Jumblatt urges Assad to implement radical changes


Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblatt who recently switched alliance from March 14 to Syria urged Syrian President Bashar Assad in his weekly editorial to take “immediate measures in implementing radical change to confront the challenges facing Syria.”

Jumblatt described Assad in his PSP’s al-Anbaa weekly editorial as courageous and said : “These changes will help fulfill the people’s legitimate demands and prevent Syria from falling victim to division.”

“Syria is passing through an historic phase that will not only have repercussions on its internal scene, but Lebanon and the region,” he noted.

Jumblatt also stressed the need to launch dialogue among all factions in Syria, away from violence.

Jumblatt in his appeal to Assad also told him: “This is not the first time you faced challenges . You faced many challenges during the past few years and you had the courage to overcome them”

Assad is reportedly determined to crush the 2 month old revolt, which is the gravest challenge to his family’s 40-year-old ruling dynasty.

More than 926 protesters have reportedly been killed and thousands have been jailed since the uprising began according to human rights groups.

In addition Syria is witnessing a campaign of mass arrests since the uprising began . More than 7,000 Syrians were arbitrarily detained and thrown into prisons, according to a count by activists who contacted detainees’ family and friends. The majority of the detainees have also reportedly been tortured .

“Syrian security is now releasing detainees with unhealed wounds caused by torture in order to spread panic and fear among people hoping it will reduce the numbers participating in demonstrations,” Wissam Tarif, Director of Insan, a leading Syrian human rights organization, which has documented cases of torture told al Jazeera



10 responses to “Jumblatt urges Assad to implement radical changes”

  1. Sebouh80 Avatar

    A feudal lord urging Assad to implement radical changes. LOL.

    What about Lebanon Mr.Walid?


    1. kareemthehippy Avatar

      Jumblat is one of many feudal lords in Lebanon

  2. Sebouh80 Avatar

    A feudal lord urging Assad to implement radical changes. LOL.

    What about Lebanon Mr.Walid?


  3.  Avatar

    A feudal lord urging Assad to implement radical changes. LOL.

    What about Lebanon Mr.Walid?


    1.  Avatar

      Jumblat is one of many feudal lords in Lebanon

  4. 316909 Avatar

    Seems like the winds are changing for Jumblat again. 

  5.  Avatar

    Seems like the winds are changing for Jumblat again. 

  6. josephphdman Avatar

    president assad should understand very clear that : that he is either with the us or with hezbollah he could,nt be with both at the same time ,1983 hezbollah send a suiside bomber to kill 283 americans peacekeepers in beirut and the order came from iran ,
    hezbollah is terrorrist organization installed by iran in lebanon against the will of the lebaneese people and the lebaneese state
    asad should understand that he help terrorrist who killed americans and send them weapons  he  is as guilty as they are .
    so he has to choose to separate himself from hezbollah  and also help the us bring them to justice . or he will not survive .
    i do,nt think there is any other option for him ,even this one it could be little late.; he could possibly order the syrian army to go in lebanon and disarm hezbollah by force in a desperate attempt . i think he will be frorgiven by the us but he has to do it now ( disarm hezbollsh and bring them to justice ) and it will be his last gamble to hold on to power or else , its over for him.
    if that was hafez asad decision as geneous poiltician as he was he would have chosen this option to disarm hezbollah by any means and bring them to justice so he could save his own neck. .

  7. josephphdman Avatar

    president assad should understand very clear that : that he is either with the us or with hezbollah he could,nt be with both at the same time ,1983 hezbollah send a suiside bomber to kill 283 americans peacekeepers in beirut and the order came from iran ,
    hezbollah is terrorrist organization installed by iran in lebanon against the will of the lebaneese people and the lebaneese state
    asad should understand that he help terrorrist who killed americans and send them weapons  he  is as guilty as they are .
    so he has to choose to separate himself from hezbollah  and also help the us bring them to justice . or he will not survive .
    i do,nt think there is any other option for him ,even this one it could be little late.; he could possibly order the syrian army to go in lebanon and disarm hezbollah by force in a desperate attempt . i think he will be frorgiven by the us but he has to do it now ( disarm hezbollsh and bring them to justice ) and it will be his last gamble to hold on to power or else , its over for him.
    if that was hafez asad decision as geneous poiltician as he was he would have chosen this option to disarm hezbollah by any means and bring them to justice so he could save his own neck. .

  8.  Avatar

    president assad should understand very clear that : that he is either with the us or with hezbollah he could,nt be with both at the same time ,1983 hezbollah send a suiside bomber to kill 283 americans peacekeepers in beirut and the order came from iran ,
    hezbollah is terrorrist organization installed by iran in lebanon against the will of the lebaneese people and the lebaneese state
    asad should understand that he help terrorrist who killed americans and send them weapons  he  is as guilty as they are .
    so he has to choose to separate himself from hezbollah  and also help the us bring them to justice . or he will not survive .
    i do,nt think there is any other option for him ,even this one it could be little late.

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