MP Houri survives an assassination attempt, report


Lebanese MP Ammar Houri, a key member of the Future Movement parliamentary bloc survived an assassination attempt in Tariq al-Jdideh according to a report by local media .

Earlier today a woman found a bomb in a bag in Tariq al-Jdideh. Houri told Voice of Lebanon that he was very close to the location where the bomb was found when he was driving to a mosque that was about 100 meters from the bomb location to offer condolences.

He urged the security authorities to investigate the incident .

“We will await the investigations and I urge the concerned agencies to reveal the details of the incident because it may have been an assassination attempt against me,” he added.

Last October, March 14 alliance MPs Houri, Ahmed Fatfat, Hadi Hbeish, Khaled al-Daher and Nuhad al-Mashnouq said that they were texted death threats from a Syrian telephone number before and after Internal Security Forces Intelligence chief Wissam al-Hassan’s assassination.

Hassan was killed in a car bomb in Beirut’s Ashrafiyeh district on October 19, Syria and Hezbollah were accused of being behind the assassination.

Houri is an outspoken critic of the Syrian regime and Hezbollah arms.



  1. nagy_michael2 Avatar

    I wander how come Israel has not threatened Aoun and Any hezbollah leaders.. it could be they’re working together to eliminate M14 politicians.. I guess they’re not threat to isarel as M14 politicians are..

  2. nagy_michael2 Avatar

    I wander how come Israel has not threatened Aoun and Any hezbollah leaders.. it could be they’re working together to eliminate M14 politicians.. I guess they’re not threat to isarel as M14 politicians are..

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