Death toll on Monday in Syria rose to 138


A main opposition group , the Local Coordination Committees says the death toll in Syria has risen to 138.

Demonstrators hold a banner showing Lebanon's Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah (R) and Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadijejad casting their votes for the referendum. Both Hezbollah and iran have been accused by the opposition of helping the Assad regime in its crackdown against the pro-democracy protesters

The Syrian Revolution 2011 reported that in addition to the above 75 women and children are missing in Baba Amro

This development took place on the same day the Syrian government announced that over 89 per cent of the Syrians approved a new constitution, proposed by President Bashar al-Assad, in a referendum on Sunday, the new constitution that could keep Assad in power until 2028 .

“The referendum in Syria is nothing more than a farce,” said Guido Westerwelle, the German foreign minister. “Sham votes cannot be a contribution to a resolution of the crisis. Assad must finally end the violence and clear the way for a political transition.”



5 responses to “Death toll on Monday in Syria rose to 138”

  1. rzah deve Avatar

    why is the official number frozen at 5400 by the U.N and the news reports have 100 new dead daily????

  2. rzah deve Avatar

    why is the official number frozen at 5400 by the U.N and the news reports have 100 new dead daily????

  3. They will continue to kill for one thing they are committed to is, silencing the opposition and ending the uprising at any price !!!

  4.  Avatar

    They will continue to kill for one thing they are committed to is, silencing the opposition and ending the uprising at any price !!!

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