Aoun accuses Lebanon President , PM of blackmail


aoun angry defFree Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun attacked Lebanese president Michel Suleiman and PM Nagib Mikati for issuing the election decree which calls on voters to participate in the parliamentary elections in June based on the 1960 electoral law if no consensus is reached on a new law.

“We consider their action a form of blackmail and an attempt to pressure the constitutional council to reject the Orthodox Gathering proposal,” Aoun said

The president and premier made decisions that they are not entitled to make, added Aoun.

Aoun who said is committed to holding the parliamentary elections on time is opposed to staging them according to the amended version of the 1960 law that was adopted during the last elections, held in 2009.

“The call on electoral bodies to the parliamentary elections based on the 1960 law is acceptable,” Aoun added.

Aoun made his remarks after the Change and Reform bloc’s weekly meeting at his residence in Rabieh.

He criticized claims that the Orthodox Gathering electoral law unconstitutional as heresy and “an attempt to usurp the rights of Christians.”

President Michel Suleiman and Prime Minister Najib Mikati signed a decree on Monday calling on the bodies to the polls based on the 1960 law if no consensus is reached on a new law.

The PM had said in a televised interview Monday that the cabinet did not study the Orthodox law and would not discuss it, adding that “it will not be adopted because it is unconstitutional.”

Suleiman also has said he would challenge the Orthodox plan before the Constitutional Council if it is approved by parliament, while Miqati stressed that the proposal will not pass, revealing that he has “ways to block it.”

In February, Lebanon’s joint parliamentary commissions approved the Orthodox law that calls for proportional representation and voting along sectarian lines. The law is supported by the country’s major Christian parties and top March 8 parties but is rejected by the Future Movement and Progressive Socialist Party as well as Mikati and Suleiman.

Parliament’s joint commissions approved the controversial law after weeks of deliberation at the end of which the country’s competing political forces failed to reach a consensus on a proposal that would replace the 1960

The cabinet approval in September 2012 a draft law based on proportionality and 13 electoral districts, but speaker Nabih Berri pronounced it today as “dead” and “orphan” and said that even PM Mikati is not defending it anymore.

The winner take all 1960 electoral law which calls for 26 electoral districts is favored by MP Walid Jumblatt and the Future Movement whic is headed by former PM Saad Hariri.

Hariri and other March 14 leaders are opposed to proportional representation as long as Hezbollah remains armed.

An Nahar quoted earlier on Monday parliamentary sources as saying that March 19 is the deadline to propose a new electoral draft-law or else other options will be on the table, including the technical postponement of the polls.



16 responses to “Aoun accuses Lebanon President , PM of blackmail”

  1. libnan1 Avatar

    Yeah stick that fist up their @@@@. You are the decision maker with all the privileges.

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      They are ALL into ‘fisting’ it seems to me … but is there a typo in the article? Or do I miss a point??
      “The president and premier made decisions that they are not entitled to make, added Aoun.”
      “The call on electoral bodies to the parliamentary elections based on the 1960 law is acceptable,” Aoun added.”
      Hmmm … Is ‘reporting’ all fu …’d up somewhere … or is it only Aoun Doublespeak again. ??

      But yes, consider it blackmail if you like … get your asses in gear and make a better constitution for ALL the people … or go on suffering as a country.

      1. 5th drawer. Aoun is mentally sick, he need some help . Deil el Salib, will be a good place to start. !!!

  2. libnan1 Avatar

    Yeah stick that fist up their @@@@. You are the decision maker with all the privileges.

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      They are ALL into ‘fisting’ it seems to me … but is there a typo in the article? Or do I miss a point??
      “The president and premier made decisions that they are not entitled to make, added Aoun.”
      “The call on electoral bodies to the parliamentary elections based on the 1960 law is acceptable,” Aoun added.”
      Hmmm … Is ‘reporting’ all fu …’d up somewhere … or is it only Aoun Doublespeak again. ??

      1. 5th drawer. Aoun is mentally sick, he need some help . Deil el Salib, will be a good place to start. !!!

  3. In April 2005, after the assasination of Mr Rafic Harriri the Syrian decide to end the occupation in Lebanon…. at that point the supreme human being Aoun was in Lebanon demanding to be the president He was under the impression that he is welcomed back after he endangered and still endangering the existing of the Christians in Lebanon…. A conflict began between him and the cedar revolution, He didn’t like the fact that a huge community in lebanon (christian, muslim and druze) didn’t like the idea of a crazy and unpredicted man like him to be a president…. I think, he act like a kid , if you don’t give me a toy , i am going to try and take a poop and it is going to smell .

    1. libnan1 Avatar

      Never forget the Aounist were instrumental in the Cedar revolution. Without us there would have been no revolution, Aounist were protesting way before the Cedars revolution and getting arrested under Hariri’s watch. As far as the Aounist are concerned, Hariri was worst alive than dead ( i don’t celebrate his killing or any human life for that matter). So if want to talk about revolution Aounist are it ….

      1. Don’t you have any shame on your bones to talk about a figure in the Lebanese arena that was assassinated for resolution 1595 ? isn’t he the person that demanded the Syrian to retreat from Lebanon ?

        Where are you getting those non sense stories about arresting peoples under Hariri watch for their freedom and liberty ?

        Didn’t Hariri helped on all level of services in Lebanon in education, construction and communication ?

        And when you mentioned about a preferred person dead than alive, that tell me how demeaning you are.

        How many people died after Hariri death because they stood for the freedom of religion and speeches ?
        Where was your Aoun, when lawmaker in Lebanon got assassinated every other month?

      2. Hannibal Avatar

        Hmmm so why did he flip and became a Syrian stooge? Doesn’t that tell you something about his psyche? He and Jumblat do not get along because they are sooooo alike… Flip Flop Flip Flop REPEAT…

    2. 5thDrawer Avatar

      hehehehe … like that ‘supreme being’ … there are a few of them around … 😉

  4. In April 2005, after the assasination of Mr Rafic Harriri the Syrian decide to end the occupation in Lebanon…. at that point the supreme human being Aoun was in Lebanon demanding to be the president He was under the impression that he is welcomed back after he endangered and still endangering the existing of the Christians in Lebanon…. A conflict began between him and the cedar revolution, He didn’t like the fact that a huge community in lebanon (christian, muslim and druze) didn’t like the idea of a crazy and unpredicted man like him to be a president…. I think, he act like a kid , if you don’t give me a toy , i am going to try and take a poop and it is going to smell .

    1. libnan1 Avatar

      Never forget the Aounist were instrumental in the Cedar revolution. Without us there would have been no revolution, Aounist were protesting way before the Cedars revolution and getting arrested under Hariri’s watch. As far as the Aounist are concerned, Hariri was worst alive than dead ( i don’t celebrate his killing or any human life for that matter). So if want to talk about revolution Aounist are it ….

      1. Don’t you have any shame on your bones to talk about a figure in the Lebanese arena that was assassinated for resolution 1595 ? isn’t he the person that demanded the Syrian to retreat from Lebanon ?

        Where are you getting those non sense stories about arresting peoples under Hariri watch for their freedom and liberty ?

        Didn’t Hariri helped on all level of services in Lebanon in education, construction and communication ?

        And when you mentioned about a preferred person dead than alive, that tell me how demeaning you are.

        How many people died after Hariri death because they stood for the freedom of religion and speeches ?
        Where was your Aoun, when lawmaker in Lebanon got assassinated every other month?

      2. Hannibal Avatar

        Hmmm so why did he flip and became a Syrian stooge? Doesn’t that tell you something about his psyche? He and Jumblat do not get along because they are sooooo alike… Flip Flop Flip Flop REPEAT…

    2. 5thDrawer Avatar

      hehehehe … like that ‘supreme being’ … there are a few of them around … 😉

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