Russia slams UN Syria draft resolution


A top Russian diplomat has assailed a Western-Arab draft U.N. resolution on Syria as pushing the country on the “path to civil war.”

“The Western draft Security Council resolution on Syria does not lead to a search for compromise,” Deputy Foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov wrote on Twitter on Tuesday. “Pushing this resolution is a path to civil war.”

Gatilov in an interview with the Interfax news agency also criticized the draft resolution as “leaving a window of opportunity for intervention in Syrian affairs.”

Russia has been an active supporter of Syrian President Bashar Assad, although Russian diplomats hosted Syrian opposition leaders late last year. Russia is now inviting both parties for peace talks in Moscow.




10 responses to “Russia slams UN Syria draft resolution”

  1. Where are the “Hala’biyi”…The people of Aleppo: When are you going to wake up? When they arrest another 100 of your “shabab”, as they did yesterday, or when they return them to you, on your doorsteps, with a bullet in their heads? Wake up you idiots, before it is too late for you to wake up….!!! 

  2. Where are the “Hala’biyi”…The people of Aleppo: When are you going to wake up? When they arrest another 100 of your “shabab”, as they did yesterday, or when they return them to you, on your doorsteps, with a bullet in their heads? Wake up you idiots, before it is too late for you to wake up….!!! 

  3. Where are the “Hala’biyi”…The people of Aleppo: When are you going to wake up? When they arrest another 100 of your “shabab”, as they did yesterday, or when they return them to you, on your doorsteps, with a bullet in their heads? Wake up you idiots, before it is too late for you to wake up….!!! 

  4. wargame1 Avatar

    The Free Syrian Army is gaining ground , I have seen video of four destroyed tank of Assad yesterday on youtube. The situation is changing fast. Its a long struggle but the free Syrian Army is doing good now. All Syrian people should join the free Syrian Army and help them. The Army defection is on the rise. Russian are greedy war monger , they will be defeated in Syria. The Assad and his Allawite , Iranian malignant regime, Hezbushaitan and the Russians all of them will be defeated in Syria inshallah. No matter how strong they are the support of Allah is for the righteous and for the oppressed. Allah hu Akhbar. 

  5.  Avatar

    The Free Syrian Army is gaining ground , I have seen video of four destroyed tank of Assad yesterday on youtube. The situation is changing fast. Its a long struggle but the free Syrian Army is doing good now. All Syrian people should join the free Syrian Army and help them. The Army defection is on the rise. Russian are greedy war monger , they will be defeated in Syria. The Assad and his Allawite , Iranian malignant regime, Hezbushaitan and the Russians all of them will be defeated in Syria inshallah. No matter how strong they are the support of Allah is for the righteous and for the oppressed. Allah hu Akhbar. 

  6. Patience2 Avatar

    The UN ‘should’ slam Russia for being the ‘puke-hole’ that it has proven its self to be!

  7.  Avatar

    The UN ‘should’ slam Russia for being the ‘puke-hole’ that it has proven its self to be!

  8. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Russia – with a military base there – should be careful about who it’s going to be receiving a black eye from in the near future.

  9. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Russia – with a military base there – should be careful about who it’s going to be receiving a black eye from in the near future.

  10.  Avatar

    Russia – with a military base there – should be careful about who it’s going to be receiving a black eye from in the near future.

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