Israeli jets stage mock raids over south Lebanon


Lebanon’s state news agency says Israeli warplanes have staged mock raids over villages in southern Lebanon, breaking the sound barrier.

The National News Agency says the planes flew low over the market town of Nabatiyeh and nearby villages on Sunday.

The exercise comes a day after the Israeli military shot down a drone that crossed deep into Israel from the Mediterranean Sea, marking the first time in at least six years that a hostile aircraft has penetrated Israeli airspace.

It was not immediately clear who launched the drone, but suspicion quickly fell on the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah. The Iranian-backed group is known to have sent drones into Israel on several previous occasions.

The Israeli military declined to comment on reports that its jets flew over southern Lebanon.

Associated Press



50 responses to “Israeli jets stage mock raids over south Lebanon”

  1. Leborigine Avatar

    Oh well, they can come in and do what they want. If syria can waltz in whenever they want and do whatever they want then the rules shouldn’t be any different for israel. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander!

  2. Leborigine Avatar

    Oh well, they can come in and do what they want. If syria can waltz in whenever they want and do whatever they want then the rules shouldn’t be any different for israel. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander!

  3. wargame1 Avatar

    THIS MOCK RAIDS ARE IN FACT PLAN ” C ” WHAT IS PLAN C ?? Google this to find two article by DANIEL BART “To My Alawi Sisters and Brothers” and “The Alawi Agenda in Syria”One of the Article has several plan to protect the Alawite Jews and one of the plan….

    “Plan C: The Crypto-Jewish Alawi people in Syria would be seriously threatened with genocide after the regime were to suffer comprehensive, strategic military defeat which would leave Jerusalem little choice but to intervene militarily so as to prevent genocide against this very Jewish people”

    The best technique for the crypto Jews pretending to be Muslims to serve the Israeli invasion to Palestinian land is by nominally posing as as enemies of the Jews, These technique is adopted by Hezbollah ,Iranian regime and Assad regime , this road seems to have come to and end. 
    Israel will pretend to Attack Hezbushaitan but in reality it will attack the Lebanese sunni resistance group and who knows they might even go in to Syria in the name of attacking Hezbushaitan or Bashar Al – Qaeda. Bashar is loosing fast and the question is …who will loose most if Bashar is gone?  

    Simply Iran and and Hezbushaitan but how about Israel ? what does it gain or lose? This answer will be very clear in coming days.

    1. $31060015 Avatar

      Man, you have got some serious issues. Do you really believe all the crap you spin Wargame. Instead of spinning all this crap, I suggest you seek some psychological help. 

      1. why bother

        1. $31060015 Avatar

          You are 100% right. It’s a question I ask my self every time I reply.

        2. Mahdi Kenaani Avatar
          Mahdi Kenaani

          agreed even though his stupidity tempts me sometimes

      2. wargame1 Avatar

        As Israeli Defense Minister Ariel Sharon told the Washington Post in May 1982, justifying Israeli arms sales to Tehran, “Iraq is Israel’s enemy and we hope that diplomatic relations between us and Iran will be renewed as in the past.” Four months later he told a Paris press conference, “Israel has a vital interest in the continuing of the war in the Persian Gulf, and in Iran’s victory.” Such views were not Sharon’s alone; Prime Ministers Itzhak Shamir (Likud) and Shimon Peres (Labor) shared them too. 

        Now do you think Sharon was telling crap? Didnt Iran finally able to capture Iraq with the help of America and Israel and now we have a Shia American puppet government Nuri Al Malike? Dont you remember that famous incoming shoe Missile towards Bush intercepted by this shia stooge Maliki? 

        Do you need psychological help to understand this ?

      3. wargame1 Avatar

        Iran’s ex vice president Muhammad Ali Abtahi said: “This was Iran’s first major effort to help the United States to topple the Taliban in Afghanistan and AlQaeda, this would have been impossible without Iran’s help ” 

        Iranian Ex President Muhammad Khatami said: 

        “The Taliban was our enemy , America thought Taliban was their enemy too! If they toppled the Taliban it would serve the interest of Iran” 

        Then the alliance targets Iraq !!This time Iranian Ex president Muhammad Khatami said, ” I told him, Lets repeat Afghanistan experience in Iraq!” 
        Now what do you get out of this statement? That America and Israel is going to attack Iran to shot in their own foot? 

        Yes Iran will be attacked by Taliban Iraqi sunni resistance and the Syrian resistance  as the above statement of the Iranian Mullahs and todays role of Hezbushaitan and Iranian majoosis in Syria  clearly clarify that. A school boy with a little common sense understand this. Now its you who spin the news. 

      4. wargame1 Avatar

        So the puppet Shia regime was installed in Afghanistan with the help of America and Israel. After installing the puppet ruler in Afghanistan Iran was the first to visit Afghanistan and give legitimacy , President Ahmadnejad went to meet puppet Hamid Karzai gave him a hug and surprisingly US defense secretary Robert gates was also in Kabul in a official visit at the same time!! 

        What does this suggest to you ? Isnt it clear that Iran is helping the occupation force for reciprocal benefit? Then the Satanic alliance targets Iraq !!This time Iranian Ex president Muhammad Khatami said, ” I told him, Lets repeat Afghanistan experience in Iraq!” Siding with the enemies of Islam is an “experience” to them. Now can you guess who is the first to visit Iraqi puppet government and give it legitimacy ?? Same old Irani president Ahmednejad!! 

        Now why on earth America and Israel will attack Iran ? If America is so eager to attack Iran then why it handed over Iraq to Iran and withdrew from Iraq? isnt Iraq the most convenient place to attack Iran ?  And if they attack Iran then what do you expect from Shia Nuri Al Maliki ? Will he cooperate with America and Israel to attack Iran ? 

        So listen and understand good. Iran will definitely be attacked by the Sunni resistance from Iraq , Afghanistan ,Syria etc simply because Iran is attacking them. How simple is that and you seems with a meat head thinking of Israel attack Iran for what? 

      5. wargame1 Avatar

        Iran “discreetly” provided humanitarian aid to Libyan rebels before the fall of Tripoli, Jam-e-Jam newspaper quoted Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi as saying. 

        “We were in touch with many of the rebel groups in Libya before the fall of (Moamer) Kadhafi, and discreetly dispatched three or four food and medical consignments to Benghazi,” Salehi told the daily. 

        “The head of the National Transitional Council (NTC), Mustafa Abdel Jalil, sent a letter of thanks to President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for having been on their side and helping,” he added. 

        Iranian Foreign Minister Ali-Akbar Salehi spoke with N.T.C. Libya Chairman Mustafa Abdul-Jalil over the phone on , congratulating the rebels on their “victory over dictatorship.” He also invited Abdul-Jalil to Teheran on a state visit in order to “deepen bilateral ties.”

        Google this and you will see hundreds of newspapers carrying this article including Iranian Newspaper. 
        Now why NATO ,America ,Israel would attack Iran  or Syria ? 

        Dont you see that Iran so far is the partner of the occupation force and the moment NATO attack Syrian regime or America attack Iran then all Shia puppet will stop cooperating with NATO USA etc. This is not going to happen by just hypothetically for the sake of your lame argument lets imagine an attack on Iran or Syrian regime by these very same occupation force who are helped by Syrian regime and Iran? 

        Then how Iran will be attacked and by whom ?? the answer =Taliban,Syrian resistance ,Iraqi resistance etc. Does it make sense now? 

      6. wargame1 Avatar

        hizbullah ex-secretary general Subhi Tuffeily says today hizbullah serves and protects Isreal. Hezbushaitan is the Israeli border guard. They fought against Israel in a phony war for 33 days only during their 30 years of Lebanon invasion. The other shia group AMAL sponsored by Hafez Al-Qaeda  literaly brought Israeli solders to kill the sunnis in Lebanon. Those evidence are still available and this is classified news. Now why on earth Israel would attack their helper Hezbushaitan? 
        Now you have enough aspect to analysis the lies the mainstream media put out to make the minority shia credible among the Sunnis hoping that we would support Iran. No Sir , Irans hegemony is short lived as you start feeling it.

      7. wargame1 Avatar

        On 25 Feb 2011, ten days after the NATO-backed “rebels” started their terrorism, Hassan Nasrallah released a statement on Hezbollah’s Al Manar TV channel saying, “Anyone with honor and consciousness in this world cannot, and should not, keep silent on the massacres the Gaddafi regime is committing across the country on a daily basis, namely in Benghazi. Hezbollah expresses support to the revolutionists in Libya, and we pray that they will triumph over this arrogant tyrant.”
        Look for this news on Al Manar channel , its still there. Now look for Gaddafis chemical weapon in the hands of Hezbushaitan in Libya ! there are hundreds of article in this issue. So you see clearly that hezbushaitan like the Iranian Majoosis and Syrian regime helped NATO on Libyan invasion and spread lies that gaddafi was killing its own people. Now how about Syria ? This is where we see the real killing of civilians and after about Two years NATO,UN USA all dragging their feet WHY IS THAT??

        That is call CONFLICT OF INTEREST

        They set Russia and China on the other side to give veto so none of them need to do anything other than condemnation. But I can assure you that this qualition will break up because the Taliban and Syrian resistance are winning and the coalition force will have to reassess their position in the Middle east and that means by by Iranian stooge.

    2. i lik to smoke what yu smoke mr yu kno nothing mr if yahood sunni sunni run no fight mr

      1. nagy_michael2 Avatar

        sounds like from the way you write your jibrish you’re already smoking some grape leaves or something.. why don’t bury your head Mr. before your ass get bombed from IDF..

        1. $31060015 Avatar

          Fagy, Dab actually makes more sense than you. I think the only person who is smoking some sort of illegal substance is defiantly you. I for one would rather listen to Dab’s gibberish as opposed to listening to you shit.

        2. Moe2000 Avatar

          idf will be destroyed for good and over for good soon, That’s my prediction chicken shiit army Hezbollah spanked that crap army like no tomorrow.

        3. yu no polites mr i like warak 3arish mr no somek it mr r yu zionist mr

        4. 5thMajroor Avatar

          as antiFSA pointed out to you DAB makes more sense than you in few words; you start from shit, you add to it more words and more words and more words, it is still shit even if you wrap it with cadburys paper it wont become chocolate; i have two examples on this blog who are prose prone:5thdrawer and wargames, despite the cadbury wrapping in 25 layers of nonsense words, their content is not chocolate. Mind you their words are not useless: when you try in the morning to open our bowels and it is hard, read one of these articles and you will see how laxating they are; i usually cannot succeed to read more than one line before delivery arrives

      2. hezzies are terrorists Avatar
        hezzies are terrorists

        Moe2000 keep dreaming, must be nice to live in la la land

    3. 3AlawiMinHouran Avatar

      right anything that is not sunni is yahoodi or kouffar

  4. wargame1 Avatar

    THIS MOCK RAIDS ARE IN FACT PLAN ” C ” WHAT IS PLAN C ?? Google this to find two article by DANIEL BART “To My Alawi Sisters and Brothers” and “The Alawi Agenda in Syria”One of the Article has several plan to protect the Alawite Jews and one of the plan….

    “Plan C: The Crypto-Jewish Alawi people in Syria would be seriously threatened with genocide after the regime were to suffer comprehensive, strategic military defeat which would leave Jerusalem little choice but to intervene militarily so as to prevent genocide against this very Jewish people”

    The best technique for the crypto Jews pretending to be Muslims to serve the Israeli invasion to Palestinian land is by nominally posing as as enemies of the Jews, These technique is adopted by Hezbollah ,Iranian regime and Assad regime , this road seems to have come to and end. 
    Israel will pretend to Attack Hezbushaitan but in reality it will attack the Lebanese sunni resistance group and who knows they might even go in to Syria in the name of attacking Hezbushaitan or Bashar Al – Qaeda. Bashar is loosing fast and the question is …who will loose most if Bashar is gone?  

    Simply Iran and and Hezbushaitan but how about Israel ? what does it gain or lose? This answer will be very clear in coming days.

    1. AntiFSA Avatar

      Man, you have got some serious issues. Do you really believe all the crap you spin Wargame. Instead of spinning all this crap, I suggest you seek some psychological help. 

      1. why bother

        1. AntiFSA Avatar

          You are 100% right. It’s a question I ask my self every time I reply.

        2. Mahdi Kenaani Avatar
          Mahdi Kenaani

          agreed even though his stupidity tempts me sometimes

      2. wargame1 Avatar

        As Israeli Defense Minister Ariel Sharon told the Washington Post in May 1982, justifying Israeli arms sales to Tehran, “Iraq is Israel’s enemy and we hope that diplomatic relations between us and Iran will be renewed as in the past.” Four months later he told a Paris press conference, “Israel has a vital interest in the continuing of the war in the Persian Gulf, and in Iran’s victory.” Such views were not Sharon’s alone; Prime Ministers Itzhak Shamir (Likud) and Shimon Peres (Labor) shared them too. 

        Now do you think Sharon was telling crap? Didnt Iran finnaly able to capture Iraq with the help of America and Israel and now we have a Shia American puppet government Nuri Al Malike? Dont you remember that famous incoming shoe Missile towards Bush intercepted by this shia stooge Maliki? 

        Do you need psychological help to understand this ? 

      3. wargame1 Avatar

        Iran’s ex vice president Muhammad Ali Abtahi said: “This was Iran’s first major effort to help the United States to topple the Taliban in Afghanistan and AlQaeda, this would have been impossible without Iran’s help ” 

        Iranian Ex President Muhammad Khatami said: 

        “The Taliban was our enemy , America thought Taliban was their enemy too! If they toppled the Taliban it would serve the interest of Iran” 

        Then the alliance targets Iraq !!This time Iranian Ex president Muhammad Khatami said, ” I told him, Lets repeat Afghanistan experience in Iraq!” 
        Now what do you get out of this statement? That America and Israel is going to attack Iran to shot in their own foot? 

        Yes Iran will be attacked by Taliban Iraqi sunni resistance and the Syrian resistance  as the above statement of the Iranian Mullahs and todays role of Hezbushaitan and Iranian majoosis in Syria  clearly clarify that. A school boy with a little common sense understand this. Now its you who spin the news. 

      4. wargame1 Avatar

        So the puppet Shia regime was installed in Afghanistan with the help of America and Israel. After installing the puppet ruler in Afghanistan Iran was the first to visit Afghanistan and give legitimacy , President Ahmadnejad went to meet puppet Hamid Karzai gave him a hug and surprisingly US defense secretary Robert gates was also in Kabul in a official visit at the same time!! 

        What does this suggest to you ? Isnt it clear that Iran is helping the occupation force for reciprocal benefit? Then the Satanic alliance targets Iraq !!This time Iranian Ex president Muhammad Khatami said, ” I told him, Lets repeat Afghanistan experience in Iraq!” Siding with the enemies of Islam is an “experience” to them. Now can you guess who is the first to visit Iraqi puppet government and give it legitimacy ?? Same old Irani president Ahmednejad!! 

        Now why on earth America and Israel will attack Iran ? If America is so eager to attack Iran then why it handed over Iraq to Iran and withdrew from Iraq? isnt Iraq the most convenient place to attack Iran ?  And if they attack Iran then what do you expect from Shia Nuri Al Maliki ? Will he cooperate with America and Israel to attack Iran ? 

        So listen and understand good. Iran will definitely be attacked by the Sunni resistance from Iraq , Afghanistan ,Syria etc simply because Iran is attacking them. How simple is that and you seems with a meat head thinking of Israel attack Iran for what? 

      5. wargame1 Avatar

        Iran “discreetly” provided humanitarian aid to Libyan rebels before the fall of Tripoli, Jam-e-Jam newspaper quoted Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi as saying. 

        “We were in touch with many of the rebel groups in Libya before the fall of (Moamer) Kadhafi, and discreetly dispatched three or four food and medical consignments to Benghazi,” Salehi told the daily. 

        “The head of the National Transitional Council (NTC), Mustafa Abdel Jalil, sent a letter of thanks to President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for having been on their side and helping,” he added. 

        Iranian Foreign Minister Ali-Akbar Salehi spoke with N.T.C. Libya Chairman Mustafa Abdul-Jalil over the phone on , congratulating the rebels on their “victory over dictatorship.” He also invited Abdul-Jalil to Teheran on a state visit in order to “deepen bilateral ties.”

        Google this and you will see hundreds of newspapers carrying this article including Iranian Newspaper. 
        Now why NATO ,America ,Israel would attack Iran  or Syria ? 

        Dont you see that Iran so far is the partner of the occupation force and the moment NATO attack Syrian regime or America attack Iran then all Shia puppet will stop cooperating with NATO USA etc. This is not going to happen by just hypothetically for the sake of your lame argument lets imagine an attack on Iran or Syrian regime by these very same occupation force who are helped by Syrian regime and Iran? 

        Then how Iran will be attacked and by whom ?? the answer =Taliban,Syrian resistance ,Iraqi resistance etc. Does it make sense now? 

      6. wargame1 Avatar

        hizbullah ex-secretary general Subhi Tuffeily says today hizbullah serves and protects Isreal. Hezbushaitan is the Israeli border guard. They fought against Israel in a phony war for 33 days only during their 30 years of Lebanon invasion. The other shia group AMAL sponsored by Hafez Al-Qaeda  literaly brought Israeli solders to kill the sunnis in Lebanon. Those evidence are still available and this is classified news. Now why on earth Israel would attack their helper Hezbushaitan? 
        Now you have enough aspect to analysis the lies the mainstream media put out to make the minority shia credible among the Sunnis hoping that we would support Iran. No Sir , Irans hegemony is short lived as you start feeling it.

      7. wargame1 Avatar

        On 25 Feb 2011, ten days after the NATO-backed “rebels” started their terrorism, Hassan Nasrallah released a statement on Hezbollah’s Al Manar TV channel saying, “Anyone with honor and consciousness in this world cannot, and should not, keep silent on the massacres the Gaddafi regime is committing across the country on a daily basis, namely in Benghazi. Hezbollah expresses support to the revolutionists in Libya, and we pray that they will triumph over this arrogant tyrant.”
        Look for this news on Al Manar channel , its still there. Now look for Gaddafis chemical weapon in the hands of Hezbushaitan in Libya ! there are hundreds of article in this issue. So you see clearly that hezbushaitan like the Iranian Majoosis and Syrian regime helped NATO on Libyan invasion and spread lies that gaddafi was killing its own people. Now how about Syria ? This is where we see the real killing of civilians and after about Two years NATO,UN USA all dragging their feet WHY IS THAT??

        That is call CONFLICT OF INTEREST

        They set Russia and China on the other side to give veto so none of them need to do anything other than condemnation. But I can assure you that this qualition will break up because the Taliban and Syrian resistance are winning and the coalition force will have to reassess their position in the Middle east and that means by by Iranian stooge.

    2. i lik to smoke what yu smoke mr yu kno nothing mr if yahood sunni sunni run no fight mr

      1. nagy_michael2 Avatar

        sounds like from the way you write your jibrish you’re already smoking some grape leaves or something.. why don’t bury your head Mr. before your ass get bombed from IDF..

        1. AntiFSA Avatar

          Fagy, Dab actually makes more sense than you. I think the only person who is smoking some sort of illegal substance is defiantly you. I for one would rather listen to Dab’s gibberish as opposed to listening to you shit.

        2. Moe2000 Avatar

          idf will be destroyed for good and over for good soon, That’s my prediction chicken shiit army Hezbollah spanked that crap army like no tomorrow.

        3. yu no polites mr i like warak 3arish mr no somek it mr r yu zionist mr

        4. 5thMajroor Avatar

          as antiFSA pointed out to you DAB makes more sense than you in few words; you start from shit, you add to it more words and more words and more words, it is still shit even if you wrap it with cadburys paper it wont become chocolate; i have two examples on this blog who are prose prone:5thdrawer and wargames, despite the cadbury wrapping in 25 layers of nonsense words, their content is not chocolate. Mind you their words are not useless: when you try in the morning to open our bowels and it is hard, read one of these articles and you will see how laxating they are; i usually cannot succeed to read more than one line before delivery arrives

      2. Moe2000 keep dreaming, must be nice to live in la la land

    3. 3AlawiMinHouran Avatar

      right anything that is not sunni is yahoodi or kouffar

  5. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Mock raids for mock defences.

    1. 3AlawiMinHouran Avatar

      in a mock blog by mock people

  6. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Mock raids for mock defences.

    1. 3AlawiMinHouran Avatar

      in a mock blog by mock people

  7. MajroorKhamess Avatar

    I am the salafi counterpart of 5thdrawer

  8. MajroorKhamess Avatar

    I am the salafi counterpart of 5thdrawer

  9. wher is un mr

    1. nagy_michael2 Avatar

      hi daber mr.. can you talk mr. can us say anything besides mr.. you so dumb mr. you fsa, mahdo and datem mr. why don’t prepare yourselves for armagaddone mr. cause israel going to kick your ass mr. you guys state last time you spanked israel. not true if condo rice didn’t stop the war mr. you would licking your butt time mr israel will not be so kind mr to stop. ok mr. so stop the arrogance mr and shut up and hide i suggest mr

  10. wher is un mr

    1. nagy_michael2 Avatar

      hi daber mr.. can you talk mr. can us say anything besides mr.. you so dumb mr. you fsa, mahdo and datem mr. why don’t prepare yourselves for armagaddone mr. cause israel going to kick your ass mr. you guys state last time you spanked israel. not true if condo rice didn’t stop the war mr. you would licking your butt time mr israel will not be so kind mr to stop. ok mr. so stop the arrogance mr and shut up and hide i suggest mr

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