Jumblatt calls for arming Syria's opposition


During an interview with French newspaper Le Monde, Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblatt called for arming the Syrian opposition and said that Syrian president is suffering from megalomania.

Jumblatt who has become one of Syrian President Bashar Assad’s staunchest critics also called on the Syrian opposition to unite its political ranks in its struggle against the Syrian regime.

The PSP chief, who is also a key Druze leader, addressed the Druze community in Syria saying: “I do not want to sound sectarian [but] the Syrian regime is promoting coalitions comprised of minority communities .”

“The Druze in Syria are either with the Syrian regime or against it. The Druze have a history of resisting occupiers…They fought against the French colonial power and it is time for them to take a stand against the tyranny of the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s regime which is killing Syrian citizens.”

Jumblatt told the French newspaper that he has not been to Syria since June 9, 2011.

Asked if the Syrian president was a reformist and those who are close to Assad prevented him from going on with his reforms, the Druze leader said that this is a “lie.”

“This reformist couldn’t bear a minimum amount of change during the Damascus Spring in the year 2000… He had imprisoned many people back then,” Jumblatt told the French daily.

He stressed that “Dictatorships cannot undergo change ” and said Assad is suffering from megalomania.

Asked about whether the Syrian regime will collapse soon, Jumblatt said: “ Unfortunately not at all, I was hoping so.”

Jumblatt explained that Western countries have [used] the Russian and Chinese vetoes [at the UN Security Council] as an excuse ” not to aid the Syrian people.”

Jumblatt added that the downfall of the Syrian city of Homs “will not” lead to the collapse of the Syrian opposition, “but will facilitate the Syrian regime’s [efforts] to take control of the strategic passageway that links [Homs] to [the Syrian port of] Tartous.”

“This will reinforce the Russian-Iranian-Syrian alliance.” He said

Earlier in February, Russia and China, permanent members of the Security Council, vetoed a resolution denouncing Syria for its deadly crackdown on protests.

According to activists more than 7,600 people have been killed in violence across Syria since anti-regime protests erupted in March 2011.



15 responses to “Jumblatt calls for arming Syria's opposition”

  1. 5thDrawer Avatar

    He IS reading YaLibnan … :-)))

  2.  Avatar

    He IS reading YaLibnan … :-)))

  3. I hate to stick on the negative points,but his reasoning from what I understand for shifting 180 was to spare the lives of the druze community during a political battle. Now during mass bloodshed and chaos he’s making bold statements, is he not endangering the druze community by taking this stance now during these chaotic days? Did he not see this coming, his shift to appease the bullies spared no lives at all, it only emboldened them. This comes as no surprise to the patriots and the lebanese citizens who have paid dearly at the hands of this brutal regime. I hope this is his last ‘intellectual awakening’ for the sake of Lebanon and the druze.

  4.  Avatar

    I hate to stick on the negative points,but his reasoning from what I understand for shifting 180 was to spare the lives of the druze community during a political battle. Now during mass bloodshed and chaos he’s making bold statements, is he not endangering the druze community by taking this stance now during these chaotic days? Did he not see this coming, his shift to appease the bullies spared no lives at all, it only emboldened them. This comes as no surprise to the patriots and the lebanese citizens who have paid dearly at the hands of this brutal regime. I hope this is his last ‘intellectual awakening’ for the sake of Lebanon and the druze.

  5. soon he will arm him self against hezboshytan because his on the top of the killing list now!!

    1.  possibly a dead man tallking , howerver  he is pretty brave or convinced  the regime is at a point of no return. things sure change dont they.

      1. yes they do my mate but we still have the big cancer hezboshytan still eating lebanon!!!!

      2. yes they do my mate but we still have the big cancer hezboshytan still eating lebanon!!!!

  6.  Avatar

    soon he will arm him self against hezboshytan because his on the top of the killing list now!!

    1.  possibly a dead man tallking , howerver  he is pretty brave or convinced  the regime is at a point of no return. things sure change dont they.

      1.  Avatar

        yes they do my mate but we still have the big cancer hezboshytan still eating lebanon!!!!

  7. I heard about this man that he flow according to the direction of the wind. But he is right in this situation. There will always be minority and it is essential to keep them safe. Politicians often use these minority in different purpose therefore they are always vulnerable. If the Druze show strong support to the Syrian resistance then the enemy of the Syrian resistance might kill some druze and blame it on the Syrian resistance to create a rift. Most of the time this church bombing , Mosque bombing “Alqedas civilian killing” are all work of the political party to manipulate the situation. On top there are some opportunist who would create planned riot in order to steal property. The time is very bad so all the people need to be united and must have confidence on each other. There is a fair record that the Minority lived in peace with the majority Muslims through out history but during the foreign invasion it is inevitable that the enemy will create a rift among people. So every body be united and when you see those “alqaeda” type attack dont come to a quick conclusion and start suspicion on one another. Together you can destroy the enemy.

  8.  Avatar

    I heard about this man that he flow according to the direction of the wind. But he is right in this situation. There will always be minority and it is essential to keep them safe. Politicians often use these minority in different purpose therefore they are always vulnerable. If the Druze show strong support to the Syrian resistance then the enemy of the Syrian resistance might kill some druze and blame it on the Syrian resistance to create a rift. Most of the time this church bombing , Mosque bombing “Alqedas civilian killing” are all work of the political party to manipulate the situation. On top there are some opportunist who would create planned riot in order to steal property. The time is very bad so all the people need to be united and must have confidence on each other. There is a fair record that the Minority lived in peace with the majority Muslims through out history but during the foreign invasion it is inevitable that the enemy will create a rift among people. So every body be united and when you see those “alqaeda” type attack dont come to a quick conclusion and start suspicion on one another. Together you can destroy the enemy.

  9. MeYosemite Avatar

    I think megalomania applies to many leaders in Lebanon too, like aoun and Nassi.

  10.  Avatar

    I think megalomania applies to many leaders in Lebanon too, like aoun and Nassi.

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