Jumblatt: The Syrian people will crush the ruling gangs


Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblatt said in his weekly column to be published Tuesday in Al-Anbaa newspaper that “the Syrian people will sooner or later crush the ruling gangs and triumph.”

“I wish some countries that are still supporting the ruling gangs in Syria learn from the experience of Egypt’s [presidential elections] and allow its people to practice democracy… because the Syrian people will sooner or later crush these ruling gangs,” Jumblatt said.

Russia, China and Iran still support the Syrian regime of president Bashar al Assad in its crackdown against the pro democracy protesters

The PSP leader reminded the Syrian regime and its supporters that Mohamed Morsi went from being a detainee in an Egyptian prison to becoming the country’s president.

“If we have to learn something from [Morsi’s experience], it is that injustice cannot continue forever,” he added.

Egypt’s President Mohamed Morsi – elected in June after a revolution that overthrew strongman Hosni Mubarak – on Saturday called for an end to bloodshed in Syria in his inaugural address. “We support the Syrian people. We want the bloodshed to stop,” Morsi said



12 responses to “Jumblatt: The Syrian people will crush the ruling gangs”

  1. Patience2 Avatar

    Mr. Walid … you are talking ‘science fiction’ again.  I don’t see the Lebanese people doing anything.  There are continuing opportunities, and nothing is ever done. Are there actually a ‘Lebanese People’??

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      In Mountain valleys near the Maronite Villages a tribe of ancient forest-dwellers resides. One rarely see them.
      But there are legends …..

    2. master09 Avatar

      Point made ,Are there actually a ‘Lebanese People’??
      NO that is correct, there is sects that work against each other and not for LEBANON…….
      I travel the world and Italians, Spanish  or where ever they come from are so proud of who they are.
      The Lebaese around the world hide from people that they are LEBANESE….PRIDE THATS THE WORD THE LEBANESE HAVE NON….

      1. dateam Avatar

        oh master you are correct….you can go back through history and see it….EVERYONE is at fault…the problem is correcting it…

    3. Leborigine Avatar

      Not him or any Lebanese should be taking or opposing anything in syria. That is the problem to start with. syria should be treated exactly as any other neighbouring country. It is absurd that Lebanese fight each other over a bloody desert!

  2. Patience2 Avatar

    Mr. Walid … you are talking ‘science fiction’ again.  I don’t see the Lebanese people doing anything.  There are continuing opportunities, and nothing is ever done. Are there actually a ‘Lebanese People’??

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      In Mountain valleys near the Maronite Villages a tribe of ancient forest-dwellers resides. One rarely see them.

    2. master09 Avatar

      Point made ,Are there actually a ‘Lebanese People’??
      NO that is correct, there is sects that work against each other and not for LEBANON…….
      I travel the world and Italians, Spanish  or where ever they come from are so proud of who they are.
      The Lebaese around the world hide from people that they are LEBANESE….PRIDE THATS THE WORD THE LEBANESE HAVE NON….

      1. dateam Avatar

        oh master you are correct….you can go back through history and see it….EVERYONE is at fault…the problem is correcting it…

    3. Leborigine Avatar

      Not him or any Lebanese should be taking or opposing anything in syria. That is the problem to start with. syria should be treated exactly as any other neighbouring country. It is absurd that Lebanese fight each other over a bloody desert!

  3. 73Corty77 Avatar

    I just love this guy. One minute he is with Syria the next he’s against them. Well I suppose that’s what you get when Qatar pay you millions of dollars to criticize Syria.

    Jumblatt your nothing but a lap dog, Just like Hariri.

  4. 73Corty77 Avatar

    I just love this guy. One minute he is with Syria the next he’s against them. Well I suppose that’s what you get when Qatar pay you millions of dollars to criticize Syria.

    Jumblatt your nothing but a lap dog, Just like Hariri.

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