Mikati won’t be a stumbling block to Unity Government


In an interview with al-Hayat newspaper in London, Prime Minister Najib Mikati vowed on Saturday not to become a stumbling block to the formation of a unity government.

“everyone knows that I don’t hold onto power but work to preserve the safety of Lebanon and the Lebanese.” He said stressing that Lebanon is in need of a unity government provided that it will be consensual.

“I won’t be a stumbling block to the formation of such a cabinet but before the cration of this government we as Lebanese should agree with each other and express our keenness to Lebanon and Lebanese unity.” He said adding: “A unifying government will be the last resort in confronting the challenges we are facing.”

Mikati who was in London to participate in the opening ceremony of the 2012 Olympic Games, held talks with British Foreign Minister William Hague and EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton on the sidelines of the event.

Hague supportive

Hague announced his support for a “stable, peaceful and prosperous future for Lebanon” and “welcomed the efforts of the Lebanese authorities to work with the international community to address the threat of regional instability, including steps to strengthen Lebanon’s control of its border with Syria.”

Asked about the Syrian violations of Lebanese sovereignty, Mikati told Al-Hayat that it was natural for President Michel Suleiman to request the Lebanese foreign ministry to send a letter of protest to Syria.

“Had it not been Syria, with which we have historic ties and agreements, we would have sent the complaint to the U.N. but we preferred to resolve the issue through the proper diplomatic means,” he said.

He revealed to al-Hayat that the government will seek to implement a 1.6-billion-dollar plan proposed by the army leadership to improve its capabilities on a four-year stage.

The current cabinet is dominated by the Iranian and Syrian-backed Hezbollah militant group



2 responses to “Mikati won’t be a stumbling block to Unity Government”

  1. 5thDrawer Avatar

    “A unifying government will be the last resort ….”
    Hmmmm … Might be the translation … I thought that could be the first thing …
    Love the ‘diplomatic twist’ on the letter to Assad …

  2. 5thDrawer Avatar

    “A unifying government will be the last resort ….”
    Hmmmm … Might be the translation … I thought that could be the first thing …
    Love the ‘diplomatic twist’ on the letter to Assad …

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