Hariri ‘ashamed’ of Lebanon’s vote over Syria’s suspension by AL


Reacting to Lebanon’s vote at the Arab league against suspending Syria’s membership over the bloodshed , former Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri said on Saturday on his Twitter page that he is , as a Lebanese citizen, “ashamed” of the government’s position saying it does not represent the will of the Lebanese people.

Hariri welcomed the decision of The Arab League after it voted Saturday to suspend Syria and warned that the country could face sanctions if it did not end its crackdown against anti-government protesters.

The Arab League’s Saturday decision is a “victory” for the League, Hariri said, adding that the decision “proves that the Arabs can act on the world stage, starting with their own turf.”

“Finally the Arabs assumed their responsibilities regarding the plight of the Syrian people seeking freedom, democracy and dignity.” He added

“It is time for us to bow our heads in prayer [and honor] the memory of all those who have fallen on the way to freedom and particularly in Syria,” Hariri added.

Asked if the decision will affect Lebanon’s security, Hariri said “I hope not and anyone trying to hit the stability will be exposed by all the Lebanese and Arabs immediately.”

18 of the Arab nations supported the move, while Lebanon, Syria and Yemen objected and Iraq abstained from voting.

Lebanese cabinet is dominated by Hezbollah , a close ally of Iran and Syria.



6 responses to “Hariri ‘ashamed’ of Lebanon’s vote over Syria’s suspension by AL”

  1. Thats because it was Iran’s vote, not Lebanon’s.. Pretty sad..

  2. Thats because it was Iran’s vote, not Lebanon’s.. Pretty sad..

  3. just wait ,the revenge plate has to be eaten cold, wait on your doorstep and you’ll see the killer of your father Bashar in a coffin passing by , very,very,very soon!!!

  4. just wait ,the revenge plate has to be eaten cold, wait on your doorstep and you’ll see the killer of your father Bashar in a coffin passing by , very,very,very soon!!!

  5. Patience2 Avatar

    I’d like to believe the vote wasn’t Lebanon’s but that of Hezbo-Syrio-Iran.  I think better of true Lebanese.

  6.  Avatar

    I’d like to believe the vote wasn’t Lebanon’s but that of Hezbo-Syrio-Iran.  I think better of true Lebanese.

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