One of 4 accused in Hariri murder: They know where I am


During a recent conversation with a Hezbollah source, a TIME reporter found himself introduced to one of the four members of the organization accused of playing a role in the assassination of Lebanon’s former PM Rafik Hariri.

The accused man arrived alone aboard a scooter at the home of his Hezbollah comrade. While discussing the indictments, he revealed his true identity and confirmed it by showing an old ID card, but agreed to be interviewed only on condition that neither his name nor the location be revealed.

TIME: Why did you agree to this interview?

I want to send a message to the world that I wasn’t involved in the assassination of Rafik Hariri and that all the charges attributed to me are empty.

TIME: But what can you say about the cellphone data analysis?

Everyone knows that the Mossad can manipulate the cellphone data with the help of spies, and some of the spies were arrested which gives clear evidence that Israel can manipulate the telecommunications data. If the tribunal was built on [genuine] evidence I would have given myself [up] from the first day.

TIME: Let’s go back to the day of the assassination. Where were you on February 14, 2005?

I was carrying out my [military] work and I cannot reveal where, but I can prove that I wasn’t in the area of [the] Saint George [Hotel], the place of the assassination, and I was at least an hour-and-a-half away from that area.

TIME: Then you deny your participation in this terrorist act?

Absolutely. I was even surprised when I heard the news that Hariri was assassinated, and I stopped with a friend of mine in one of the coffee shops to watch it on TV. And the next day I went to my work as usual and people saw me. If I had participated in the assassination I would have taken more measures.

TIME: After the formation of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon, did you expect you would be among the four defendants?

For several years, Syria was accused of the assassination, and the whole international community encircled Syria on this basis. But after Syria’s cooperation with the international community, Hezbollah was accused of the assassination and they put our names as the killers.

TIME: Why don’t you hand yourself over to the Tribunal?

I will not turn myself in to a tribunal the main goal of which is to end Hezbollah and not … [to] reveal the [identity] of the real assassins. This is a politicized admitted to even by some of its members. If they are looking for the truth, let them search somewhere else than Lebanon. Let them go to neighboring countries and they will find the real suspects.

TIME: Do you mean Syria?

Of course not. They have to go to Israel which has the first and only interest in the killing of Hariri. Can’t you see that the only beneficiary from this assassination is Israel and its allies?

TIME: Do you think Hezbollah will deliver you to the Tribunal?

If I was guilty, Hezbollah would have turned me over from the first day to the so-called international justice. I said it once and will repeat it for the last time: I am innocent of all charges against me.

TIME: The Lebanese authorities are also looking for you.

The Lebanese authorities know where I live, and if they wanted to arrest me they would have done it a long time ago. Simply, they cannot.

TIME: What do you think will happen to the Tribunal?

Since the day of its formation, the Tribunal has had no credibility. I am sure it will continue, but Lebanon will not execute any of its resolutions. The international community has to find a better way to end the Resistance [Hezbollah], Syria, and Iran.

TIME: What are your future plans?

I will continue living my ordinary life without giving any attention to the Tribunal and any of its resolutions.




25 responses to “One of 4 accused in Hariri murder: They know where I am”

  1. kindman242 Avatar

    Making mockery of justice and the Tribunal does not make you innocent you shiite bastard, you will face the justice you deserve , and you and your Hezbillah will be destroyed, so called ressistance, its against the people in Lebanon, that is the resistance, and who authorize you and Hezbollah to speak on behalf of Lebanon and decide on matters that is for all the sects in Lebanon have the right to a Say in Lebanon and its matter of conflict with Israel, Go to Hell that where you will end up, you and Hezbollah, Allah willing.

    1. The tribunal took six years to come up with very weak circumstantial evidence that neither directly implicates the four accused nor refutes the counterargument that Israel was involved. Six years and they could not find direct evidence? They are putting Lebanon on the verge of conflict over an indictment that would not hold up in any courtroom in the United States. Secondly, the “Shiite bastards” in the Jnoub and in the Dahieh are the only ones that have truly suffered as a result of Israeli Aggresion. Remember, the South was occupied from 1982 until 2000. Who was going to help the Shia then? The rest of the country turned a blind eye as “the Shiite Bastards” were routinely bombed in their villages and apartments. In fact, it is well known that Bashar Gemayel, the one who Pahalangists massacred women and children over, invited Israel to invade Lebanon, and suggested they occupy the Jnoub for “security reasons” (settlements). Just in case you didn’t know that.

      1. antar2011 Avatar

        your post is full of hate, you are a lost case.
        1- learn some thing about prosectution and the judicial process
        2-these evidence are NOT the whole thing….
        3- there is one direct evidence and that is the terrorist who blew himself up did not belong to Abu Al 3abss

        more evidence to follow.

  2.  Avatar

    Making mockery of justice and the Tribunal does not make you innocent you shiite bastard, you will face the justice you deserve , and you and your Hezbillah will be destroyed, so called ressistance, its against the people in Lebanon, that is the resistance, and who authorize you and Hezbollah to speak on behalf of Lebanon and decide on matters that is for all the sects in Lebanon have the right to a Say in Lebanon and its matter of conflict with Israel, Go to Hell that where you will end up, you and Hezbollah, Allah willing.

    1. The tribunal took six years to come up with very weak circumstantial evidence that neither directly implicates the four accused nor refutes the counterargument that Israel was involved. Six years and they could not find direct evidence? They are putting Lebanon on the verge of conflict over an indictment that would not hold up in any courtroom in the United States. Secondly, the “Shiite bastards” in the Jnoub and in the Dahieh are the only ones that have truly suffered as a result of Israeli Aggresion. Remember, the South was occupied from 1982 until 2000. Who was going to help the Shia then? The rest of the country turned a blind eye as “the Shiite Bastards” were routinely bombed in their villages and apartments. In fact, it is well known that Bashar Gemayel, the one who Pahalangists massacred women and children over, invited Israel to invade Lebanon, and suggested they occupy the Jnoub for “security reasons” (settlements). Just in case you didn’t know that.

      1.  Avatar

        your post is full of hate, you are a lost case.
        1- learn some thing about prosectution and the judicial process
        2-these evidence are NOT the whole thing….
        3- there is one direct evidence and that is the terrorist who blew himself up did not belong to Abu Al 3abss

        more evidence to follow.

  3. Go share a bunker with Mr.Fat N. Pasty.. You guys can make speeches and video’s together.
    That is until Israel finds you..
    One way or another, you will pay for your crimes against the people of Lebanon.

  4. Go share a bunker with Mr.Fat N. Pasty.. You guys can make speeches on video’s together.
    That is until Israel finds you..
    One way or another, you will pay for your crimes against the people of Lebanon.

  5. 5thDrawer Avatar

    The next guy will say he loaned his phone to a buddy who’s name he can’t recall.
    Reporters always love the ‘inside’ stories …

  6.  Avatar

    The next guy will say he loaned his phone to a buddy who’s name he can’t recall.
    Reporters always love the ‘inside’ stories …

  7. YoussefHaddad Avatar

    Hezbollah has stated that this interview is fabricated! Could you please publish some evidence about the interview to give deny hezbollah an opportunity from distorting the facts again.

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      We know reporters never reveal sources … although their editors are supposed to ask … but then, there’s some …

  8.  Avatar

    Hezbollah has stated that this interview is fabricated! Could you please publish some evidence about the interview to give deny hezbollah an opportunity from distorting the facts again.

    1.  Avatar

      We know reporters never reveal sources … although their editors are supposed to ask … but then, there’s some …

  9. antar2011 Avatar

    well this man has to excuse us if we do not believe him….his boss is known now for distortion of facts.

    what’s more disappointing is HA’s reply to Harriri yesterday had no real content except personal attack on Harriri.

  10.  Avatar

    well this man has to excuse us if we do not believe him….his boss is known now for distortion of facts.

    what’s more disappointing is HA’s reply to Harriri yesterday had no real content except personal attack on Harriri.

  11. Fauzia45 Avatar

    Full of contradictions!

  12.  Avatar

    Full of contradictions!

  13. andre2011 Avatar

    It seems that this killer is a naive person. He is brainwashed. He waits for orders to kill any one even his family. This is one of the those trained by By Iran. Hopefully, The Tyrant of syria, who is the running dog of Iran, will face same destiny like Mubarak and Gadafi. Then Lebanon, Syria, The whole Middle East will be safe from a big SATAN.

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Nice thought … not likely to ever happen. Needs some kind of amazing change to open education and free thought.
      And then, an agreement on laws which protect that, and the individual who harms no-one by speaking.

    2. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Nice thought … not likely to ever happen. Needs some kind of amazing change to open education and free thought.
      And then, an agreement on laws which protect that, and the individual who harms no-one by speaking.

  14.  Avatar

    It seems that this killer is a naive person. He is brainwashed. He waits for orders to kill any one even his family. This is one of the those trained by By Iran. Hopefully, The Tyrant of syria, who is the running dog of Iran, will face same destiny like Mubarak and Gadafi. Then Lebanon, Syria, The whole Middle East will be safe from a big SATAN.

    1.  Avatar

      Nice thought … not likely to ever happen.

  15. andre2011 Avatar

    I strongly beleive that the greatest DEVIL is The Syrian Bachar. Once Bachar is down the drain, justice will better prevail in Syria, Lebanon and Palestine.There will be no place for criminals to hide. Even Jund Allah will find themselves in a HELL in Iran.

  16.  Avatar

    I strongly beleive that the greatest DEVIL is The Syrian Bachar. Once Bachar is down the drain, justice will better prevail in Syria, Lebanon and Palestine.There will be no place for criminals to hide. Even Jund Allah will find themselves in a HELL in Iran.

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