Siniora wants a technocratic cabinet to oversee 2013 polls


Former Lebanese PM and current Future Movement parliamentary bloc leader MP Fouad Siniora reiterated his call for forming a government of technocrats to supervise the upcoming 2013 elections.

“ Siniora’s proposal is an opportunity to defuse tension in the country,” the parliamentary bloc said in a statement issued following its weekly meeting.

The bloc also called for forming a parliamentary investigation committee “to audit the financial accounts for successive cabinets since 1988.”

This is a possible response to Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun who has been calling for investigating the corruption in governments since 1990. Aoun served as the acting prime minister From September 22 , 1988 to October 13, 1990 when he was defeated by the Syrian army. Aoun then went into exile in France and returned to Lebanon days after the Syrian army withdrew from Lebanon. Aoun was accused of robbing the Lebanese treasury while he was the acting PM

The Future bloc also addressed the parliamentary meeting of last week and accused Hezbollah MPs of desperately defending the cabinet’s scandals in the electricity and telecommunications sectors.

The Future bloc also decried Hezbollah’s double standard with regards to Lebanese that collaborated with Israel

“[Hezbollah is] disregarding the public celebrations held on the occasion of releasing the collaborators with Israel,” the statement said in reference to Free Patriotic Movement official Fayez Karam, who was arrested in August 2010 and sentenced to two years in prison for leaking information to Israel. Karam was released on April 3.



2 responses to “Siniora wants a technocratic cabinet to oversee 2013 polls”

  1. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Don’t need ANOTHER bloody useless government to ‘dialogue’ for years. Ask the UN to supervise it … they are already in the country in at least a couple of capacities anyway … in fact long term from the look of it. Would be better to just ask the UN to run the place on a pay-scale that could be cheaper. Put a few East-Indian bureaucrats behind government desks to keep it honest on service-fees while you’re at it.

  2. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Don’t need ANOTHER bloody useless government to ‘dialogue’ for years. Ask the UN to supervise it … they are already in the country in at least a couple of capacities anyway … in fact long term from the look of it. Would be better to just ask the UN to run the place on a pay-scale that could be cheaper.

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