Hariri is in Riyadh… no plans to meet Jumblatt in Paris


Former PM and opposition leader MP Saad Hariri told al Anhar newspaper that he is currently in Riyadh , Saudi Arabia and denied having any appointments to see anyone in Paris, contrary to what has been reported in local media

Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblatt headed to Paris on Saturday to attend the wedding of former Minister Ghassan Salameh’s daughter according to PSP sources.

Local newspaper reported on Friday of a possible meeting between Jumblatt Hariri during his stay in Paris . The reports also indicated that MP Marwan Hamade is expected to attend the meeting.

The relationship between the two leaders was severed following Jumblatt’s realignment with the Hezbollah-led March 8 alliance earlier this year which gave the coalition a parliamentary majority.

Jumblatt, who said he wants to be considered a centrist politician in the government along with President Michel Suleiman and Prime Minister Najib Mikati, has recently made statements that are in contradiction to March 8 positions, drawing speculation that the PSP leader could be switching alliances.
