180 killed by Syrian regime forces on Saturday, report


About 180, including 21 children, were killed by forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad on Saturday, the Revolution Council reported, amid a brutal army offensive to retake the country’s commercial capital Aleppo.

Four buildings were set ablaze early in the day in Aleppo’s Salaheddin district as opposition fighters battled a long-anticipated army offensive.

“It started at 4:00 am (1:00 GMT) and eight hours later it’s still hell. This is madness,” an AFP correspondent reported on Saturday.

Four helicopters launched salvoes of rockets before the rebel-held district, which has been surrounded by President Bashar al-Assad’s forces, was bombarded by artillery and tanks.

Families fled the fighting, clutching jars of preserves and bottles of milk and water amid food shortages.

Three women sheltering in a Salaheddin basement were all armed with small pistols.

“I would choose death rather than be attacked by the regime soldiers,” said one.

Many panic-stricken women and children have fled the quarter since Friday for other parts of the city, leaving behind only groups of men.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights has said that more than 20,000 people have been killed in Syria since the start of an anti-regime revolt in March 2011.

“At least 20,028 people, among them 13,978 civilians and rebels, 968 army defectors and 5,082 members of the regime forces have been killed since the start of the revolt on March 15 of last year,” said Rami Abdel Rahman, director of the Britain-based Observatory.

Russia warned that a “tragedy” was looming in Syria’s second city of Aleppo but said it was unrealistic to expect Damascus to stand by when armed rebels were occupying major cities.

The head of the Syrian National Council (SNC), the main umbrella group for opposition to President Assad, said the SNC’s foreign allies would be responsible for bloodshed in the city if they did not act quickly to prevent it.

“Our friends and allies will bear responsibility for what is happening in Aleppo if they do not move soon,” Abdelbasset Sida, visiting the United Arab Emirates for talks with officials, told a news conference early on Sunday.

Asked how the SNC’s allies could help, Sida said they would have to act outside the United Nations Security Council because initiatives within the council could be vetoed. Russia has blocked efforts to threaten Assad with U.N. sanctions.

“Any action has to be from outside the Security Council through an Arab League initiative and through a resolution passed by the General Assembly,” he said.

Al Arabiya



21 responses to “180 killed by Syrian regime forces on Saturday, report”

  1. Fauzia45 Avatar

    What is tragic is that ¨friends and allies ¨ have just been meeting and talking and warning  while people are being massacred ,killed ;;;!!

    1. 73Corty77 Avatar

      They haven’t just been meeting and talking, they have been paying large amounts of money for the war. What is tragic is how outsiders have come into a country like Syria and absolutely destroyed in the name of democracy. These so called friends you claim are the ones who have innocent blood on their hands. Not the Government.    

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        You haven’t told us how YOU would have brought democracy to the Syrians, Corty, in a wonderfully peaceful way. Assuming you think it’s a viable system, of course. But I’m probably wrong on that too.

  2. Fauzia45 Avatar

    What is tragic is that ¨friends and allies ¨ have just been meeting and talking and warning  while people are being massacred ,killed ;;;!!

    1. 73Corty77 Avatar

      They haven’t just been meeting and talking, they have been paying large amounts of money for the war. What is tragic is how outsiders have come into a country like Syria and absolutely destroyed in the name of democracy. These so called friends you claim are the ones who have innocent blood on their hands. Not the Government.    

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        You haven’t told us how YOU would have brought democracy to the Syrians, Corty, in a wonderfully peaceful way. Assuming you think it’s a viable system, of course. But I’m probably wrong on that too.

  3. Leborigine Avatar

    Despite my hatred and lack of support for either side, it is very sad to see children and women caught in between these mongrels of war. I hope both sides burn in hell for what they are doing to these children!!

    1. 73Corty77 Avatar

      How can you blame both sides. If someone tried to come into your back yard and started to cause mayhem, would you do just sit there and take it. I think not. The government should not have a single blame put on them. They are doing what every other country has a right to do, Protect its homeland.

  4. Leborigine Avatar

    Despite my hatred and lack of support for either side, it is very sad to see children and women caught in between these mongrels of war. I hope both sides burn in hell for what they are doing to these children!!

    1. 73Corty77 Avatar

      How can you blame both sides. If someone tried to come into your back yard and started to cause mayhem, would you do just sit there and take it. I think not. The government should not have a single blame put on them. They are doing what every other country has a right to do, Protect its homeland.

      1. Leborigine Avatar

        Easily, as I do not care for syria! Don’t forget that this syrian army that you are defending is the same army that came into Lebanon and caused mayhem and destruction. I suppose what goes around comes around. They destroyed someone elses country and disrespected their sovereighnty, now I suppose its their turn!! Just feel sorry for the kids and the innocent bystanders, no matter what religion they are

      2. 5thDrawer Avatar

        Yah … ‘homeland’ protected from it’s own citizens. No-one came until they saw what a government was doing to it’s ‘homeland’ … some modern misused American term that one … and to it’s own children.

  5. Fauzia45 Avatar

     Iran has been paying money !!!!

  6. Fauzia45 Avatar

     Iran has been paying money !!!!

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