived with nuclear Russia for 50 years and beat the crap out of them. Stop wanting to believe the contrary, the whole ME is a mosquito the US can crush in a second.
        We went to Iraq not for the oil (we have plenty of oil thank you) but to punish the whole Arab world for allowing a person like Bin Laden to be born and the punishment is ongoing!
        We know the Arab world much more than you think, we know each and every one of your weaknesses, we know the forces that will be put in motion and the forces We can put in motion.
        Many before you thought the Americans to be stupid only to discover that they were dead wrong (and some really died for assuming that).
        We didn’t leave Iraq for the dogs, Iraq was dogland to begin with, we only tried to turn them from savage dogs into friendly dogs and as they kept biting the hand that fed them we left them to bite each others.
        Wal salamou aleikoum!

        1. Peaceforleb Avatar

          Typical brainwashed US citizen. For God and country blah blah blah. Yes the US was once a power house that had the ability to crush any country in their way. That is of course with their allies, France, Britain, Australia and many other European countries. The US on their own can crush no one. They rely on other countries to do their dirty work for them. (Which btw I admit is very smart on their part and very stupid on the part of the other lap dogs). The US’s time is up. what goes up must come down. They had a good run, however it’s time to face the music. Now tell me, How many times has the US threatened to attack Iran, How many times have the lap dogs also threatened to attack Iran. Ask yourself why they haven’t and why they wont. Yes the US has many advanced weapons includes nukes. And they could very easily launch an attack on Iran again with their lap dogs. However one thing scares them the living shit out of them. The response from Iran. Keep underestimating Iran, keep underestimating Russia, Keep thinking your are superior to the rest of the world. However before thinking all of this, go and feed your millions of starving family’s in your own country.

          1. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Everyone is brainwashed to some extent. Both of you have good points.
            Yet it IS more about the politicians that people elect. And too often the lack of education of the electorate. ‘The People’ generally don’t want war. And in that, have developed some distrust of certain ‘Military Minds’, and generally wish politicians to control them. Most often, It’s the politicos who get things wrong.
            Sometimes it would be better to listen more carefully to what the military man says – while still keeping him on the side of ‘peace’.
            An Emperor listened to the military in Japan, and learned something.
            If the Politicians had listened to Patton, we might not be worried about a Putin.
            If the UN politicos had listened to a General in Rwanda, there would not have been a slaughter under the horrified eyes of ‘Peacekeepers’.
            Here is Gen. Keane stating what was done wrong, or should be done to actually help ‘an army’, but he also must note the uneducated people couldn’t figure out who to vote for, for themselves. And Maliki – along with US politicians and VARIOUS UN politicos – kept saying that the US should allow Iraq to do the unfinished job and be ‘free’ of US control. And on top of that, the uneducated idiots don’t want to listen to lessons given by what they called ‘occupiers’ simply because the teachers are American?? Idiots.
            So โ€ฆ Voila. Here’s the ‘Peace’ and ‘Freedom’ of a nation gone up in smoke – not all of which is opium – of course. As in Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, ETC, if the concept doesn’t sink in, it will never happen.

            In Tripoli, a library is burned. Education is gone along with the concept.

          2. MekensehParty Avatar

            I’m happy you believe this nonsense and I encourage you (as an anti-US propagandist) to repeat these words everywhere you go.
            The reality on the other hand is the exact opposite of what you say and there are numbers that prove how ridicule your statements are.
            One of these realities is: The US army can single handedly crush the next top 9 armies (yes, allies included along with Russia and China).
            If we haven’t hit Iran, it’s not because we’re afraid of retaliation, simply because we are out of reach of Iranian retaliation (geographical reality) but because we are simply tired of paying $3 a gallon for gas AND we know that the Iranian people will sooner or later topple this idiot who thinks he’s the next prophet. And we were right! 2009 Tehran streets were filled with people saying “enough!”. 2013 those same people voted for a person that truly represents their views and who surrendered his nuclear program in Geneva begging us to unfreeze some $9 billions so that his government can pay the employees for the next 3 months. History kiddo takes time to be written and history will remember how Iran, a country where you can scratch the soil of your garden and find oil, BEGGED for $9 billions.
            PS: No one is starving in the US unless you’re reading Aljazeera day and night. Poor people here live better than the middle class worldwide. Our middle class lives better than a Saudi prince… How about you go take care of the starving people in your country, or you know what, how about you get running water and electricity in every home (poor and rich) in your country before giving the US lessons!

          3. man-o-war Avatar

            “No one is starving in the US unless you’re reading Aljazeera day and night. Poor people here live better than the middle class worldwide. Our middle class lives better than a Saudi prince” this must be one of your 4 lies of the day that Reasonable was talking about. Do you really even believe this? Middle class is slowly being wiped out in the US. Live better than a Saudi prince? I know you’re joking now.

            “US army can single handedly crush the next top 9 armies (yes, allies included along with Russia and China).”

            You think its all a game or what? Maybe your playing too much Call of Duty. You obviously have never served in the armed forces or had any family members that did. The US was bleeding itself to death in Afghanistan and Iraq in terms of resources and human life. The US could have stayed in Iraq another decade and nothing would have changed same goes for Afghanistan. What about the vets returning home with missing limbs and brain damage? Why are so many becoming homeless and even resorting to suicide? Nobody is taking care of them when they return. So yeah, keep talking big as if war is a game.

          4. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Yah โ€ฆ and he thinks $3 an American-gallon is ‘high’ โ€ฆ hahahahahahaha

          5. man-o-war Avatar

            Pretty sure its the lowest in the world.

          6. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Kuwait is, I believe โ€ฆ they SHARE with the citizens who own it.
            ‘Privatizing’ natural resources is sheer asswhollery.

          7. MekensehParty Avatar

            it used to be 75c

          8. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Yup. I filled an 18-Imperial-gallon tank with $5 in the ‘best days’. Long gone โ€ฆ.

          9. MekensehParty Avatar

            Well Iran is promising such prices as soon as the sanctions are lifted.
            They promised to drown the market.
            These days can come back

          10. 5thDrawer Avatar

            I’d love to resurrect the ‘muscle-car’ โ€ฆ Geo has to be with us in this, even if he hates pouring alcohol into a radiator. :-)))
            (But I’d add the latest tech-help anyway. Make it more than a 500hp sipper. ‘-)

          11. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Aside from ‘market’ prices on a barrel, it’s the refining and distribution costs that are most of where the ‘profits’ come from. They won’t be able to avoid that – although, El Supremo doesn’t like to pay his workers โ€ฆ does he. ๐Ÿ˜‰

          12. MekensehParty Avatar

            el supremo needs money and fast

          13. MekensehParty Avatar

            War is not a game, it’s a REALITY!
            Peacelovers live in illusion and dream that wars will end. Keep dreaming.
            War is like oxygen, without something to fight for, humanity will have no future. Might as well go back to the tree.
            Now misinformation and propaganda are tools, not reality.
            “Bleeding to death” is a big word, we invaded 2 countries the size of France (or even bigger) in some 3 weeks, casualties less than 10K combined in more than 10 years, we lost 10K men in one week trying to take an island from the Japanese in WWII, nobody was adamant to count back then because we were freeing everybody’s ass.
            When a vet comes back home, we take good care of him/her. We try and spend money to fix the damage but yes, true, sometime the damage is irreparable, but that doesn’t mean we need to stop fighting, we learn how to fight without damaging our soldiers and so we created drones that are probably taking your picture now… Again, stop worrying for the US and instead worry for your own country and how to make it better. All I read is criticism, criticism, and you guys still live in caves without running water or electricity. Be proactive and build your own societies like the Americans did with great success. Then and only then will your criticism be taken seriously. For now, you’re just a caveman using the computer we created and taught you how to use and the internet we developed to tell us how to do things!?

          14. man-o-war Avatar

            Damn! I better go put some pants on, don’t want to blind the drone operator. Don’t get much sun on my cheeks this time of the year.

            The Iraq/Afghan wars have cost around 2 trillion already and are expected to end up having a price tag of around 4-6 trillion. Guess what, all the life lost and all the resources expended for nothing. More injured soldiers survive during modern wars due to advancement in medicine. Also, didn’t the US start attacking Japan after Pearl Harbor? So who’s ass was the US saving? Anyway, Iraq is a mess and so is Afghanistan. Some may even argue that fanatical extremist that want to do America harm have multiplied.

            Who still lives in caves without running water? Your ignorance shines through again. Have you been to Beirut? I wouldn’t be too worried about it if I was you. Have you looked around LA? Or do you just hide in your upscale gated community?

          15. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            +American soldiers blood sacrificed for Israel caprices.

          16. MekensehParty Avatar

            Dude, you just said I live in Tel Aviv, make up your mind!!!
            I saw Beirut back when YOU called it the Paris of the ME – true statement if you are talking about Paris in medieval times. Trash everywhere, open sewers, filthy markets, beggars… and don’t just don’t leave Beirut to see the shit around…
            I saw Beirut during the civil war, I saw the hate and anger between human beings born with different religions who destroyed a beautiful nature to win nothing.
            Finally I saw Beirut after the civil war but partying in B018 or the bars of Monot and Gemmayzeh does not hide the truth that it is a decadent city filled with haters who are ready to jump at each other’s throats at a moment’s notice (May 2008 rings a bell). Remarkable also after the civil war is how little progress has been made on all levels and mostly services which are practically inexistent. No water, no electricity, bad phone service, bad roads, extra-polluting cars and trucks, no policing, no red lights, no lines for movie tickets…. so yes, plenty to be proud of…
            Sorry I called you cavemen, if a caveman behaves in an uncivilized manner it’s perfectly understandable. You had civilization for 3000 years and still refuse to act with civility. The correct word that describes you best is sub-humans!

        2. how nice of you to help us all like that..and you didn’t even wait till we asked, you just steped in. thank you

          forgive the sarcazem but all this talk about smart americans who will master this game of ME chess board annoy me.
          it’s great to know the game and master it but the pawns on the ground who bleed and die in the proccess of winning gets very litttle gains of this win
          point is : there was a system in ME ,not a perfect one but a functioning one.US’s blundering in to the mix of things set the corck loose of a buttle that kept some nasty deamons inside.and i’m preaty sure ,none of the US policy makers were aware of how delecate things are just under the surface

          and i’m not even arab or pro arab

          1. MekensehParty Avatar

            you calling that a “functioning” system tells how little you know about the ME but it also tells how backward your thinking is. Fiefdom and lordships and kings was also a “functioning” system, one where the little people had nothing but their anger and hate to grow while the aristocracy raped everything from their wives and children to the land they were unlucky to be born in, look where that led… kings got decapitated, the aristocracy was ruined and the rule of free men replaced that seemingly functioning system. And this is the same thing in the ME, these “Lords” (saddam, assad, mubarak, abdallah, khamenei…) want to rule with fear and rape, and they did for a long long time, but guess what, the population was not satisfied with this “functioning” system that stuffs the bottle with so many demons that the bottle was meant to explode at any moment, all that was needed was one event, one picture, that of one of these lords decapitated. When saddam’s head rolled (thanks to who?) the people saw that this evil “Lord” (same name for “God”) is actually mortal and so, from Baghdad to Tehran to Cairo to Tripoli to Damascus… demons started unleashing with one thing in mind: destroy that “functioning” system.
            Was the US aware of that? you love to think they weren’t and that’s fine, we’re not asking for credit but nonetheless we stirred the shit in the ME and those demons that used to be filtered by these lords to attack the US are now burning their own cities… By coincidence, all US troops left the hotspots before the shit hits the fan. Strictly by chance we suddenly refuse to get involved again and because we’re all stupid we bought bags of popcorn, ketchup and chewing gum and we’re watching your asses get burnt on our 60 inch TVs for the next decade… So yeah, we’re stupid and you guys are the clever ones…

          2. you point to the western model of state and democracy as something to aspire to and you are right but you can not instill it in ME at this time

            western democracy evolved and came to live in national states that existed for centories.the concept of national states in ME is not even 100 years old. tribal and secterian linkge here are the importent ones. ME is not ready for democracy yet

            a system ,even crul and currpted,, is better then caos.and caos is exactly what’s happening now

            removing all dictators and setting free the people is a noble idea i agree. but it set the region on fire.iraq,syria,Eygpt,lebanon (jordan potentialy too)all are now busy fighting to perserve themselfs. the concept of state by itself is in danger
            is this realy what you planed ? i doubt that

          3. MekensehParty Avatar

            Things are meant to change!
            if blood is spilled that doesn’t mean it’s bad
            blood was spilled during the revolutions against the kings and democracy flourished afterward.
            Why is the Western model of the road to democracy good and the Arab model (which is very much the same) is impossible?
            When Bush talked about the new ME he never said it was going to be bloodless, or that it will happen from one day to another. We knew very well that the “Lords” are going to resist the new ME because it means their demise.
            Today, it’s here, can someone deny that there is a “new ME”? Can someone deny that the past ME is over?

          4. i didn’t say western democracy is not good for ME.i said ME is not ready for it yet.
            for ME to qualify to western democracy, ME should have been left alone to shap itself, to let it’s people embrace the idea of a nation before they need to embrace democracy
            ME is a sectorial,tribal society nowadays, same like europe centories ago.
            can you imagin democracy in dark ages europe?same here
            removing the tirants and dictators removed the very thing that represented a state to many so now you see iraq syria eygpt and to a lesser degree lebanon struggling to keep the state idea alive and breathing.
            you judge ME through westeners eyes with western conceptions to you a”state” is a given..unfortunatly it is not the case in ME

          5. MekensehParty Avatar

            That’s total nonsense and an invitation to extend the misery. Glad that our ancestors did not think like you do or we would still be on a tree. Who said that the people of the ME are not ready? Who said they needed more time? Based on what do you advance such theories besides the fact that you personally and the people you support are set to lose influence?
            Do you think the French people were ready when the flame of the revolution started burning one castle after another? Do you think these people knew what democracy, elections, votes, campaigns… were when they ran on the streets calling for the king to resign? No sir! there was nothing of the sort. People just had enough and they moved like a single man asking for a better life. The same is happening in the ME and the people of the region have every right and reason to revolt and ask for democracy even if it takes them 50 years to achieve it. It has to start somewhere. and this somewhere is now!

          6. i am a jewish israeli living in a democrat national state. and you my friend are an example of arogence.
            do you really belive same ideal apeal to all people all the time?
            or is it looking down at ME, treating them as little chieldren unable to chose for themselfs?
            why not invade china and revolutionize the place?after all they don’t live the western democraxy as well

          7. MekensehParty Avatar

            So it was true what I said then, you are set to lose influence by the Arab spring. Israel and Israelis kept repeating to the world that they are the only democratic country in the region and now that democracy is spreading you are losing this title. My opinion is you are not a democratic country at all. Democracy does not survive in a country that has not known one year of peace in its entire history. Can people be really democratic in Israel today and democratically vote for peace without the likes of bibi and probably yourself labeling them traitors? Nope, you guys live in the illusion of democracy but deep down you are looking more and more like the Arabs around you: hateful, untrustworthy and backstabbers!

          8. how little you know us..and such a one dimentional sight.
            what do we have to fear democracy? we’re concerned about self preservation.we got 2 posibilities: a dictatorships that want us gone b.democracy that might want us gone too, which is the better option?
            we’re a democracy allright ,my mom is a left wing and father right wing, neither had problems ever.
            i myself consider lefties naive, i was one too but i guess age tought me better
            we’ve had our time of peace to evolve as democracy and plenty of wars and chalenges to test that democracy.
            israel is democracy from day one.this is the only way of life we know ๐Ÿ˜‰

          9. MekensehParty Avatar

            It’s a fake democracy, it might have been the first 10 years but certainly not after the war extended. Call yourself far left, right or center, doesn’t matter the country is at war for its survival and when rockets start falling you have to forget your opinion/choice and go fight/de facto. Democracy means choice under any circumstances. It’s not without a good reason that people started calling Roosevelt the first dictator of the US, simply because Americans did not have any other choice but to accept what he decides under the war pretext. It’s true though, I don’t understand you anymore, you used to be respectful allies, friends and partners, today all I see is a bunch of ungrateful extremists who take our money, keep asking for more, and insult us at every occasion… Just like you’re doing in your posts. We stuck with Israel even when we knew we shouldn’t, you sold years of alliance the minute we asked you to trust and follow our lead, and you’re paying for it even if you refuse to see it. Americans have a negative opinion of you, American Jews have a negative opinion of you…. And you still refuse to understand that it’s time to cut the arrogance and follow suite like your first leaders did.

          10. first ,we’re still your allies but we’re very cofused.
            (and here we go to the first post i made again) the current gov has made or allowed some huge events go by without, imo,showing any strategy.
            it looks as if obama administration decided to end the US traditional position in the ME and that makes us nervous. US mid east role as big boss held firm under every president since the 60’s.
            true karry is jumping back and forth trying to make it look as if you still here but it looks and feels that other then the isr/pali conflict you have no buiseness in the area and here too you’re pushing us into a deal with an entity that will collaps to AQ in day one
            and that is even before the iranin embrace that ran while keeping us in the dark.
            we’re still your allies just be honest and put your planes on the table.let us decied for our own.our interests look very different when you live in tel aviv then in the US

          11. MekensehParty Avatar

            One thing we didn’t swallow up until today is Netanyahu showing up at the White House giving lessons and brandishing fingers to the US president. That my “friend” is unacceptable. A couple of weeks later when our VP visits Israel to revive peace talks you welcome him by announcing new settlements. We’ve been trying to get you peace with the Palestinians for more than half a century and all you did is stall, lie and backstab. You even killed your own PM when we convinced him to sign a good agreement. Don’t shift the blame. No one tried more than us, no one wants this peace actually more than us. AQ Iran… All of this you use for your propaganda, for refusing to sit on a table and find a solution simply because you became so arrogant and think you can force any US administration to do what you want. You forget that we’re a democracy and that what the people want and who they choose end up ruling, people here are sick of your BS, of your lessons and finger brandishing… Don’t blame but yourselves to what’s happening today.

          12. i would think setting a foreign policy for an ally without even consulting with him, whille puting your ally in danger based on the false believe you can control everything is way way worse.and un acceptable
            so baraki-kaki feels offended??? well he should and i don’t give an F about his feelings i just hope his term ends without destroying the ME all together
            you guys killed atleast 2 presidents so save the scolldings to yourself
            you seems to forget that we are a democracy too and what the people want, will happen.
            we’re not US lackies to drag to agree blindly to whimes of the most failing un qualified man to ever set foot inside the white house

          13. MekensehParty Avatar

            This simply resumes where we stand today.
            We have no friends in the ME and better let you sort it out yourselves without interfering. Let’s see what you can do alone….

          14. if you want us to sort things out ourselvs, please be kind and inform Mr kerry to get on the first plain out.
            dictating terms is hardly not interfering

          15. MekensehParty Avatar

            Message received a while ago
            Let’s see what you can do alone

          16. thank you very much, how soon will he be on the plain?

          17. MekensehParty Avatar

            Now that we cut all funding for all that is related to the ME he might be stuck there for some time awaiting some donations that will get him back on a plane, please bear with us, or feel free to deport him (on your government expenses). One more insult is no big deal after all…

          18. yeah..hopefully you’ll come to your senses when another,more worthy president is present.. till then so long and thanks for all the fishes

          19. MekensehParty Avatar

            nah, done! not this president, not the next! take my word for it.
            Did you call your representative already for not accepting US money? or is the phone company shutting down?

          20. MekensehParty Avatar

            One very last thing,
            As I will vote for Kerry not to return or waste his time finding an unwanted solution, please go ahead and vote for NOT accepting our money donations since you clearly need nothing from us.
            That would simply be in line with your way of thinking…

          21. MekensehParty Avatar

            Why is it that I don’t hear a sound as soon as I talk about money?
            Did I hit a nerve? Is this subject taboo?
            Tell me… talk to me… did you make that phone call?
            I thought you were so proud and refuse being dictated anything. You refuse what you call our “dictates” but keep taking our money? What kind of logic is that?
            Man up! make the call!

          22. MekensehParty Avatar

            Wow, total silence
            I should have mentioned money from the beginning.
            Bunch of ungrateful beggars!!!

          23. MekensehParty Avatar

            PS: our model has already invaded China, just like it invaded the Soviet Union. It is only a matter of time before the Chinese people remove the word communism from the governing system. But you are too short-sighted to see this. China is communist by name but one of the most promising capitalist country.

          24. you’re confusing democracy and capitalizem
            one is a ruling system and the other is economic system

          25. MekensehParty Avatar

            Thanks for the lesson
            They both go together, one cannot flourish without the other.
            Free people and free markets, simple equation
            Doesn’t work any other way

          26. capitalizem works for china and no one is free there
            it doesn’t work in scandinavian democraties which are socialists by tradition
            but it works for us

          27. MekensehParty Avatar

            China is on the path of both capitalism and democracy, everybody knows it’s neither. They have inter-party elections and the “capital” is between the hands of party leaders. It is only a matter of time before people get sick of this new “aristocracy” and will invade the streets demanding both a voice in the election and a share of the cake. If Basahr can’t put down a revolution of 15 million with his mighty army lets wait and see how the Chinese government is going to stop hundreds of millions pouring on the streets.

    3. MekensehParty Avatar

      oh really????
      it was the US that turned its back to Iraq? what kind of distorted logic is that?
      The US freed the Iraqis from a mass murderer that’s a copy/paste of bashar, ghaddafi and kim jong un. They brought peace and prosperity to the people WHO WANT peace and prosperity (ie Iraqi Kurdistan – the next richest Arab province) and fought hard to bring peace and prosperity to the other regions and achieved it partially with the troop surge and the alliance with the tribes, a strategy that is now a standard course in anti-insurgency studies. Iraq got calmer, elections were happening routinely, the army was properly trained as well as the security forces… but the big question mark was the willingness of the Iraqis themselves to build a uniting country, something the US, with all its technological advances, cannot do for them. The people voted an Iranian stooge to be PM and the guy did great in sowing discord between the components of the Iraqi population. He woke up every day and called the Americans to leave, he even refused to extend an agreement where the US keeps some troops to help his sorry ass in situations like what’s happening today…. Maliki went on pushing Sunnis to the brink of insurgency, arresting and killing their leaders. He sent weapons to Syria to help assad remain in power and as that was not enough he sent troops and turned a blind eye to the angry sunni street… and when the shit hit the fan internally he ran to Washington begging for the US troops to come back and help him so that when the revolution ends he can blame them for killing innocent civilians…
      Well guess what? Here’s a finger you can take back with you to Bagdad!!!!
      Go deal with your shit because when we offered help and told you how things should be done you said you Americans do not understand the ME. Hell yeah we don’t! We can’t understand how in the 21st century there remain people that just left the caves to settle in homes and many others who just climbed down the trees!

  2. Peaceforleb Avatar

    Well this is convenient, go into a country giving promise to the people that once they finish their mission the people can live in peace and prosperity. Typical US, when the going gets tough, the US turn their back.

    1. Jewy McJew Avatar
      Jewy McJew

      It’s true Iraq is a failure for the US, but I think that they truly believe that they did their best and simply lost hope for a positive outcome.

      We learned the hard way that in some parts of the world, dictators are the only thing holding back the crazy!

      1. Peaceforleb Avatar

        My friend, the second paragraph I agree with you 100%. As for the first, I think with every US invasion there is a hidden agenda. In Iraq’s case it was the oil. And I don’t think they failed in their agenda. Just my humble opinion.

      2. Hind Abyad Avatar
        Hind Abyad

        Everybody was against it. Jordan King Hussein, a friend to the West, pleaded not to go
        to war in Iraq, they were told Shia would return to Iran, but Sharon and Israel insisted,
        all the planers were American Jews dual nationality.
        Richard Pearl, Netanyahu adviser in Israel became advisor to US President, is there
        any country in the World were this is done..taking another country’s PM personal advisor?
        It was a conpiracy planed in advance, they put the most stupid President in US history,
        an ex alcoholic as Israeli puppet.
        Maliky was to take US Army to Lahague for war crimes, Americans asked for soldiers imunity he refused, so they left. Soldiers entered homes killing whole families, gang
        raping girls, the Abu Ghraib scandat torture, experimenting depleated Uranium on
        Fallujah residents. Soldiers came back home with mental desorders, commiting acts
        of violence, many commited suicide, some murdered their wifes.

        1. MekensehParty Avatar

          And finally the paranoid conspiracy theorist who sees a Jew puppeteer behind everything that happens in the world.
          Where are those puppeteers today as Israel and its PM are being slapped daily by US officials? Why aren’t they puppeteering Obama and the whole American population? Why?
          Because they’re not as powerful as you like to portray them.
          The Iraq war had multiple purposes and objectives and most were achieved successfully. Our troops, our soldiers, are the best trained and most professional soldiers in the world. There were some elements who behaved wrong and they were tried and imprisoned when found guilty by our Justice system. But I understand that you are unfamiliar with these words (trial, guilty, Justice…) since you only see what a few elements did wrong (totally ignoring what all hundreds of thousands of other soldiers did good) and turn a blind eye on the punishment they received and 2 blind eyes on the actions of the soldiers of your native country (wherever that is).
          There was no murdering of entire families like the Syrian “army” is doing in its own land, there was no instances of mass rape like the chabihas are doing in sunni towns and villages of Syria, there was no chemical weapons thrown on entire populations like bashar and before him saddam did, if you call abu ghraib torture then you have not been into an arab prison before – while I strongly condemn what happened in AG it is but childish game compared to what these same prisoners would have suffered in Sadam’s prison and are still suffering in Arab prisons.
          Spare us the BS please, look internally at your own faults and stop blaming the US for your own shortcomings.

          1. man-o-war Avatar

            “Israel and its PM are being slapped daily by US officials”, you win the funniest comment of the day contest. Congrats!

          2. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Yes..”the Jew puppeteer” as you call it using clichรฉs, people read all about it,
            it was only a decade ago..whe read the letter signed by Netanyahu, Wolfowizch, Richard Pearl and CO.. saw Sharon haranging Bush on TV to attack Irak.
            Fake evidences were fabricated. Iraq was not responsable for 911 US addmited but Israel insisted on Iran today.

          3. MekensehParty Avatar

            And where are these puppeteers today????
            Why aren’t they dictating us what to do?
            Why the same Netanyahu that “dictated” to Bush what to do is now being grounded by Obama?
            and the big big question: why this “Jewish lobby” that you say rules the world has been unable to establish Israel and crush all its enemies after more than 70 years of war?
            I tell you why, because they are not as powerful as you want them to be. Arabs are known to exaggerate the power of their enemies only to justify their defeat.
            And here’s the big word “Defeat”! Only when you recognize your defeat that you can start preparing for any future victory. Germans and Japanese recognized their wrongdoings and now are victorious with economies that the whole world envies, with high standard living for their population. Arabs have been going from one illusionary victory to another and 70 years later, trillions spent on fighting Israel, they are weaker than they were in 43. Surrender this piece of land and evolve into strong societies that will make it impossible for this to happen again.

          4. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Nobody have to “surrender this peace of land” Israel take’s
            what it wants, Amerian Jews billionaires (honest & deshonest)
            taxes money sent to their conlonies as charity, expanding with
            their American slaves, the US Congress, i saw a Congressman
            become white as a cheet when asked a question about Israel.

            This peace of land was beautifull once, now it’s guthered by condoms
            made in America, thousands of olive trees burned, like a cancer eating
            the land. Nice try

          5. MekensehParty Avatar

            This is not a poetry contest (another Arab dominant trait) thinking that with al-mutanabi style you can win the hearts of the reader… not anymore! today I want arguments, facts, numbers, studies… words like condoms and cancer and olive trees are beautiful in poetry, not in politics.
            Get your facts straight and answer my simple questions with arguments not cheap poetry.

          6. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Hold on โ€ฆ there ARE some beautiful condoms out there these days. ๐Ÿ˜‰

          7. man-o-war Avatar

            His true colors shined in the last comment. This guy is an Israeli firster, not an American.

          8. MekensehParty Avatar

            Fazi3 chou zakeh enta

          9. man-o-war Avatar

            Just as I suspected.

          10. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Full of them here

          11. cook2half Avatar

            Quite a few hezbushaitan firsters for a Lebanese site

          12. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            It’s not your site.

          13. cook2half Avatar

            Of course not, it’s reserved for your Jew hating spams

          14. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            This guy crook et demi is out of the asylum? He’s like crazy glue.

          15. cook2half Avatar

            “The area was underpopulated and remained economically stagnant until the arrival of the first Zi0nist pioneers in the 1880’s, who came to rebuild the Jewish land. The country had remained “The Holy Land” in the religious and historic consciousness of mankind, which associated it with the Bible and the history of the Jewish people. Jewish development of the country also attracted large numbers of other immigrants – both Jewish and Arab. The road leading from Gaza to the north was only a summer track suitable for transport by camels and carts… Houses were all of mud. No windows were anywhere to be seen… The plows used were of wood… The yields were very poor… The sanitary conditions in the village [Yabna] were horrible… Schools did not exist… The rate of infant mortality was very high… The western part, toward the sea, was almost a desert… The villages in this area were few and thinly populated. Many ruins of villages were scattered over the area, as owing to the prevalence of malaria, many villages were deserted by their inhabitants”.

            – The report of the British Royal Commission, 1913 –

            Where are all the Arabs?

            Why did your people leave the land desolate for centuries?

            Why did they wait for the Jews to fix it up before they went to settle the lands?

            Oh yes thats right Arabs were nomadic and had no lands but they saw Jews doing good and we know Muslims don’t like that.

    2. This isn’t without reason. The US turned its back on “stabilizing” Iraq post-Saddam when they realized the forces they put into motion. We know Iraq today is on friendly terms with its Iranian and Syrian neighbors, and it is obviously not in the US’s interest to have a powerful Shia axis form in the Middle East. Hence the US’s support for the Syrian insurgency, which it did much to prop up, and its Saudi base.

      It is funny seeing the US media contrast the insurgents when they are in Iraq, as bad Al-Qaeda people and in Syria, as freedom fighters. To the US government it makes no difference; they are past entertaining their “war on terror” rhetoric. It is only to the people they rule over that their policies must be explained in a moral manner.

      The US has basically left Iraq to the dogs; it has no intention of seeing Iraq back at its former status of the most advanced Arab country. It has no intention of seeing Syria rebuilt either. It is in this perspective that the US has made concessions to Iran. They believe Iran is becoming isolated in the region, but, God willing, they are wrong.

      1. MekensehParty Avatar

        All the shia axis and its leader in Tehran is no threat for the US. Even a nuclear Iran does not scare the USA. We lived with nuclear Russia for 50 years and beat the crap out of them. Stop wanting to believe the contrary, the whole ME is a mosquito the US can crush in a second.
        We went to Iraq not for the oil (we have plenty of oil thank you) but to punish the whole Arab world for allowing a person like Bin Laden to be born and the punishment is ongoing!
        We know the Arab world much more than you think, we know each and every one of your weaknesses, we know the forces that will be put in motion and the forces We can put in motion.
        Many before you thought the Americans to be stupid only to discover that they were dead wrong (and some really died for assuming that).
        We didn’t leave Iraq for the dogs, Iraq was dogland to begin with, we only tried to turn them from savage dogs into friendly dogs and as they kept biting the hand that fed them we left them to bite each others.
        Wal salamou aleikoum!

        1. Peaceforleb Avatar

          Typical brainwashed US citizen. For God and country blah blah blah. Yes the US was once a power house that had the ability to crush any country in their way. That is of course with their allies, France, Britain, Australia and many other European countries. The US on their own can crush no one. They rely on other countries to do their dirty work for them. (Which btw I admit is very smart on their part and very stupid on the part of the other lap dogs). The US’s time is up. what goes up must come down. They had a good run, however it’s time to face the music. Now tell me, How many times has the US threatened to attack Iran, How many times have the lap dogs also threatened to attack Iran. Ask yourself why they haven’t and why they wont. Yes the US has many advanced weapons includes nukes. And they could very easily launch an attack on Iran again with their lap dogs. However one thing scares them the living shit out of them. The response from Iran. Keep underestimating Iran, keep underestimating Russia, Keep thinking your are superior to the rest of the world. However before thinking all of this, go and feed your millions of starving family’s in your own country.

          1. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Everyone is brainwashed to some extent. Both of you have good points.
            Yet it IS more about the politicians that people elect. And too often the lack of education of the electorate. ‘The People’ generally don’t want war. And in that, have developed some distrust of certain ‘Military Minds’, and generally wish politicians to control them. Most often, It’s the politicos who get things wrong.
            Sometimes it would be better to listen more carefully to what the military man says – while still keeping him on the side of ‘peace’.
            An Emperor listened to the military in Japan, and learned something.
            If the Politicians had listened to Patton, we might not be worried about a Putin.
            If the UN politicos had listened to a General in Rwanda, there would not have been a slaughter under the horrified eyes of ‘Peacekeepers’.
            Here is Gen. Keane stating what was done wrong, or should be done to actually help ‘an army’, but he also must note the uneducated people couldn’t figure out who to vote for, for themselves. And Maliki – along with US politicians and VARIOUS UN politicos – kept saying that the US should allow Iraq to do the unfinished job and be ‘free’ of US control. And on top of that, the uneducated idiots don’t want to listen to lessons given by what they called ‘occupiers’ simply because the teachers are American?? Idiots.
            So โ€ฆ Voila. Here’s the ‘Peace’ and ‘Freedom’ of a nation gone up in smoke – not all of which is opium – of course. As in Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, ETC, if the concept doesn’t sink in, it will never happen.

            In Tripoli, a library is burned. Education is gone along with the concept.

          2. MekensehParty Avatar

            I’m happy you believe this nonsense and I encourage you (as an anti-US propagandist) to repeat these words everywhere you go.
            The reality on the other hand is the exact opposite of what you say and there are numbers that prove how ridicule your statements are.
            One of these realities is: The US army can single handedly crush the next top 9 armies (yes, allies included along with Russia and China).
            If we haven’t hit Iran, it’s not because we’re afraid of retaliation, simply because we are out of reach of Iranian retaliation (geographical reality) but because we are simply tired of paying $3 a gallon for gas AND we know that the Iranian people will sooner or later topple this idiot who thinks he’s the next prophet. And we were right! 2009 Tehran streets were filled with people saying “enough!”. 2013 those same people voted for a person that truly represents their views and who surrendered his nuclear program in Geneva begging us to unfreeze some $9 billions so that his government can pay the employees for the next 3 months. History kiddo takes time to be written and history will remember how Iran, a country where you can scratch the soil of your garden and find oil, BEGGED for $9 billions.
            PS: No one is starving in the US unless you’re reading Aljazeera day and night. Poor people here live better than the middle class worldwide. Our middle class lives better than a Saudi prince… How about you go take care of the starving people in your country, or you know what, how about you get running water and electricity in every home (poor and rich) in your country before giving the US lessons!

          3. man-o-war Avatar

            “No one is starving in the US unless you’re reading Aljazeera day and night. Poor people here live better than the middle class worldwide. Our middle class lives better than a Saudi prince” this must be one of your 4 lies of the day that Reasonable was talking about. Do you really even believe this? Middle class is slowly being wiped out in the US. Live better than a Saudi prince? I know you’re joking now.

            “US army can single handedly crush the next top 9 armies (yes, allies included along with Russia and China).”

            You think its all a game or what? Maybe your playing too much Call of Duty. You obviously have never served in the armed forces or had any family members that did. The US was bleeding itself to death in Afghanistan and Iraq in terms of resources and human life. The US could have stayed in Iraq another decade and nothing would have changed same goes for Afghanistan. What about the vets returning home with missing limbs and brain damage? Why are so many becoming homeless and even resorting to suicide? Nobody is taking care of them when they return. So yeah, keep talking big as if war is a game.

          4. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Yah โ€ฆ and he thinks $3 an American-gallon is ‘high’ โ€ฆ hahahahahahaha

          5. man-o-war Avatar

            Pretty sure its the lowest in the world.

          6. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Kuwait is, I believe โ€ฆ they SHARE with the citizens who own it.

          7. MekensehParty Avatar

            it used to be 75c

          8. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Yup. I filled an 18-Imperial-gallon tank with $5 in the ‘best days’. Long gone โ€ฆ.

          9. MekensehParty Avatar

            Well Iran is promising such prices as soon as the sanctions are lifted.
            They promised to drown the market.
            These days can come back

          10. 5thDrawer Avatar

            I’d love to resurrect the ‘muscle-car’ โ€ฆ Geo has to be with us in this, even if he hates pouring alcohol into a radiator. :-)))

          11. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Aside from ‘market’ prices on a barrel, it’s the refining and distribution costs that are most of where the ‘profits’ come from. They won’t be able to avoid that – although, El Supremo doesn’t like to pay his workers โ€ฆ does he. ๐Ÿ˜‰

          12. MekensehParty Avatar

            el supremo needs money and fast

          13. MekensehParty Avatar

            it used to be 75c

          14. MekensehParty Avatar

            War is not a game, it’s a REALITY!
            Peacelovers live in illusion and dream that wars will end. Keep dreaming.
            War is like oxygen, without something to fight for, humanity will have no future. Might as well go back to the tree.
            Now misinformation and propaganda are tools, not reality.
            “Bleeding to death” is a big word, we invaded 2 countries the size of France (or even bigger) in some 3 weeks, casualties less than 10K combined in more than 10 years, we lost 10K men in one week trying to take an island from the Japanese in WWII, nobody was adamant to count back then because we were freeing everybody’s ass.
            When a vet comes back home, we take good care of him/her. We try and spend money to fix the damage but yes, true, sometime the damage is irreparable, but that doesn’t mean we need to stop fighting, we learn how to fight without damaging our soldiers and so we created drones that are probably taking your picture now… Again, stop worrying for the US and instead worry for your own country and how to make it better. All I read is criticism, criticism, and you guys still live in caves without running water or electricity. Be proactive and build your own societies like the Americans did with great success. Then and only then will your criticism be taken seriously. For now, you’re just a caveman using the computer we created and taught you how to use and the internet we developed to tell us how to do things!?

          15. man-o-war Avatar

            Damn! I better go put some pants on, don’t want to blind the drone operator. Don’t get much sun on my cheeks this time of the year.

            The Iraq/Afghan wars have cost around 2 trillion already and are expected to end up having a price tag of around 4-6 trillion. Guess what, all the life lost and all the resources expended for nothing. More injured soldiers survive during modern wars due to advancement in medicine. Also, didn’t the US start attacking Japan after Pearl Harbor? So who’s ass was the US saving? Anyway, Iraq is a mess and so is Afghanistan. Some may even argue that fanatical extremist that want to do America harm have multiplied.

            Who still lives in caves without running water? Your ignorance shines through again. Have you been to Beirut? I wouldn’t be too worried about it if I was you. Have you looked around LA? Or do you just hide in your upscale gated community?

          16. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            +American soldiers blood sacrificed for Israel caprices.

          17. MekensehParty Avatar

            Dude, you just said I live in Tel Aviv, make up your mind!!!
            I saw Beirut back when YOU called it the Paris of the ME – true statement if you are talking about Paris in medieval times. Trash everywhere, open sewers, filthy markets, beggars… and don’t just don’t leave Beirut to see the shit around…
            I saw Beirut during the civil war, I saw the hate and anger between human beings born with different religions who destroyed a beautiful nature to win nothing.
            Finally I saw Beirut after the civil war but partying in B018 or the bars of Monot and Gemmayzeh does not hide the truth that it is a decadent city filled with haters who are ready to jump at each other’s throats at a moment’s notice (May 2008 rings a bell). Remarkable also after the civil war is how little progress has been made on all levels and mostly services which are practically inexistent. No water, no electricity, bad phone service, bad roads, extra-polluting cars and trucks, no policing, no red lights, no lines for movie tickets…. so yes, plenty to be proud of…
            Sorry I called you cavemen, if a caveman behaves in an uncivilized manner it’s perfectly understandable. You had civilization for 3000 years and still refuse to act with civility. The correct word that describes you best is sub-humans!

        2. how nice of you to help us all like that..and you didn’t even wait till we asked, you just steped in. thank you

          forgive the sarcazem but all this talk about smart americans who will master this game of ME chess board annoy me.
          it’s great to know the game and master it but the pawns on the ground who bleed and die in the proccess of winning gets very litttle gains of this win
          point is : there was a system in ME ,not a perfect one but a functioning one.US’s blundering in to the mix of things set the corck loose of a buttle that kept some nasty deamons inside.and i’m preaty sure ,none of the US policy makers were aware of how delecate things are just under the surface

          and i’m not even arab or pro arab

          1. MekensehParty Avatar

            you calling that a “functioning” system tells how little you know about the ME but it also tells how backward your thinking is. Fiefdom and lordships and kings was also a “functioning” system, one where the little people had nothing but their anger and hate to grow while the aristocracy raped everything from their wives and children to the land they were unlucky to be born in, look where that led… kings got decapitated, the aristocracy was ruined and the rule of free men replaced that seemingly functioning system. And this is the same thing in the ME, these “Lords” (saddam, assad, mubarak, abdallah, khamenei…) want to rule with fear and rape, and they did for a long long time, but guess what, the population was not satisfied with this “functioning” system that stuffs the bottle with so many demons that the bottle was meant to explode at any moment, all that was needed was one event, one picture, that of one of these lords decapitated. When saddam’s head rolled (thanks to who?) the people saw that this evil “Lord” (same name for “God”) is actually mortal and so, from Baghdad to Tehran to Cairo to Tripoli to Damascus… demons started unleashing with one thing in mind: destroy that “functioning” system.
            Was the US aware of that? you love to think they weren’t and that’s fine, we’re not asking for credit but nonetheless we stirred the shit in the ME and those demons that used to be filtered by these lords to attack the US are now burning their own cities… By coincidence, all US troops left the hotspots before the shit hits the fan. Strictly by chance we suddenly refuse to get involved again and because we’re all stupid we bought bags of popcorn, ketchup and chewing gum and we’re watching your asses get burnt on our 60 inch TVs for the next decade… So yeah, we’re stupid and you guys are the clever ones…

          2. you point to the western model of state and democracy as something to aspire to and you are right but you can not instill it in ME at this time

            western democracy evolved and came to live in national states that existed for centories.the concept of national states in ME is not even 100 years old. tribal and secterian linkge here are the importent ones. ME is not ready for democracy yet

            a system ,even crul and currpted,, is better then caos.and caos is exactly what’s happening now

            removing all dictators and setting free the people is a noble idea i agree. but it set the region on fire.iraq,syria,Eygpt,lebanon (jordan potentialy too)all are now busy fighting to perserve themselfs. the concept of state by itself is in danger
            is this realy what you planed ? i doubt that

          3. MekensehParty Avatar

            Things are meant to change!
            if blood is spilled that doesn’t mean it’s bad
            blood was spilled during the revolutions against the kings and democracy flourished afterward.
            Why is the Western model of the road to democracy good and the Arab model (which is very much the same) is impossible?
            When Bush talked about the new ME he never said it was going to be bloodless, or that it will happen from one day to another. We knew very well that the “Lords” are going to resist the new ME because it means their demise.
            Today, it’s here, can someone deny that there is a “new ME”? Can someone deny that the past ME is over?

          4. i didn’t say western democracy is not good for ME.i said ME is not ready for it yet.
            for ME to qualify to western democracy, ME should have been left alone to shap itself, to let it’s people embrace the idea of a nation before they need to embrace democracy
            ME is a sectorial,tribal society nowadays, same like europe centories ago.
            can you imagin democracy in dark ages europe?same here
            removing the tirants and dictators removed the very thing that represented a state to many so now you see iraq syria eygpt and to a lesser degree lebanon struggling to keep the state idea alive and breathing.
            you judge ME through westeners eyes with western conceptions to you a”state” is a given..unfortunatly it is not the case in ME

          5. MekensehParty Avatar

            That’s total nonsense and an invitation to extend the misery. Glad that our ancestors did not think like you do or we would still be on a tree. Who said that the people of the ME are not ready? Who said they needed more time? Based on what do you advance such theories besides the fact that you personally and the people you support are set to lose influence?
            Do you think the French people were ready when the flame of the revolution started burning one castle after another? Do you think these people knew what democracy, elections, votes, campaigns… were when they ran on the streets calling for the king to resign? No sir! there was nothing of the sort. People just had enough and they moved like a single man asking for a better life. The same is happening in the ME and the people of the region have every right and reason to revolt and ask for democracy even if it takes them 50 years to achieve it. It has to start somewhere. and this somewhere is now!

          6. i am a jewish israeli living in a democrat national state. and you my friend are an example of arogence.
            do you really belive same ideal apeal to all people all the time?
            or is it looking down at ME, treating them as little chieldren unable to chose for themselfs?
            why not invade china and revolutionize the place?after all they don’t live the western democraxy as well

          7. MekensehParty Avatar

            So it was true what I said then, you are set to lose influence by the Arab spring. Israel and Israelis kept repeating to the world that they are the only democratic country in the region and now that democracy is spreading you are losing this title. My opinion is you are not a democratic country at all. Democracy does not survive in a country that has not known one year of peace in its entire history. Can people be really democratic in Israel today and democratically vote for peace without the likes of bibi and probably yourself labeling them traitors? Nope, you guys live in the illusion of democracy but deep down you are looking more and more like the Arabs around you: hateful, untrustworthy and backstabbers!

          8. how little you know us..and such a one dimentional sight.
            what do we have to fear democracy? we’re concerned about self preservation.we got 2 posibilities: a dictatorships that want us gone b.democracy that might want us gone too, which is the better option?
            we’re a democracy allright ,my mom is a left wing and father right wing, neither had problems ever.
            i myself consider lefties naive, i was one too but i guess age tought me better
            we’ve had our time of peace to evolve as democracy and plenty of wars and chalenges to test that democracy.
            israel is democracy from day one.this is the only way of life we know ๐Ÿ˜‰

          9. MekensehParty Avatar

            It’s a fake democracy, it might have been the first 10 years but certainly not after the war extended. Call yourself far left, right or center, doesn’t matter the country is at war for its survival and when rockets start falling you have to forget your opinion/choice and go fight/de facto. Democracy means choice under any circumstances. It’s not without a good reason that people started calling Roosevelt the first dictator of the US, simply because Americans did not have any other choice but to accept what he decides under the war pretext. It’s true though, I don’t understand you anymore, you used to be respectful allies, friends and partners, today all I see is a bunch of ungrateful extremists who take our money, keep asking for more, and insult us at every occasion… Just like you’re doing in your posts. We stuck with Israel even when we knew we shouldn’t, you sold years of alliance the minute we asked you to trust and follow our lead, and you’re paying for it even if you refuse to see it. Americans have a negative opinion of you, American Jews have a negative opinion of you…. And you still refuse to understand that it’s time to cut the arrogance and follow suite like your first leaders did.

          10. first ,we’re still your allies but we’re very cofused.
            (and here we go to the first post i made again) the current gov has made or allowed some huge events go by without, imo,showing any strategy.
            it looks as if obama administration decided to end the US traditional position in the ME and that makes us nervous. US mid east role as big boss held firm under every president since the 60’s.
            true karry is jumping back and forth trying to make it look as if you still here but it looks and feels that other then the isr/pali conflict you have no buiseness in the area and here too you’re pushing us into a deal with an entity that will collaps to AQ in day one
            and that is even before the iranin embrace that ran while keeping us in the dark.
            we’re still your allies just be honest and put your planes on the table.let us decied for our own.our interests look very different when you live in tel aviv then in the US

          11. MekensehParty Avatar

            One thing we didn’t swallow up until today is Netanyahu showing up at the White House giving lessons and brandishing fingers to the US president. That my “friend” is unacceptable. A couple of weeks later when our VP visits Israel to revive peace talks you welcome him by announcing new settlements. We’ve been trying to get you peace with the Palestinians for more than half a century and all you did is stall, lie and backstab. You even killed your own PM when we convinced him to sign a good agreement. Don’t shift the blame. No one tried more than us, no one wants this peace actually more than us. AQ Iran… All of this you use for your propaganda, for refusing to sit on a table and find a solution simply because you became so arrogant and think you can force any US administration to do what you want. You forget that we’re a democracy and that what the people want and who they choose end up ruling, people here are sick of your BS, of your lessons and finger brandishing… Don’t blame but yourselves to what’s happening today.

          12. i would think setting a foreign policy for an ally without even consulting with him, whille puting your ally in danger based on the false believe you can control everything is way way worse.and un acceptable
            so baraki-kaki feels offended??? well he should and i don’t give an F about his feelings i just hope his term ends without destroying the ME all together
            you guys killed atleast 2 presidents so save the scolldings to yourself
            you seems to forget that we are a democracy too and what the people want, will happen.
            we’re not US lackies to drag to agree blindly to whimes of the most failing un qualified man to ever set foot inside the white house

          13. MekensehParty Avatar

            This simply resumes where we stand today.
            We have no friends in the ME and better let you sort it out yourselves without interfering. Let’s see what you can do alone….

          14. if you want us to sort things out ourselvs, please be kind and inform Mr kerry to get on the first plain out.
            dictating terms is hardly not interfering

          15. MekensehParty Avatar

            Message received a while ago
            Let’s see what you can do alone

          16. thank you very much, how soon will he be on the plain?

          17. MekensehParty Avatar

            Now that we cut all funding for all that is related to the ME he might be stuck there for some time awaiting some donations that will get him back on a plane, please bear with us, or feel free to deport him (on your government expenses). One more insult is no big deal after all…

          18. yeah..hopefully you’ll come to your senses when another,more worthy president is present.. till then so long and thanks for all the fishes

          19. MekensehParty Avatar

            nah, done! not this president, not the next! take my word for it.
            Did you call your representative already for not accepting US money? or is the phone company shutting down?

          20. MekensehParty Avatar

            One very last thing,
            As I will vote for Kerry not to return or waste his time finding an unwanted solution, please go ahead and vote for NOT accepting our money donations since you clearly need nothing from us.
            That would simply be in line with your way of thinking…

          21. MekensehParty Avatar

            Why is it that I don’t hear a sound as soon as I talk about money?
            Did I hit a nerve? Is this subject taboo?
            Tell me… talk to me… did you make that phone call?
            I thought you were so proud and refuse being dictated anything. You refuse what you call our “dictates” but keep taking our money? What kind of logic is that?
            Man up! make the call!

          22. MekensehParty Avatar

            Wow, total silence
            I should have mentioned money from the beginning.
            Bunch of ungrateful beggars!!!

          23. MekensehParty Avatar

            PS: our model has already invaded China, just like it invaded the Soviet Union. It is only a matter of time before the Chinese people remove the word communism from the governing system. But you are too short-sighted to see this. China is communist by name but one of the most promising capitalist country.

          24. you’re confusing democracy and capitalizem
            one is a ruling system and the other is economic system

          25. MekensehParty Avatar

            Thanks for the lesson
            They both go together, one cannot flourish without the other.
            Free people and free markets, simple equation
            Doesn’t work any other way

          26. capitalizem works for china and no one is free there
            it doesn’t work in scandinavian democraties which are socialists by tradition
            but it works for us

          27. MekensehParty Avatar

            China is on the path of both capitalism and democracy, everybody knows it’s neither. They have inter-party elections and the “capital” is between the hands of party leaders. It is only a matter of time before people get sick of this new “aristocracy” and will invade the streets demanding both a voice in the election and a share of the cake. If Basahr can’t put down a revolution of 15 million with his mighty army lets wait and see how the Chinese government is going to stop hundreds of millions pouring on the streets.

    3. MekensehParty Avatar

      oh really????
      it was the US that turned its back to Iraq? what kind of distorted logic is that?
      The US freed the Iraqis from a mass murderer that’s a copy/paste of bashar, ghaddafi and kim jong un. They brought peace and prosperity to the people WHO WANT peace and prosperity (ie Iraqi Kurdistan – the next richest Arab province) and fought hard to bring peace and prosperity to the other regions and achieved it partially with the troop surge and the alliance with the tribes, a strategy that is now a standard course in anti-insurgency studies. Iraq got calmer, elections were happening routinely, the army was properly trained as well as the security forces… but the big question mark was the willingness of the Iraqis themselves to build a uniting country, something the US, with all its technological advances, cannot do for them. The people voted an Iranian stooge to be PM and the guy did great in sowing discord between the components of the Iraqi population. He woke up every day and called the Americans to leave, he even refused to extend an agreement where the US keeps some troops to help his sorry ass in situations like what’s happening today…. Maliki went on pushing Sunnis to the brink of insurgency, arresting and killing their leaders. He sent weapons to Syria to help assad remain in power and as that was not enough he sent troops and turned a blind eye to the angry sunni street… and when the shit hit the fan internally he ran to Washington begging for the US troops to come back and help him so that when the revolution ends he can blame them for killing innocent civilians…
      Well guess what? Here’s a finger you can take back with you to Bagdad!!!!
      Go deal with your shit because when we offered help and told you how things should be done you said you Americans do not understand the ME. Hell yeah we don’t! We can’t understand how in the 21st century there remain people that just left the caves to settle in homes and many others who just climbed down the trees!

  3. MekensehParty Avatar

    Good job Kerry
    Let them harvest what they sow

    1. Hind Abyad Avatar
      Hind Abyad

      Who sowd?

  4. MekensehParty Avatar

    Good job Kerry
    Let them harvest what they sow

    1. Hind Abyad Avatar
      Hind Abyad

      Who sowd?

  5. some times i have th urge to gather all US advisers and ask WTF you’re doing?!
    looking like a bunch of naive rookies if you ask me.
    they stumble from one bad call to a worst one in a chain of never ending bad calls
    removing saddam removed the only effective barrier to iran, so US helped the Iranians
    on the same time they enforce sanctions on iran thuse helping S.Arbia and israel
    they fight the sunnies in iraq yet support them in syria
    they deserted their loyal ally Mubaraq and emmbraced MB
    were quick to threat a war against assad and quick to back down (efectivly clearing the stage for putin)
    deserting their ally israel for iran

    it’s as if they are complete id(i)ots that have no understanding of the region

    1. Peaceforleb Avatar

      Not as if they are complete Idiots, Just plan and simple IDIOTS. I have a few other words that I could use to describe them, however I might get banned for it. -:)))

      1. bitch slap each and every one of them send them home crying :))

        1. Peaceforleb Avatar

          Sounds Like a plan. -:)))

      2. MekensehParty Avatar

        clap clap clap
        bravo abdelnassir, bravo!!!
        Heroes! you all are heroes! strong, proud, BRAVE!
        pffffffff bunch of sissan living with a boots on their necks!

    2. 5thDrawer Avatar

      I think I’d substitute ‘region’ for ‘religion’ there โ€ฆ but who the hell understands that???

      1. i think i’ll agree ๐Ÿ™‚
        the whole region is defined by religious differences anyway.
        looks like people care less and less about national interests and more about their narrow secterian interests.
        and when it comes to religion&ME, american really don’t speak the lang or understand the mentality

        1. Reasonableman Avatar

          Agree, from my observation they have fullfiled their obligations as the current world power by providing for their humanitarian aid but their decisions in the middle east has been absured and half jobs.
          Their actions towards the middle eastern people all leans towards public opinion and keeping the mainstreem happy with there nations actions. Once the opinion is on their side you never hear of their involvment again.
          You would see afghanistan on the headlines for a month or two then it would gradually decrease you would see iraq for a month or so then gradually decrease. If they were able to make sure nobody hears they would latest victom is egypt. 1st being against the coup and then embracing it and then never hearing from them again. Why is it we never hear of what the feet are doing on the ground(in afghanistan iraq and all nato countries) but only hear when something illegal happens?(brainwashing technique we use everyday if we play close attention to ourself) the average man is a liar and lies about 4 times a day even more if you count the times he lies to himself.

          resources(oil) in the middle east are the needs of even(no generalisation intended) the lowest class citizen in the west(hot showers, electricity).
          Something the west is willing to travel supply at all cost (within reason) for their citizens.
          That does not mean poverty does not exist in these countries though.

          The tricky part (or the game) politicians play is not getting involved in the bullshit the the supplier goes through yet making sure their product reaches its destination, which means they must have some sort of control over the supplier. To gain this involves pointing fingers, lieing, as the saying goes rolling shit downhill to cover their own ass from international outrage.

          It would be easy to say the west wants dominion of land but my opinion is they dont need it..
          they have plenty of land(what they did for this land is another story) and they would repeat it and justify it somehow just like they did in the past. America just wants business people killing eachother is not their business (yet) since its working in their favour.

          1. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            They need Midlle East resources.. Wars exist to gain other people’s whealt.

          2. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Their first war, we could note was against the British. Then they had several within the country – for business interests – and a really big internal one for an ideal – and another 200 years trying to work out differences – and they were quietly doing business until Japan attacked. After that, prominence. Almost everyone looked to them for guidance. And they were not prepared to guide.
            Hind sees war as want only for wealth. I disagree. What wealth was there after WWII ? America was needed to help in rebuilding all the destroyed stuff which war creates – witness Syria now. And the North American continent is still a large supplier of resources – to humans – although South America and Africa contribute more now. And with the HUGE world populations – especially their growth in areas of it which have little of the recourses – the only way to make things work is through doing business.
            (HOW it’s done is one of the problems of humans (CEO’s?) who think they are worth hundreds of times more than the workers simply because they are called ‘boss’โ€ฆ. but that’s another debatable topic for ‘dialogues’… ๐Ÿ˜‰
            Oil the machine, and it works. Refuse the oil for it, and it breaks down. Even the guns need oil. Boiling it out of whale-blubber has gone out of fashion, because one whale no longer supplies a town, and there’s too many towns wanting to use it. Olives don’t have the right quality needed for the guns and machines. So โ€ฆ do the business.
            Many countries have learned from ‘The Americas’ – which had enough internal wars, as did Europe’ – that good business is a better way to go.
            Considering the weather problems right now, having a war on top doesn’t seem a good idea – especially to the ‘faceless masses’ in vertical storage containers. :-))))
            Of course, one could become Talibanis living in caves. But you’d need to reduce the human populations a great deal for that to work, and wait for a lot of olives to be pressed for the oil-lamps – and guns.

    3. Hind Abyad Avatar
      Hind Abyad

      First time i read what i always tougth about that stupid War. It was secular as Syria was secular.
      They had picnics on the river shores. Open air concerts with popular singers, Christians didn’t use veils to hide, there was security, then 4 million Christians fled..just like Syria today..

      1. feels like ME is performing a colective suicide these days
        sad and painfull

      2. MekensehParty Avatar

        Ya haram, (fake) tears running
        picnics on polluted river shores where people ate potatoes and rice while their oil money was going to Switzerland
        Open concerts that only the corrupt elite can attend
        Christians not wearing veils but paying their whole freedom for this right under the equation “give me your unquestionable loyalty and you don’t have to wear the veil”
        Security indeed, security that spread fear among the citizens, kidnappings in the dark of night or even under the sun, family shattered because the father dared to criticize Monseigneur bashar or udai in front of the wrong ears…
        Your rosy picture of secular Iraq and Syria is a big lie and you know it!

        1. Hind Abyad Avatar
          Hind Abyad

          Good bye, no time for stupidity boring propagandist.
          In Iraq Christians could sell alcohol before you came. oh no he’s typing again

          1. MekensehParty Avatar

            True, we have different levels of argumentation, mine based on facts yours based on emotions (mostly hatred for the Jews and by extension the USA).
            No need to argue any longer
            Good luck freeing Palestine with poetry

          2. Indeed, what is this palestine she keeps mentioning

          3. MekensehParty Avatar

            a piece of desert land where three idiots thought it would be a good idea to build three different temples…

          4. More Arabs immigrated there than Jews did (from 100,000 in 1890 to 10 million today), but don’t try and point historical data to a Jew hater

          5. MekensehParty Avatar

            Data? History?
            These words mean nothing to the likes of mademoiselle

          6. Almost every time she writes a post to me (she replies to me way more than other way around), she has some propaganda picture attached to her post, mostly to do with evil Jews committing genocide against harmless balestinians.
            I was like dude, I can post hundreds if not thousands of quotes by Arabs calling Jews cockroaches and pigs, nazi salutes etc

          7. MekensehParty Avatar

            I call them Al-Jazeera graduates

          8. She thinks what her madrasa teaches her is history

          9. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Crook2half i told i’m not Moslem.. I am Crhistian, are you realy retarded?
            If yes say so, then people will understand ..$$$

            Good day, stop typing you sleep in YaLibnan building?

          10. I have nothing against Muslims, its just some of your comments against Israel

          11. lol, I post early hours of the morning, lack of sleep more like it

          12. man-o-war Avatar

            Let me take a wild guess, you’re a Faux news graduate?

          13. MekensehParty Avatar

            No, I’m a fan of al-manar tv

          14. lol one of their reporters previously captured by Israel just died

          15. man-o-war Avatar

            haha, somebody just died. He was a journalist and a father Richard Cabeza.

          16. Sorry man-o but would you cry for an Al Qaeda journalist? Hezbollah is no different, the EU blacklisted them and I’m a proud EU citizen

          17. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            I read Syrian opposition had some desagreements, 40 left, and the Saudi are considering 25.000-50.000 more foreing fighters to go to Syria, the Fat Cats
            have pots of money, one day they won’t be any oil left.

          18. man-o-war Avatar

            You might want to be careful what sites you visit in the US. I think that be one of the sites on the list.

          19. ..

          20. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Some countries enjoy freedom of speech .. ๐Ÿ˜‰

          21. No one in Israel would read that trash anyway, Assad has 0 support by Israelis

          22. MekensehParty Avatar

            pffff you think I live in dahyeh or tehran
            I read and say what I want

          23. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Merry Christmass to the Orthodox Christians in Iran. another picture in their honor

            Stop your baby comedy crook2half this is not Kindergarten

          24. The propaganda queen tells people to stop being childish, very rich, and thanks Christians in the theocracy of Iran cannot tweet back but appreciate the comment

          25. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Netanyahu offered them money to move to Israel, they told him: Our nationality
            is not for sale. Iran is an old civilisation, Christians lived in Persia for 2000 years.. People who make propaganda are insecure, i’m secure with the truth.

          26. He offered Iranian Jews, not Christians. There were 250,000 Iranian Jews in Iran before the 1979 revolution and now there’s only 25,000 left. Numbers speak for themselves.

            Iran was a secular peaceful country before 1979, why go back 2000 years when even in the 70s Iran and Israel were great allies and people traveled from Tel Aviv to Tehran and vice versa.

          27. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Yes very peacefulll so peacefull the CIA (as usual) created a *Coup* in order to place their puppet, as they did in every country in South America, would like to learn?

          28. The Mullahs in Iran were more involved in that coup than anyone.

            The mullahs much preferred the deference of the conservative, if vacillating, shah to the secular enterprise of Mossadeq. After the attempted coup, the esteemed men of religion in Qom gave their tacit endorsement to the speaker of Parliament, Ayatollah Kashani. Through their connections with the bazaar and their ability to galvanize the populace, they were instrumental in orchestrating the demonstrations that engulfed Tehran.

            American politicians have a penchant for acknowledging guilt and apologizing for past misdeeds. But responsibility for the suffocation of the Iranian peoples’ democratic aspirations in the summer of 1953 lies primarily with those who went on to squash another democratic movement in the summer of 2009 — the mullahs. It is they who should apologize to the Iranian people.


          29. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            There were no Mullah when US created the *coup*.. spare the articles i have no time it’s ancient much did you make today $$$

          30. Obvious the government was not run by Mullahs but of course they existed and influenced people.

            Ancient history is anything before 476 A.D.

          31. MekensehParty Avatar

            let it go, as soon as she’s cornered she will come up with the no time excuse (and she’s still here!!!) and then put $ signs as if it’s a sin to make money

          32. I should be writing an essay on Marx now why I bother w/ her crap I don’t know lol

          33. MekensehParty Avatar

            An essay on Marx?
            Let me help
            He’s an idiot.

          34. His stance on religion. 1,500 words (but minimum 1,350), wanna start and finish tonight to get this garbage off my back LOL

          35. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            I’m not cornered at all don’t cry for me Argentina..$$ is a joke meaning he works here 24 hours a day:).

          36. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Will you get off my back i’m not you’re mother.. i was talking about 20th century .Were did you study… Ancient history is anything before 476 AD? Go to your mother i said. Case closed

          37. And I’m still talking to a demented assad supporter. YOU are the one who replied to my posts.

          38. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Do you write posts to met i should not replie? Ha ha you’re funny.
            I meant an old story, not history.. 1953, Iran Prime Minister Mohamed Mozaddegh
            wanted to reduce the absolute role of the Shah, make Iran a Full Democracy, UK and US planned a coup d’รฉtat.. they hate it when there are democracies in the Midlle East, Iran was much more advanced than the Arabs. Next time ask me for a list of American Coups…oh the latest, Israel and Sissi clownesque General.

          39. Read the article, loon, the coup had more to it.
            Leave Sissi alone, he is a hero

          40. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            How about YOU leaving me alone and stop sending messages?
            Sissi is Sissi, the new Israeli puppet.

          41. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Please..i don’t learn History from Revisionists, i know it, thank you anyway.

          42. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            I don’t have hatred for the Jews you cannot judge me, Jewish is a race not a Religion. I think Zionisme is a mental disease, that’s my opinion, i have always predicted things..before they happen, and i was never wrong.
            No need or desire to argue, have a nice day.

          43. 5thDrawer Avatar


          44. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad


          45. lol..

          46. I wish they would ban alcohol in Israel too, it’s a disgusting habit

          47. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Bastard !

          48. Either ban alcohol or ban cars to prevent accidents, lol 5th you really feel like dealing with such tough choices

          49. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Choices not tough for me.
            At my age, the Fiberals are going to ban me being on a road anyway, just for that.
            Never had a drinking/driving accident. Not even when someone ran into me.
            But I can SURE see there’s a lot who don’t need alcohol to total their cars. Especially in the recent ice-age. :-)))
            YOU have been done in by the ‘tax-propaganda’ – just like my kids who don’t like me smoking too. I’m SURE that sex would be on the ‘hit-list’ if they didn’t need more cheap labour. If you want to avoid accidents on a road, just don’t drive. Don’t climb a wall of rock, either. Or ski. Or tend a garden. ALL those became ‘regulated’ too. Winers always want politicians to ‘fix’ things โ€ฆ and they only know one way – TAX.
            But a pricey piece of tax-paper – and an insurance form – doesn’t mean you are capable of driving a car. And choosing to drive if not fully alert is human folly.
            Aside from that, you must always be aware of the idiots out there, as well as the intimate relationship between rubber and pavement. These things don’t seem to be taught in any school โ€ฆ any more. A finger on a keyboard slips occasionally too, however. (Mine just typed .. F.O. โ€ฆ oops.)

          50. ...some guy Avatar
            …some guy

            Ban alcohol, sorry 5th I love my cars, I pet them every night and talk nice to them ๐Ÿ™‚

          51. 5thDrawer Avatar

            And you stick a version of alcohol into their radiators. Right โ€ฆ.
            I oiled mine too …

          52. I don’t have a licence but would love to have those Mercedes’ from the 80s

          53. ...some guy Avatar
            …some guy

            No license as in underage? here I gave you credit for being immature and young at heart but all along you re like 15 years old are grounded :)P

          54. ..

          55. 5thDrawer Avatar

            (interpretation – no money โ€ฆ ๐Ÿ˜‰

          56. Thats not the case, and Id rather spend on degrees anyway

          57. 5thDrawer Avatar

            (interpretation – doesn’t like work โ€ฆ ๐Ÿ˜‰

          58. Sort of. Just sort of. LOL

          59. ...some guy Avatar
            …some guy

            not true, son of a very wealthy jewish familly :}P

          60. Not Jewish, not ‘wealthy’ either just have enough to keep me going

          61. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Hi geo!!

          62. ...some guy Avatar
            …some guy

            Hello my Dear, How have you been ? nice to hear from you ๐Ÿ™‚

          63. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            I got the worst cold for Christmas, i remembered your advice ..tea, juice, ginger :))

          64. ...some guy Avatar
            …some guy

            Did you remember to quit smoking jan 1st lol, just messing with you friend, now lets see if I can earn another arrow down for interacting with you . lets have some coffee :))

          65. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            I hate it when the crook2half puts his downies in private greetings.
            The cigarettes!! I tried.. it would last a day, my cold was making me angry,
            the wind was like in Withering Heigths.. like the wolfs in Lebanon mountains,
            when i was a child we went up in the summer, it left a mark.. and i smoked!!:(
            I never drink but i had a mini glass of old Porto..did you stop on Jan.1?

          66. ...some guy Avatar
            …some guy

            I stopped cigarettes in 1980, last hangover 1989, triple espresso 3 times a day is pretty much my only vice anymore but recently settled for morning triple shot and gave up the rest.
            I rarely get sick but that last session was the worst ever experienced, I forgot to tell you boiling yensoon or anise seed and inhaling the steam help me a bunch too.

          67. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            The only thing i stopped is the expresso oustside, and the Turkish
            “Arabian” coffee i make at yensoon ginseng? where can
            i find anise seeds..still have a cold.
            People in the West hate Arabs while saying “coffee” all ++ a day?
            It’s an Arabic word; kahwa.

          68. ...some guy Avatar
            …some guy

            Anise seed is liquorish like and I believe is used in making ouzo or arak, you are probably not far from Adonis market and they should have it, I would be glad to send some to you but that seems impossible without a a tribe or two finding out where you are :)P

          69. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Thank you, i know arak taste i will get it tomorow..better than pills.
            Did you read about baby face Harper, Israel told him to ban Shias
            from entering Canada, shamefull humiliating for Canada reputation ๐Ÿ™‚

          70. ...some guy Avatar
            …some guy

            Hind I am not too bright, I googled baby face harper and it took me a while to realize who you were talking about, I left canada 18 years ago and not up to speed ๐Ÿ™ either way it is shameful to generalize about any sect,culture, ethinicity. I am by no means perfect and fall on my face daily but I consider myself blessed to be brainwashed from keeping hate like a pet that you feed and cuddle with. None of us have any control where and who we are born but every one of us has full control who we become in life!!

            loving the lie and hating the truth is what a lot of people do in defending bad behavior towards others and nourishing a dream of elimination of the enemy de jour instead of accepting the truth that only comes from self examination in how we look next to the bar we use to judge others in general rather on individual basis. I believe that there is a minority on all sides that is open minded to unity and a better possibility than status quo but it would not be fashionable and could easily get you labeled as a sell out or a traitor if you dont share the hate on the plate.

          71. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            You were funny looking for baby face Harper in google.. ha ha,
            i was laughing .sorry i wrote that.. Canadian Prime Minister
            Stephen Harper, has a dull Gehovah withess face, and he likes
            Bush. The powerfull preffer the less Bush .

            Listening to you i feel less alone, when i was younger i really tougth
            people who have such hatred and prejudice, were not mean just week
            and insecure, later i realised they are responsable for all the wars,
            poverty, hunger, abuse..responsable for crimes against humanity.
            No sympathie. I love what you say but i’m more pessimistic than you,
            it happened i had dialogues, ultimatly they wanted to dictate me, boring.
            They also need a heart and the hearth needs intelligence. Like you ๐Ÿ™‚

          72. ...some guy Avatar
            …some guy

            lol, there was many pictures of babies named harper and mostly women holding babies, good times Hind!
            Treasures and most things of value are hidden, buried and not easily seen, you are not alone. you are right that often the ones in control are diabolical narcissists that can do a lot of damage, and trust me the majority of my experiences give me reasons to be pessimistic and not have faith in people however I was fortunate enough to take notice of some great people and examples along the intersections of life and just like a treasure they are not easy to see but they are there.
            Having lived in florida I have seen many orange trees that only get pickled where the fruit is within hand reach and the fruit at the top of the tree is just as good as the ones on the bottom yet they rot and fall to the ground as no one is willing to go through the trouble of climbing and getting a little scuffed to retrieve the fruit from the top, hard to believe but home owners with these fruit trees go to grocery store and by orange juice as their fruit trees rot!!
            don’t give up Hind, seek and you will find.

          73. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Yes there are hidden treasures ๐Ÿ™‚

          74. 5thDrawer Avatar

            “the hearth needs intelligence” โ€ฆ. hmmm, I know a warm fireplace โ€ฆ ๐Ÿ˜‰

          75. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Hope the birds are warm, Geo.

          76. ...some guy Avatar
            …some guy

            Thanks 5th, Garnet the eclectus goes to work with me every day and usually enjoys being in the sun outside my office but she had to sit above a desk all day as she would not appreciate 43 degrees with so many missing feathers , the Senegal parrots stay home with classical music in the background and lots of projects to chew on , sadly I released all the babies and injured I raised last year a few months back I miss them but they were ready for mates and a bigger world instead of an aviary with gourmet food .

        2. 5thDrawer Avatar

          I thought she was talking about Lebanon.

          1. MekensehParty Avatar

            or Sweden

          2. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Couldn’t have been Sweden โ€ฆ those folks are still happy with 50+% taxation because they get something from it collectively.

          3. MekensehParty Avatar

            they get absolute silence
            Ever been to a Swedish concert?
            singers don’t need a microphone

          4. ู…ู† ูˆูŠู† ุงู†ุชุŸ ู„ุจู†ุงู†ูŠุŸ

          5. MekensehParty Avatar


          6. Are you Lebanese

          7. 5thDrawer Avatar

            ABBA โ€ฆ greatest group (sexiest stage) ever – besides Beatles. ๐Ÿ™‚

          8. ...some guy Avatar
            …some guy

            Abba is awsome, happy nation by ace of base is a favourite swedish piece too.

          9. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            I think he’s too old to understand, maybe you too?
            Open air concerts.. “singers for young people”.. not the Philarmonic,
            i watched them on TV before the invasion.

      3. lol crocodile tears from me too

  6. some times i have th urge to gather all US advisers and ask WTF you’re doing?!
    looking like a bunch of naive rookies if you ask me.
    they stumble from one bad call to a worst one in a chain of never ending bad calls
    removing saddam removed the only effective barrier to iran, so US helped the Iranians
    on the same time they enforce sanctions on iran thuse helping S.Arbia and israel
    they fight the sunnies in iraq yet support them in syria
    they deserted their loyal ally Mubaraq and emmbraced MB
    were quick to threat a war against assad and quick to back down (efectivly clearing the stage for putin)
    deserting their ally israel for iran

    it’s as if they are complete id(i)ots that have no understanding of the region

    1. Peaceforleb Avatar

      Not as if they are complete Idiots, Just plan and simple IDIOTS. I have a few other words that I could use to describe them, however I might get banned for it. -:)))

      1. bitch slap each and every one of them send them home crying :))

        1. Peaceforleb Avatar

          Sounds Like a plan. -:)))

      2. MekensehParty Avatar

        clap clap clap
        bravo abdelnassir, bravo!!!
        Heroes! you all are heroes! strong, proud, BRAVE!
        pffffffff bunch of sissan living with a boots on their necks!

    2. 5thDrawer Avatar

      I think I’d substitute ‘region’ for ‘religion’ there โ€ฆ but who the hell understands that???

      1. i think i’ll agree ๐Ÿ™‚
        the whole region is defined by religious differences anyway.
        looks like people care less and less about national interests and more about their narrow secterian interests.
        and when it comes to religion&ME, american really don’t speak the lang or understand the mentality

        1. Reasonableman Avatar

          Agree, from my observation they have fullfiled their obligations as the current world power by providing for their humanitarian aid but their decisions in the middle east has been absured and half jobs.
          It all leans towards public opinion and keeping the mainstreem happy, resources(oil) in the middle east are the needs of even(no generalisation intended) the lowest class citizen in the west(hot showers, electricity).
          Something the west is willing to travel supply at all cost (within reason) for their citizens.
          That does not mean poverty does not exist in these countries though.

          The tricky part (or the game) politicians play is not getting involved in the bullshit the the supplier goes through yet making sure their product reaches its destination, which means they must have some sort of control over the supplier. To gain this involves pointing fingers, lieing, as the saying goes rolling shit downhill to cover their own ass from international outrage.

          It would be easy to say the west wants dominion but my opinion is they dont need it..yet.
          they have plenty of land(what they did for this land is another story) and they would repeat it and justify it somehow just like they did in the past. America just wants business people killing eachother is not their business (yet)

          1. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            They need Midlle East resources.. Wars exist to gain other people’s whealt.

          2. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Their first war, we could note was against the British. Then they had several within the country – for business interests – and a big one for an ideal – and another 200 years trying to work out differences – and they were quietly doing business until Japan attacked. After that, prominence. Almost everyone looked to them for guidance. And they were not prepared to guide.
            Hind sees war as want only for wealth. I disagree. What wealth was there after WWII ? America was needed to help in rebuilding all the destroyed stuff which war creates – witness Syria now. And the North American continent is still a large supplier of resources – to humans – although South America and Africa contribute more now. And with the HUGE world populations – especially their growth in areas of it which have little of the recourses – the only way to make things work is through doing business.
            (HOW it’s done is one of the problems of humans (CEO’s?) who think they are worth hundreds of times more than the workers simply because they are called ‘boss’โ€ฆ. but that’s another debatable topic for ‘dialogues’… ๐Ÿ˜‰
            Oil the machine, and it works. Refuse the oil for it, and it breaks down. Even the guns need oil. Boiling it out of whale-blubber has gone out of fashion, because one whale no longer supplies a town, and there’s too many towns wanting to use it. Olives don’t have the right quality needed for the guns and machines. So โ€ฆ do the business.
            Many countries have learned from ‘The Americas’ – which had enough internal wars, as did Europe’ – that good business is a better way to go.
            Considering the weather problems right now, having a war on top doesn’t seem a good idea – especially to the ‘faceless masses’ in vertical storage containers. :-))))

    3. Hind Abyad Avatar
      Hind Abyad

      Firt time i read what i always tougth about that stupid War. It was secular as Syria was secular.
      They had picnics on the river shores. Open air concerts with popular singers, Chistians didn’t use veils to hide, there was security, then 4 million Christians fled..just like Syria today..
      As for US advisers, Netanyahu personal adviser in Israel, became Bush personal adviser in US

      1. feels like ME is performing a colective suicide these days
        sad and painfull

      2. MekensehParty Avatar

        Ya haram, (fake) tears running
        picnics on polluted river shores where people ate potatoes and rice while their oil money was going to Switzerland
        Open concerts that only the corrupt elite can attend
        Christians not wearing veils but paying their whole freedom for this right under the equation “give me your unquestionable loyalty and you don’t have to wear the veil”
        Security indeed, security that spread fear among the citizens, kidnappings in the dark of night or even under the sun, family shattered because the father dared to criticize Monseigneur bashar or udai in front of the wrong ears…
        Your rosy picture of secular Iraq and Syria is a big lie and you know it!

        1. Hind Abyad Avatar
          Hind Abyad

          Good bye, no time for stupidity.. boring propagandist.

          1. MekensehParty Avatar

            True, we have different levels of argumentation, mine based on facts yours based on emotions (mostly hatred for the Jews and by extension the USA).
            No need to argue any longer
            Good luck freeing Palestine with poetry

          2. cook2half Avatar

            Indeed, what is this palestine she keeps mentioning

          3. MekensehParty Avatar

            a piece of desert land where three idiots thought it would be a good idea to build three different temples…

          4. cook2half Avatar

            More Arabs immigrated there than Jews did (from 100,000 in 1890 to 10 million today), but don’t try and point historical data to a Jew hater

          5. MekensehParty Avatar

            Data? History?
            These words mean nothing to the likes of mademoiselle

          6. cook2half Avatar

            Almost every time she writes a post to me (she replies to me way more than other way around), she has some propaganda picture attached to her post, mostly to do with evil Jews committing genocide against harmless balestinians.
            I was like dude, I can post hundreds if not thousands of quotes by Arabs calling Jews cockroaches and pigs, nazi salutes etc

          7. MekensehParty Avatar

            I call them Al-Jazeera graduates

          8. cook2half Avatar

            She thinks what her madrasa teaches her is history

          9. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Crook2half i told i’m not Moslem.. I am Crhistian, are you realy retarded?
            If yes say so, then people will understand ..$$$

            Good day, stop typing you sleep in YaLibnan building?

          10. cook2half Avatar

            I have nothing against Muslims, its just some of your comments against Israel

          11. cook2half Avatar

            lol, I post early hours of the morning, lack of sleep more like it

          12. man-o-war Avatar

            Let me take a wild guess, you’re a Faux news graduate?

          13. MekensehParty Avatar

            No, I’m a fan of al-manar tv

          14. cook2half Avatar

            lol one of their reporters previously captured by Israel just died

          15. man-o-war Avatar

            haha, somebody just died. He was a journalist and a father Richard Cabeza.

          16. cook2half Avatar

            Sorry man-o but would you cry for an Al Qaeda journalist? Hezbollah is no different, the EU blacklisted them and I’m a proud EU citizen

          17. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            I read Syrian opposition had some desagreements, 40 left, and the Saudi are considering 25.000-50.000 more foreing fighters to go to Syria, the Fat Cats
            have pots of money, one day they won’t be any oil left.

          18. man-o-war Avatar

            You might want to be careful what sites you visit in the US. I think that be one of the sites on the list.

          19. cook2half Avatar

            I just remembered, in Israel when I googled SANA nothing appeared?? but now its there

          20. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Some countries enjoy freedom of speech .. ๐Ÿ˜‰

          21. cook2half Avatar

            No one in Israel would read that trash anyway, Assad has 0 support by Israelis

          22. MekensehParty Avatar

            pffff you think I live in dahyeh or tehran
            I read and say what I want

          23. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Merry Christmass to the Orthodox Christians in Iran. another picture in their honor

            Stop your baby comedy crook2half this is not Kindergarten

          24. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Merry Christmass to the Orthodox Christians in Iran. another picture in their honor

            Stop your baby comedy crook2half this is not Kindergarten

          25. cook2half Avatar

            The propaganda queen tells people to stop being childish, very rich, and thanks Christians in the theocracy of Iran cannot tweet back but appreciate the comment

          26. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Netanyahu offered them money to move to Israel, they told him: Our nationality
            is not for sale. Iran is an old civilisation, Christians lived in Persia for 2000 years.. People who make propaganda are insecure, i’m secure with the truth.

          27. cook2half Avatar

            He offered Iranian Jews, not Christians. There were 250,000 Iranian Jews in Iran before the 1979 revolution and now there’s only 25,000 left. Numbers speak for themselves.

            Iran was a secular peaceful country before 1979, why go back 2000 years when even in the 70s Iran and Israel were great allies and people traveled from Tel Aviv to Tehran and vice versa.

          28. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Yes very peacefulll so peacefull the CIA (as usual) created a *Coup* in order to place their puppet, as they did in every country in South America, would like to learn?

          29. cook2half Avatar

            The Mullahs in Iran were more involved in that coup than anyone.

            The mullahs much preferred the deference of the conservative, if vacillating, shah to the secular enterprise of Mossadeq. After the attempted coup, the esteemed men of religion in Qom gave their tacit endorsement to the speaker of Parliament, Ayatollah Kashani. Through their connections with the bazaar and their ability to galvanize the populace, they were instrumental in orchestrating the demonstrations that engulfed Tehran.

            American politicians have a penchant for acknowledging guilt and apologizing for past misdeeds. But responsibility for the suffocation of the Iranian peoples’ democratic aspirations in the summer of 1953 lies primarily with those who went on to squash another democratic movement in the summer of 2009 — the mullahs. It is they who should apologize to the Iranian people.


          30. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            There were no Mullah when US created the *coup*.. spare the articles i have no time it’s ancient much did you make today $$$

          31. cook2half Avatar

            Obvious the government was not run by Mullahs but of course they existed and influenced people.

            Ancient history is anything before 476 A.D.

          32. MekensehParty Avatar

            let it go, as soon as she’s cornered she will come up with the no time excuse (and she’s still here!!!) and then put $ signs as if it’s a sin to make money

          33. cook2half Avatar

            I should be writing an essay on Marx now why I bother w/ her crap I don’t know lol

          34. MekensehParty Avatar

            An essay on Marx?
            Let me help
            He’s an idiot.

          35. cook2half Avatar

            His stance on religion. 1,500 words (but minimum 1,350), wanna start and finish tonight to get this garbage off my back LOL

          36. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            I’m not cornered at all don’t cry for me Argentina..$$ is a joke meaning he works here 24 hours a day:).

          37. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Will you get off my back i’m not you’re mother.. i was talking about 20th century .Were did you study… Ancient history is anything before 476 AD? Go to your mother i said. Case closed

          38. cook2half Avatar

            And I’m still talking to a demented assad supporter. YOU are the one who replied to my posts, asshole.

          39. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Do you write posts to met i should not replie? Ha ha you’re funny.
            I meant an old story, not history.. 1953, Iran Prime Minister Mohamed Mozaddegh
            wanted to reduce the absolute role of the Shah, make Iran a Full Democracy, UK and US planned a coup d’รฉtat.. they hate it when there are democracies in the Midlle East, Iran was much more advanced than the Arabs. Next time ask me for a list of American Coups…oh the latest, Israel and Sissi clownesque General.

          40. cook2half Avatar

            Read the article, loon, the coup had more to it.
            Leave Sissi alone, he is a hero

          41. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            How about YOU leaving me alone and stop sending massages?
            Sissi is Sissi, the new Israeli puppet.

          42. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Please..i don’t learn History from Revisionists, i know it, thank you anyway.

          43. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            I don’t have hatred for the Jews you can’t not judge me, Jewish is a race not a Religion. I think Zionisme is a mental disease, that’s my opinion, i have always predicted things..before they happen, and i was never wrong.
            No need or desire to argue, have a nice day.

          44. 5thDrawer Avatar

            (psst .. Hind โ€ฆ I think you mean ‘cannot’ โ€ฆ the double negative doesn’t work unless you mean he must judge you)

          45. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad


          46. cook2half Avatar


          47. cook2half Avatar

            I wish they would ban alcohol in Israel too, it’s a disgusting habit

          48. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Bastard !

          49. cook2half Avatar

            Either ban alcohol or ban cars to prevent accidents, lol 5th you really feel like dealing with such tough choices

          50. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Choices not tough for me.
            At my age, the Fiberals are going to ban me being on a road anyway, just for that.
            Never had a drinking/driving accident. Not even when someone ran into me.
            But I can SURE see there’s a lot who don’t need alcohol to total their cars. Especially in the recent ice-age. :-)))
            YOU have been done in by the ‘tax-propaganda’ – just like my kids who don’t like me smoking too. I’m SURE that sex would be on the ‘hit-list’ if they didn’t need more cheap labour. If you want to avoid accidents on a road, just don’t drive. Don’t climb a wall of rock, either. Or ski. Or tend a garden. ALL those became ‘regulated’ too. Winers always want politicians to ‘fix’ things โ€ฆ and they only know one way – TAX.

          51. Ban alcohol, sorry 5th I love my cars, I pet them every night and talk nice to them ๐Ÿ™‚

          52. 5thDrawer Avatar

            And you stick a version of alcohol into their radiators. Right โ€ฆ.
            I oiled mine too …

          53. cook2half Avatar

            I don’t have a licence but would love to have those Mercedes’ from the 80s

          54. No license as in underage? here I gave you credit for being immature and young at heart but all along you re like 15 years old are grounded :)P

          55. cook2half Avatar

            20 years old, cant be bothered for a licence

          56. 5thDrawer Avatar

            (interpretation – no money โ€ฆ ๐Ÿ˜‰

          57. cook2half Avatar

            Thats not the case, and Id rather spend on degrees anyway

          58. 5thDrawer Avatar

            (interpretation – doesn’t like work โ€ฆ ๐Ÿ˜‰

          59. cook2half Avatar

            Sort of. Just sort of. LOL

          60. not true, son of a very wealthy jewish familly :}P

          61. cook2half Avatar

            Not Jewish, not ‘wealthy’ either just have enough to keep me going

          62. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Hi geo!!

          63. Hello my Dear, How have you been ? nice to hear from you ๐Ÿ™‚

          64. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            I got the worst cold for Christmas, i remembered your advice ..tea, juice, ginger :))

          65. Did you remember to quit smoking jan 1st lol, just messing with you friend, now lets see if I can earn another arrow down for interacting with you . lets have some coffee :))

          66. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            I hate it when the crook2half puts his downies in private greetings.
            The cigarettes!! I tried.. it woul last a day, my cold was making me angry,
            the wind was like in Withering Heigths.. like the wolfs in Lebanon mountains,
            when i was a child we went up in the summer, it left a mark.. and i smoked!!:(
            I never drink but i had a mini glass of old Porto..did you stop on Jan.1?

          67. I stopped cigarettes in 1980, last hangover 1989, triple espresso 3 times a day is pretty much my only vice anymore but recently settled for morning triple shot and gave up the rest.
            I rarely get sick but that last session was the worst ever experienced, I forgot to tell you boiling yensoon or anise seed and inhaling the steam help me a bunch too.

          68. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            The only thing i stopped is the expresso oustside, and the Turkish
            “Arabian” coffee i make at yensoon ginseng? where can
            i find anise seeds..still have a cold.
            People in the West hate Arabs while saying “coffee” all ++ a day?
            It’s an Arabic word; kahwa.

          69. Anise seed is liquorish like and I believe is used in making ouzo or arak, you are probably not far from Adonis market and they should have it, I would be glad to send some to you but that seems impossible without a a tribe or two finding out where you are :)P

          70. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Thank you, i know arak taste i will get it tomorow..better than pills.
            Did you read about baby face Harper, Israel told him to ban Shias
            from entering Canada, shamefull humiliating for Canada reputation ๐Ÿ™‚

          71. Hind I am not too bright, I googled baby face harper and it took me a while to realize who you were talking about, I left canada 18 years ago and not up to speed ๐Ÿ™ either way it is shameful to generalize about any sect,culture, ethinicity. I am by no means perfect and fall on my face daily but I consider myself blessed to be brainwashed from keeping hate like a pet that you feed and cuddle with. None of us have any control where and who we are born but every one of us has full control who we become in life!!

            loving the lie and hating the truth is what a lot of people do in defending bad behavior towards others and nourishing a dream of elimination of the enemy de jour instead of accepting the truth that only comes from self examination in how we look next to the bar we use to judge others in general rather on individual basis. I believe that there is a minority on all sides that is open minded to unity and a better possibility than status quo but it would not be fashionable and could easily get you labeled as a sell out or a traitor if you dont share the hate on the plate.

          72. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            You were funny looking for baby face Harper in google.. ha ha,
            i was laughing .sorry i wrote that.. Canadian Prime Minister
            Stephen Harper, has a dull Gehovah withess face, and he likes
            Bush. The powerfull preffer the less Bush .

            Listening to you i feel less alone, when i was younger i really tougth
            people who have such hatred and prejudice, were not mean just week
            and insecure, later i realised they are responsable for all the wars,
            poverty, hunger, abuse..responsable for crimes against humanity.
            No sympathie. I love what you say but i’m more pessimistic than you,
            it happened i had dialogues, ultimatly they wanted to dictate me, boring.
            They also need a heart and the hearth needs intelligence. Like you ๐Ÿ™‚

          73. lol, there was many pictures of babies named harper and mostly women holding babies, good times Hind!
            Treasures and most things of value are hidden, buried and not easily seen, you are not alone. you are right that often the ones in control are diabolical narcissists that can do a lot of damage, and trust me the majority of my experiences give me reasons to be pessimistic and not have faith in people however I was fortunate enough to take notice of some great people and examples along the intersections of life and just like a treasure they are not easy to see but they are there.
            Having lived in florida I have seen many orange trees that only get pickled where the fruit is within hand reach and the fruit at the top of the tree is just as good as the ones on the bottom yet they rot and fall to the ground as no one is willing to go through the trouble of climbing and getting a little scuffed to retrieve the fruit from the top, hard to believe but home owners with these fruit trees go to grocery store and by orange juice as their fruit trees rot!!
            don’t give up Hind, seek and you will find.

          74. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Yes there are hidden treasures ๐Ÿ™‚

          75. 5thDrawer Avatar

            “the hearth needs intelligence” โ€ฆ. hmmm, I know a warm fireplace โ€ฆ ๐Ÿ˜‰

          76. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Hope the birds are warm, Geo.

          77. Thanks 5th, Garnet the eclectus goes to work with me every day and usually enjoys being in the sun outside my office but she had to sit above a desk all day as she would not appreciate 43 degrees with so many missing feathers , the Senegal parrots stay home with classical music in the background and lots of projects to chew on , sadly I released all the babies and injured I raised last year a few months back I miss them but they were ready for mates and a bigger world instead of an aviary with gourmet food .

        2. 5thDrawer Avatar

          I thought she was talking about Lebanon.

          1. MekensehParty Avatar

            or Sweden

          2. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Couldn’t have been Sweden โ€ฆ these folks are still happy with 50+% taxation because they get something from it collectively.

          3. MekensehParty Avatar

            they get absolute silence
            Ever been to a Swedish concert?
            singers don’t need a microphone

          4. cook2half Avatar

            ู…ู† ูˆูŠู† ุงู†ุชุŸ ู„ุจู†ุงู†ูŠุŸ

          5. MekensehParty Avatar


          6. cook2half Avatar

            Are you Lebanese

          7. 5thDrawer Avatar

            ABBA โ€ฆ greatest group (sexiest stage) ever – besides Beatles. ๐Ÿ™‚

          8. Abba is awsome, happy nation by ace of base is a favourite swedish piece too.

          9. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            I think he’s too old to understand, maybe you too? I said open air concerts “singers for young people”, not the Philarmonic, i watched them on TV before
            the invasion.

      3. cook2half Avatar

        lol crocodile tears from me too

  7. *This space is reserved for some spamming by Hind later tonight*

  8. cook2half Avatar

    *This space is reserved for some spamming by Hind later tonight*

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