MP Saad calls for keeping the current electoral law


March 14 MP Antoine Saad told the Akhbar al-Yawm news agency on Saturday that the current electoral law is much better than the proposed law which is based on proportional representation.

“The current electoral law is much better than the proposed proportional law, and better than other proposals,” he said

Saad rejected a third proposal in which calls for each sect to elect its own MPs, claiming it would lead to greater sectarian divisions .

He added that, “This proposal will violate the Taif Accord which is considered the basic reference for any agreement between the Lebanese people after the civil war.”

Lebanese political parties are debating a new electoral law for the upcoming 2013 parliamentary elections. Some political parties such as the PSP has opposed the proposed law which is based on proportional representation and is insisting on keeping the 2009 electoral law, which is based on simple majority representation, some Christian parties are concerned that Shiites and Sunnis are electing their Christian representatives and therefore want each sect to elect its own representatives
