IDAL vice-chairman’s death: Assassination or stray bullet?


The vice chairman of the government run Investment Development Authority for Lebanon (IDAL) Board of Directors, Haoulou Tleiss, “was killed by a bullet that pierced his head … while he was driving his car in Verdun, Beirut,” An-Nahar quoted the preliminary investigation into Tleiss’ death.

“Preliminary investigation shows that [Tleiss] was killed by a bullet before his car hit a tree on Wednesday night … A bullet broke through the car’s top…but it has not been clear yet whether the bullet was a stray bullet or an intended assassination by a sniper,” the report said.

Previous media reports said that Tleiss died in a car accident.

He was due to be married this weekend, a source close to Tleiss said.



11 responses to “IDAL vice-chairman’s death: Assassination or stray bullet?”

  1. اي دمع يكفكف هذا الموت…كيف تتعرى الأيام منك وأنت ما زلت بحاجة الى الوقت ونحن ما زلنا بحاجة الى الفرح الذي يشع من عينيك وطرحة العروس تنتظر قبلتك ويديك…حبيبي يا هولو…أطفأني هذا الرحيل…سنلتقي في عرسك على ايقاع القلوب والزغاريد والنحيب والمناديل…ولكن الفارق في المكان…أنت الذي تعشقك الأمكنة والمواويل….سنلتقي….سيان أكان المكان في البيال …..أم في بريتال….. الله يرحمك يا حبيبي

  2. اي دمع يكفكف هذا الموت…كيف تتعرى الأيام منك وأنت ما زلت بحاجة الى الوقت ونحن ما زلنا بحاجة الى الفرح الذي يشع من عينيك وطرحة العروس تنتظر قبلتك ويديك…حبيبي يا هولو…أطفأني هذا الرحيل…سنلتقي في عرسك على ايقاع القلوب والزغاريد والنحيب والمناديل…ولكن الفارق في المكان…أنت الذي تعشقك الأمكنة والمواويل….سنلتقي….سيان أكان المكان في البيال …..أم في بريتال….. الله يرحمك يا حبيبي

  3. 5thDrawer Avatar

    All those damn Libyans pumping lead into the heavens while celebrating … amazing how far it travels. 😉

  4.  Avatar

    All those damn Libyans pumping lead into the heavens while celebrating … amazing how far it travels. 😉

  5. lebanesesam Avatar

    There is no way in hell a stray bullet can go through a car roof, unless it was shot from a close distance. The poor guy was definetly shot by someone who intended to do that – Bunch of crap. I don’t know you or heard of you, but Allah Yerhamak

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Well, it’s clear he knew something about the county’s finances … and they didn’t want him to talk. No forensics in this short article anyway … the hole in the roof could be the exit hole as far as the info here goes.

  6. lebanesesam Avatar

    There is no way in hell a stray bullet can go through a car roof, unless it was shot from a close distance. The poor guy was definetly shot by someone who intended to do that – Bunch of crap. I don’t know you or heard of you, but Allah Yerhamak

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Well, it’s clear he knew something about the county’s finances … and they didn’t want him to talk. No forensics in this short article anyway … the hole in the roof could be the exit hole as far as the info here goes.

  7.  Avatar

    There is no way in hell a stray bullet can go through a car roof, unless it was shot from a close distance. The poor guy was definetly shot by someone who intended to do that – Bunch of crap. I don’t know you or heard of you, but Allah Yerhamak

    1.  Avatar

      Well, it’s clear he knew something about the county’s finances … and they didn’t want him to talk. No forensics in this short article anyway … the hole in the roof could be the exit hole as far as the info here goes.

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