Suleiman slams Syrian attack of Lebanon’s Arsal area


suleiman in ivory coast 2Lebanese President Michel Suleiman slammed the attack by the Syrian regime helicopter on Khirbet Daoud near the border town of Arsal in east Lebanon on Wednesday and urged Damascus to respect Lebanon sovereignty .

Syria “must respect Lebanese sovereignty and not put Lebanese areas and its population at risk,” Suleiman said in a statement.

Earlier today Syrian helicopters fired at least four rockets near the border town of Arsal.
The security source said the bombs struck a barren area in Khirbet Daoud, about 10 kilometers north of Arsal.

Arsal’s deputy Mayor Ahmad Fliti confirmed the midday attack.

No casualties were reported

This strike was the second on Khirbet Daoud in less than two months, according to local reports .



10 responses to “Suleiman slams Syrian attack of Lebanon’s Arsal area”

  1. MekensehParty Avatar

    drat 3a blat

  2. MekensehParty Avatar

    drat 3a blat

  3. Amine123 Avatar

    useless and powerless

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Just a little political ‘show’. At least this one didn’t drop the Sarin Gas canisters … yet.

  4. Amine123 Avatar

    useless and powerless

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Just a little political ‘show’. At least this one didn’t drop the Sarin Gas canisters … yet.

  5. dateam Avatar

    seems we may end up fighting the same fight…a few hours ago a lebanese army checkpoint was attacked in arsal…army took out the purpatrators one was syrian and one was lebanese?

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Pissing off the UN people, for sure, with Golan incidents … in Arsal, pissing off the Army.

  6. dateam Avatar

    seems we may end up fighting the same fight…a few hours ago a lebanese army checkpoint was attacked in arsal…army took out the purpatrators one was syrian and one was lebanese?

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Pissing off the UN people, for sure.

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