Dozens of Kuwaitis enlist in Free Syrian Army


Dozens of Kuwaitis “jihadists” have crossed the Turkish border into Syria to support the Free Syrian Army’s (FSA) fight against the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, a Kuwaiti news report stated on Sunday.

The FSA, the country’s main armed resistance force, are reportedly welcoming the Kuwaiti fighters for “jihad operations,” relatives of the Kuwaiti fighters told the Gulf nation’s al-Qabas newspaper.

Fighters of other nationalities, including “large groups of Algerians, Saudis and Pakistanis,” have also joined the dozens of Kuwaitis in Syria, the report stated.

Upon their arrival, the Kuwaiti fighters were given a Syrian identification card, “in case it is needed for any emergency,” the relatives said.

They were then armed and sent to different provinces across Syria. The fighters’ relatives also said that many had been refused from enlisting in the FSA because they were under the age of 18.

The report also noted that there are a “large amount of weapons” on the Turkish-Syrian border.

The FSA consists mainly of former Syrian troops who have deserted the army in protest against the government’s bloody crackdown, which has left more than 13,500 people dead since March 2011, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

The FSA is increasingly gaining ground, stepping up its attacks on government troops and expanding the area under its control.

Over the weekend, two neighborhoods in the central city of Homs that have come under the sway of the Free Syrian Army were bombarded by government forces.

“The increased activity comes as an international effort to aid the Free Syrian Army quietly gathers pace,” The Washington Post’s Liz Sly wrote on Saturday.

“Although the rebels insist they are still not being helped by foreign countries, they say they now have ample access to money from Syrian opposition figures and organizations outside the country and are using it to purchase supplies on a revived black market inside Syria,” Sly added.

Earlier this year, Iraq’s deputy interior minister said jihadists were traveling from Iraq to Syria and weapons being sent to opponents of Assad’s regime. It was not clear, however, if they had begun to fight with the FSA.

In March, an Iraqi Sunni tribal sheikh admitted to sending “hundreds of men and tens of thousands of dollars’ worth of arms and other aid,” to Syria to support the rebellion against Assad.

The sheikh, whose identity was kept confidential during an interview with The Daily Telegraph, said that half a dozen of his men have paid with their lives during the bloody civil conflict in Syria. He said they had been buried where they fell.

He also told the newspaper he has bought 100 Kalashnikovs, 50 rocket-propelled grenade launchers, and a few sniper rifles.

“A hundred Kalashnikovs are not going to bring down Assad,” he admitted.

Al Arabiya



28 responses to “Dozens of Kuwaitis enlist in Free Syrian Army”

  1. wargame1 Avatar

    The Afghans will also join the free Syrian Army as soon as they drive out the invading pigs from their land Inshallah. About 500 taliban can wreck havoc on Assads shabiha making them pee in to their pants. Algerians will like to screw assad dynasty as a revenge when Hafez Assad send its troops to crush the winner of the Algerian Election. 

    A Youtube video shows Assads missile site which was destroyed by Assads gang themselves in fear of retaliation with those missila on Assads Palaces.I think they could not controll the site anymore so they destroyed the site before they left.  Some big fat missile can be seen spreading around. Please search the following on youtube.صواريخ خاين سوريا بشارالأسد التي يطلقها على الأهالي

  2. wargame1 Avatar

    The Afghans will also join the free Syrian Army as soon as they drive out the invading pigs from their land Inshallah. About 500 taliban can wreck havoc on Assads shabiha making them pee in to their pants. Algerians will like to screw assad dynasty as a revenge when Hafez Assad send its troops to crush the winner of the Algerian Election. 

    A Youtube video shows Assads missile site which was destroyed by Assads gang themselves in fear of retaliation with those missila on Assads Palaces.I think they could not controll the site anymore so they destroyed the site before they left.  Some big fat missile can be seen spreading around. Please search the following on youtube.صواريخ خاين سوريا بشارالأسد التي يطلقها على الأهالي

  3. dateam Avatar

    Seems the free Syrian army has better weapons than the Lebanese army? Maybe they can liberate Palestine after this?

  4. dateam Avatar

    Seems the free Syrian army has better weapons than the Lebanese army? Maybe they can liberate Palestine after this?

  5. Mahdi Kenaani Avatar
    Mahdi Kenaani

    Why dont they fight against their own dictators to start with?

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Mercenaries have always been around, Mahdi. In places where there are chronic shortages of real work and few chances for youth to rise from a mean existence, they may not wish to be killing their own countrymen, but see a viable opportunity when hiring out as mercenaries for other states. Life may become short, but at least for a time more comfortable, and there are many who have done well for their futures ultimately.
       If they believe in ‘the cause’ they fight for, so much the better … but it’s not always necessary. Misfits of society have often been rallied for good works in rough circumstances – the French Foreign Legion comes to mind there. A place where a man could hide from life, with perhaps pride of survival in it, and a better meal every day than they could expect at home.
      Of course, they also face the danger of becoming less human and forming anti-anything-but-money gangs. (Seems to happen often in Africa … what else really are Shabiha or Boku Haram, or child-soldier-abductors?)
      Yet through history, there have been many ‘warrior-types’ joining ‘just causes’ to live well and prove their ‘manly qualities’ – at least to themselves – and some better societies have resulted from that.
      History shows ultimately how much good they were, I suppose – the ones Qadaffi used might have been less than satisfactory. 🙂

    2. yazidi Avatar

      yes start with the devil state of scum faqihi iran…..poeple there got sick of those dictators

      1. dateam Avatar

        slow down big boy peoples own backyards need to be cleaned up first

      2. Mahdi Kenaani Avatar
        Mahdi Kenaani

        Just because you keep repeating scum iran, it doesnt make it right ya-yahudi. 

        1. yazidi Avatar

          its more then scum its faqihi…..faqihi mean monafiqin and they are in the lowest degree of hell next to the devil him self ya-faqihi 

      3. Mahdi Kenaani Avatar
        Mahdi Kenaani

        Stop barking!

        1. yazidi Avatar

          stop its a new word of scum

      4. Mahdi Kenaani Avatar
        Mahdi Kenaani

        You talkin’a me?

  6. Mahdi Kenaani Avatar
    Mahdi Kenaani

    Why dont they fight against their own dictators to start with?

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Mercenaries have always been around, Mahdi. In places where there are chronic shortages of real work and few chances for youth to rise from a mean existence, they may not wish to be killing their own countrymen, but see a viable opportunity when hiring out as mercenaries for other states. Life may become short, but at least for a time more comfortable, and there are many who have done well for their futures ultimately.
       If they believe in ‘the cause’ they fight for, so much the better … but it’s not always necessary. Misfits of society have often been rallied for good works in rough circumstances – the French Foreign Legion comes to mind there. A place where a man could hide from life, with perhaps pride of survival in it, and a better meal every day than they could expect at home.
      Of course, they also face the danger of becoming less human and forming anti-anything-but-money gangs. (Seems to happen often in Africa … what else really are Shabiha or Boku Haram, or child-soldier-abductors?)
      Yet through history, there have been many ‘warrior-types’ joining ‘just causes’ to live well and prove their ‘manly qualities’ – at least to themselves – and some better societies have resulted from that.
      History shows ultimately how much good they were, I suppose – the ones Qadaffi used might have been less than satisfactory. 🙂

    2. yazidi Avatar

      yes start with the deveil state of scum faqihi iran…..poeple there got sick of those dictators

      1. dateam Avatar

        slow down big boy peoples own backyards need to be cleaned up first

      2. Mahdi Kenaani Avatar
        Mahdi Kenaani

        Just because you keep repeating scum iran, it doesnt make it right ya-yahudi. 

        1. yazidi Avatar

          its more then scum its faqihi…..faqihi mean monafiqin and they are in the lowest degree of hell next to the devil him self ya-faqihi 

      3. Mahdi Kenaani Avatar
        Mahdi Kenaani

        Stop barking!

        1. yazidi Avatar

          stop its a new word of scum

      4. Mahdi Kenaani Avatar
        Mahdi Kenaani

        You talkin’a me?

  7. Shirdel2142 Avatar

    This is what i feared,foreigner jihadists taking advantage of the chaotic situation in Syria 

    1. Mahdi Kenaani Avatar
      Mahdi Kenaani


  8. Shirdel2142 Avatar

    This is what i feared,foreigner jihadists taking advantage of the chaotic situation in Syria 

    1. Mahdi Kenaani Avatar
      Mahdi Kenaani


  9. zabada Avatar

    This is not enough to bring Assad down . Syrian need all nation armies to do so.

  10. This is not enough to bring Assad down . Syrian need all nation armies to do so.

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