Syrian forces kill 25 in Aleppo barrel-bomb attack


aleppo air strikeA Syrian army air strike on a vegetable market and a hospital in the northern city of Aleppo killed at least 25 people on Saturday, a monitoring group said, continuing a campaign of improvised “barrel bombs” that has drawn international condemnation.

A video posted on the Internet by local activist group Insaan Rights Watch showed residents pulling mangled corpses out of scorched and twisted car frames.

One road hit by the strike was covered with debris from nearby buildings and was lined with bodies, as young men shouted for cars to help transport the wounded. The content of the video could not be independently verified.

Hundreds of people have been killed by air raids around the city of Aleppo in recent weeks, scores of them women and children, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a pro-opposition monitoring group based in Britain.

On Saturday, the Observatory said 25 people, at least four of them children, were killed by barrel bombing that also destroyed part of a hospital. It said the death toll was likely to rise as dozens more were wounded in the attack.

Syrian authorities say they are battling rebels controlling large portions of the city, once Syria’s business hub.

Human rights groups and the United States have condemned the use of the improvised bombs – oil drums or cylinders which are packed with explosives and metal fragments, often rolled out of an aircraft’s cargo bay. They say it is an indiscriminate form of bombardment.

President Bashar al-Assad’s forces have been regaining territory southeast of Aleppo in recent weeks and have made gains in suburbs around the capital Damascus as well.

The move is likely an attempt to strengthen Assad’s position against the opposition ahead of planned peace negotiations in Geneva next month.

An army ambush in the Qalamoun mountains north of the capital killed at least 60 people on Friday. The Observatory said the dead were rebels. But the Syrian National Coalition, an umbrella group representing the opposition abroad, said the dead were civilians.

Well over 100,000 people have been killed in the 2-1/2-year conflict, which began as peaceful protests against four decades of Assad family rule. A fierce security force crackdown sparked an armed insurgency that has now spread civil war across most of Syria.




43 responses to “Syrian forces kill 25 in Aleppo barrel-bomb attack”

  1. The real lebanese Avatar
    The real lebanese

    War crime? I think so.

    1. Is there evidence that this is terror bombing? The civilians in the contested areas are not particularly inclined towards either side, and in so far as they support revolution they have become disillusioned with it by virtue of the nomads from Chechnya beheading their relatives for failing to follow some petty dictum of Sharia.

      You could perhaps call this a war crime if your side had the muscle to win the war, but there will be no victory for the illiterate takfiris and they will never have an opportunity to stage a show-trail of all wise Assad. Quite to the contrary, they will be paying for their crimes in the near future.

      1. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
        Maborlz Ez-Hari

        I think you need a penis in your throat.

        1. Hind Abyad Avatar

          He is rigth

          1. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari

            Hind all you and other supporters of the regime are doing is exactly what the syrian Sunnis are doing, you are both supporting the lesser evil in your own view. But remove yourself from the equation and you will see that the regime is just as bad as the extremists in they are a indiscriminate killing machine as well. If they were so righteous and a good government for all the syrian people this mess wouldn’t have started in the first place. So stop voluntarily being blind take off the blinkers and admit that the middle east is a bowl of trash dictators and trash supporters and there is not an ounce of patriotism anywhere. Iran wants dominion over other governments, saudi Arabia wants the same influence and the people are fools to believe in any off them.

          2. Hind Abyad Avatar

            I’m not a supporter of ANY Regime i’m a supporter of the Syrian People,
            l am a Humanist, no one dictates what i should be.. if you permit of course. .

            The only Democracy in the Middle East- come on..the old man is unarmed.
            That’s before OLP Hamas Hezbollah!!! Say cheese.

          3. Hind Abyad Avatar

            Go after the Wahabi Regime who’s funding destruction and Christian genocide.

            Ow yes, today Saudi Arabia is hosting Lebanon Hariri (ibn Saoud), Syrian Opposition and Zionist French President Hollande, Syrian Opposition said no to Geneva.. “before they discuss how much $$$)

            What you find in Saudi Arabian streets..raped and murdered then thrown
            like garbage, while Princess tortures doctors that treated injured protestors.

          4. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Funny pic …. bad comment.

          5. Hind Abyad Avatar

            Go se your friend Igor.

          6. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Ok, now not funny pics. Still a bad comment.

          7. Hind Abyad Avatar

            This Guest is me after MalmequerO stole my discus.

      2. The real lebanese Avatar
        The real lebanese

        A war crime isn’t terrorist bombings. We’re done.

        1. Usually what one would call “terror bombing” is employed in the situation of conventional warfare. Civilians are equated to infrastructure and destroyed as such. The best example is WWII, in which the British killed hundreds of thousands of German civilians in the strictly noncombatant city, which is to say there were no military units or industry within, Dresden.

          It is known, at this rate, that there are militants in Aleppo and that the regime has an interest in capturing this city for it would signal the definite demise of the insurgency. I fail to see, as I have mentioned, how this war is conventional, and why Assad’s commanders would be purposely targeting civilians if they are largely passive spectators to the bloodshed around them.

          Someone compared these civilian casualties in Aleppo which are coming by way of SAA bombing, I think hezziesareterrorists, to Israel’s actions in the 2006 war, but is it really the same for the reason described above? Israel bombed indiscriminately Lebanon because they were fighting in a conventional manner against a force using non-conventional tactics, Hizballah. This is precisely why they lost, and in essence why the British Army surrendered to the Americans at Yorktown; the so-called Israel Defense Force was thinking in terms of destroying infrastructure and not battling man for man. The Zionists thought that the war was already won at its beginning, as in the October War of Liberation where they were quickly taught otherwise, and that all they needed to do was kill civilians in order to solidify it, or terror bomb. This is not the situation in Syria as I see it.

          1. The real lebanese Avatar
            The real lebanese

            Your completely avoiding talking about what the SAA is doing because you know they are doing far more war crimes than the rebels.

            Assad starts the war by shooting at protesters, and then he resorts to bombing civilian areas. And he’s continually done this for almost 3 years. He’s killed more civilians than the extremists in Syria. I would post a link but it would have to await moderation. But go look it up.

          2. My point was that the SAA is not bombing civilian areas, which are really militarized areas, in order to demoralize some sort of a war effort. The civilians are caught in the middle of warfare. Aleppo gains your attention, but there have been reciprocal instances of anti-Government rocketry killing civilians. The government may be responsible for more deaths at that, but were those deaths purposeful? Only killing civilians to meet this very end can be considered against wartime etiquette and criminal. Or else, war itself can be considered criminal.

          3. 5thDrawer Avatar

            The only difference between Dresden and London was the firestorm that erupted.
            Those (and other cities) are the examples of reasoning that the thought became ‘Never Again’.
            Some parts of the world have not gotten the education in the reasoning ….

      3. 5thDrawer Avatar

        Humanitarian crime – especially on a hospital. Of course, it doesn’t need to be in Syria. You could be in a Tripoli hospital for instance … and after one of the too-frequent ‘skirmishes’ between idiots, happen to look out a window and find a little present that didn’t quite work as intended.
        You might also call it terror … at least, a terror to a patient who went in for a small treatment and woke up next to a bomb – pretty much the same as women and children going for a loaf of bread or a candy … or simply sitting on their balcony. (Ask Dab …)
        So … you think it’s not ‘terror’ if the only one who has planes is dropping the barrels??

  2. The real lebanese Avatar
    The real lebanese

    War crime? I think so.

    1. Is there evidence that this is terror bombing? The civilians in the contested areas are not particularly inclined towards either side, and in so far as they support revolution they have become disillusioned with it by virtue of the nomads from Chechnya beheading their relatives for failing to follow some petty dictum of Sharia.

      You could perhaps call this a war crime if your side had the muscle to win the war, but there will be no victory for the illiterate takfiris and they will never have an opportunity to stage a show-trail of all wise Assad. Quite to the contrary, they will be paying for their crimes in the near future.

      1. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
        Maborlz Ez-Hari

        I think you need a penis in your throat.

        1. Hind Abyad Avatar

          He is rigth

          1. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari

            Hind all you and other supporters of the regime are doing is exactly what the syrian Sunnis are doing, you are both supporting the lesser evil in your own view. But remove yourself from the equation and you will see that the regime is just as bad as the extremists in they are a indiscriminate killing machine as well. If they were so righteous and a good government for all the syrian people this mess wouldn’t have started in the first place. So stop voluntarily being blind take off the blinkers and admit that the middle east is a bowl of trash dictators and trash supporters and there is not an ounce of patriotism anywhere. Iran wants dominion over other governments, saudi Arabia wants the same influence and the people are fools to believe in any off them.

          2. Hind Abyad Avatar

            I’m not a supporter of ANY Regime i’m a supporter of the Syrian People,
            l am a Humanist, no one dictates what i should be.. if you permit of course. .

            The only Democracy in the Middle East- come on..the old man is unarmed.
            That’s before OLP Hamas Hezbollah!!!

          3. Hind Abyad Avatar

            Go after the Wahabi Regime who’s funding destruction and Christian genocide.

            Ow yes, today Saudi Arabia is hosting Lebanon Hariri (ibn Saoud), Syrian Opposition and Zionist French President Hollande, Syrian Opposition said no to Geneva.. “before they discuss how much $$$)

            What you find in Saudi Arabian streets..raped and murdered then thrown
            like garbage, while Princess tortures doctors that treated injured protestors.

          4. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Funny pic …. bad comment.

          5. Hind Abyad Avatar

            Go se your friend Igor.

          6. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Ok, now not funny pics. Still a bad comment.

      2. The real lebanese Avatar
        The real lebanese

        A war crime isn’t terrorist bombings. We’re done.

        1. Usually what one would call “terror bombing” is employed in the situation of conventional warfare. Civilians are equated to infrastructure and destroyed as such. The best example is WWII, in which the British killed hundreds of thousands of German civilians in the strictly noncombatant city, which is to say there were no military units or industry there, Dresden.

          It is known, at this rate, that there are militants in Aleppo and that the regime has an interest in capturing this city for it would signal the definite demise of the insurgency. I fail to see, as I have mentioned, how this war is conventional, and why Assad’s commanders would be purposely targeting civilians if they are largely passive spectators to the bloodshed around them.

          1. The real lebanese Avatar
            The real lebanese

            Your completely avoiding talking about what the SAA is doing because you know they are doing far more war crimes than the rebels.

            Assad starts the war by shooting at protesters, and then he resorts to bombing civilian areas. And he’s continually done this for almost 3 years. He’s killed more civilians than the extremists in Syria. I would post a link but it would have to await moderation. But go look it up.

          2. My point was that the SAA is not bombing civilian areas, which are really militant areas, in order to demoralize some sort of a war effort. The civilians are caught in the middle of warfare. Aleppo gains your attention, but there have been reciprocal instances of anti-Government rocketry killing civilians. The government may be responsible for more deaths at that, but were those deaths purposeful?

          3. 5thDrawer Avatar

            The only difference between Dresden and London was the firestorm that erupted.
            Those (and other cities) are the examples of reasoning that the thought became ‘Never Again’.
            Some parts of the world have not gotten the education in the reasoning ….

      3. 5thDrawer Avatar

        Humanitarian crime – especially on a hospital. Of course, it doesn’t need to be in Syria. You could be in a Tripoli hospital for instance … and after one of the too-frequent ‘skirmishes’ between idiots, happen to look out a window and find a little present that didn’t quite work as intended.
        You might also call it terror … at least, a terror to a patient who went in for a small treatment and woke up next to a bomb – pretty much the same as women and children going for a loaf of bread or a candy … or simply sitting on their balcony. (Ask Dab …)
        So … you think it’s not ‘terror’ if the only one who has planes is dropping the barrels??

  3. All they can do like always is ,^to condemn^!

  4. All they can do like always is ,^to condemn^!

  5. Datem Hannibal where???

  6. “it is about time to put their hypocrisy aside and condemn the massacres perpetrated against the Middle East innocents.”

    Cannibal barked.
    Oh wait Syria must not be in the Middle East! Or the people killed in this article aren’t innocents.
    Tell us cannibal and datem, why did you never bark here!?
    Fucking hypocrites.

  7. Hypocrites!!!???

  8. Plenty more like this. Trust me

  9. It’s been two years, so if they haven’t barked here by now then I doubt they will bark anytime soon. But it’s good to know the hypocrites can’t hide

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